View Full Version : Just ordered one of these babies

20-08-2007, 10:29 PM
So Ill be doing a lot of reading and probably what might seem silly question asking.:D

Looking forward to learning from all those in the know.

Any tips or general advice before I start ploughing my way through the stickies?

I know Echelon has one of these so I think Im in safe hands with knowledge. Infact it was after reading a few of his posts about the 9100 that swayed me to go that way and upgrade from my humax 5400.

20-08-2007, 11:05 PM
just read the stickies and ask mate! its a tight learning curve but stick at it!
this has to be one of the best and most capable boxes on the market

ps welcome to the club!

21-08-2007, 03:35 PM
having been away from satellite and my last box was a hummy as well, I went and bought the 9100 super and although it has a bit of a learning curve you will not be dissapointed.

So ask away:D:D

21-08-2007, 10:04 PM
when you do the most stable image in my opinion is ur009beta2
10 has sorted some bits but not quite as stable


22-08-2007, 12:14 PM
tr8,I will second that comment,prefer 009beta2,but the teams are working on new images all the time and every release gets us closer to where we want to be.
Anyone buying one of these and can get through the initial problems of new jargon,using unix and the new tools will be rewarded with the most progressive box in the sat world at the moment.

22-08-2007, 05:16 PM
yep 3 rd that 09 beta 2. :)

22-08-2007, 05:54 PM
still at betas??
I thought they would have sorted it by now.

22-08-2007, 06:42 PM
Still hasnt arrived yet but hopefully before the weekend as I have a few days off work now. :)

23-08-2007, 02:52 AM
Beta 2 UR10 for me has been perfect,no black screens on channels that shpould be open,no reboots and no lip sync problems.

24-08-2007, 01:15 PM
atm im learning my sat skills using a SS2 in a pc setup at my fathers because i cant put up a dish here as im renting, but with house hunting going alright hopefully i will have my own place to shove up my 80cm dish , get it motorised and get one of these 9100. they look great!
i have been reading anything i can get my hands in the hope i can get one of these soon and have an idea what i can do with it when it comes :P

24-08-2007, 03:47 PM
Well things have gone pretty well since it arrived yesterday.

Ive banged on "Iboot" and UR_010_Beta2 after some initial connection problems. scanned a load of channels after setting up the motor using the usuals option. I used the green button to leech everything in sight.

Premiere works a treat but I've had no joy with Taquillas at all ,any tips on this one?

Ive also leeched some settings using the nabilo dreambox plugin unfortunately they are Italian so I need to find and load some more.

Im going to take the 80GB HD out of my old Sly+ box and bang that in later.

What Softcams do you guys use ? Im using evocamd 2.16+newCS1.20 on Premiere . Do you use certain softcams for certain packets ie a separate one for Taquillas?

24-08-2007, 03:55 PM
use mgccam1.24 that should be fine for all open packages at the moment (prem d+ tps absat ect)
this will work well with the key updaters found in the green pannel

24-08-2007, 04:07 PM
use mgccam1.24 that should be fine for all open packages at the moment (prem d+ tps absat ect)
this will work well with the key updaters found in the green pannel

As before only Premiere clearing.

24-08-2007, 04:23 PM
check you keys mate, you should have no problems clearing with this emu and the latest key bundles.

i have sometimes found that i need to restart the emu when changing providers (not all the time tho) just hit the blue button then accept to restart the emu

24-08-2007, 04:31 PM
Use the Satan or Sin Keys updater at the bottom of the list forget the rest there crap


24-08-2007, 05:24 PM
Some are working now but not Taquillas .

I need to get a new settings list on my box but I cant connect using Dreambox edit for some reason. Is there anything else I can use to load settings?

24-08-2007, 05:41 PM
It would be best to solve why you cant connect using dreamboxedit, but there is an alternative called dreamset

Also if you put the settings folder in DCC install directory and add the folder name to DCC.ini you can use that to upload them

eg ; if I wanted to upload likra settings I would add this to the DCC.ini and put likra folder in DCC install directory



24-08-2007, 06:35 PM
It would be best to solve why you cant connect using dreamboxedit, but there is an alternative called dreamset

Also if you put the settings folder in DCC install directory and add the folder name to DCC.ini you can use that to upload them

eg ; if I wanted to upload likra settings I would add this to the DCC.ini and put likra folder in DCC install directory



Cant connect using any ftp method seems to be password problem ie 530.

Cant change password using tcc6 as no matter what I change it too it says its not allowed.

24-08-2007, 06:43 PM
If your using UR or Juliet then there is no password so leave it blank

You will have to set a password to upload settings so use tcc put the new password and leave current password empty


24-08-2007, 06:45 PM
Have you tried not using a password?

Usually not needed unless you have changed it.

Leave password blank or hit spacebar once, and enter.

24-08-2007, 07:04 PM
If your using UR or Juliet then there is no password so leave it blank

You will have to set a password to upload settings so use tcc put the new password and leave current password empty


Thanks very much it worked a treat. :)

27-08-2007, 08:33 PM
I had a lot of trouble getting Taquillas to clear but Ive finally managed it. :)

Its wierd really because all I did was load the exact same set of settings again and it work instantly , God knows why but it worked. :)