View Full Version : Triax Multiblock Advice?

18-08-2007, 06:23 PM
Just fitted a Triax Multiblock to an 80cm dish. The four LNBs are set to receive 1West , 5East, 13East, and 19East. Problem is the manual doesn't say which LNB to set first. At present all I'm getting is 28.2East which is way off.

Anyone got experience with this setup?



18-08-2007, 07:14 PM
1st off move dish to the right, as the sats are 1 2 3 4 u want to set the middle one first or 5e and 13e so looking a the dish from front. lnb on left is 1w then lnb on far right is 19east but holder may have to be tilted at an angle tp get all sats. However with satellites u get a mirror image eg left is right and right is left if u know what i mean.

i am doing what you are attempting in the next week so hope u get it working and tell me what to do.

good luck.


so just to add, by my reckoning the lnb on the right as you look if for 1w and so on.


18-08-2007, 11:28 PM
The question is whether I set 13east as my first satellite fix. Then I assume the others will automatically come in loud and clear because they were factory set. I will try that when it stops Bl***Y well raining. What a Summer.

If all goes well will report findings.


18-08-2007, 11:30 PM
5 east is the weakest so ideally that is your focal point , or maybe say 7 east or 10 east as focal point which splits it around halfway

19-08-2007, 05:58 PM
Hold everything. Mount is off centre. Have to get proper bolts for the fixing tomorrow to make cetain its absolutely perpendicular. That's why i could get 28.2 and nothing else. Funny thing that getting the mounting absolutely right. Never fails.

will report later.


19-08-2007, 06:20 PM
would it not be 1w all others are to the east of 1w but I could be wrong never done more than two lnb's on one dish prefer motor

21-08-2007, 02:58 PM
Okay. Got the two easiest set perfectly. Left it at that last night. Cutting the grass now while I can. Then I'll tweak to get 5East and instead of 1West will probably set that to 16East for DigitAlb.

The basics still apply. Used a Hirschmann 90degree mount of the south facing wall with a Triax dish and arm which matches the Triax Multiblock.

Amazing how difficult it is to get the thing absolutely level. not helped by a pebble dashed wall!!! However got it bang on then the signals came in. First on 13east at a Declination of 26Degrees in Dublin South for an 80Cm dish. That goes up to 44Degrees on my Triax1.1.

Going to mark the existing 13east and 19East on the aluminium bar then move the Lnbs around. That way I can always find my original settings.
