View Full Version : C band / Ku band LNB

23-08-2007, 03:05 PM
Is there an LNB which can receive both C band and Ku band channels ?

If there isn't, how is it possible to get both of these apart from physically changing the LNB everytime you wanted to change from C band to Ku band ?

Anyone know ?


23-08-2007, 03:34 PM

Yes there is the Corrotor Ku and C-band in one.

Glenn (911)

23-08-2007, 06:22 PM
the corrotor2 allows you to attach two lnb's to it ku+c I have one here somewhere there is an lnb on the market that has c/ku in one unit try eagle electronics i'm not sure if it gives you access to the full band in ku I change the lnb from c to ku quite easy and quick less loss that way try chapperal for the corrotor2

23-08-2007, 09:31 PM
I have one of these Yuri dual band systems shown in the attached pictures. Not as sensitive on receive as single band units but thats to be expected and on C-Band there is no depolarising plate so it doesnt like circular polarised signals but it isnt a bad compromise if you want dual bands in one unit.

I prefer to nip out and swap LNB's due to much better perofrmance.

25-08-2007, 09:58 AM
Yes you can here is a good cheap c/ku lnb my friend is has one on his 2.0m dish in london and it works fine


Is there an LNB which can receive both C band and Ku band channels ?

If there isn't, how is it possible to get both of these apart from physically changing the LNB everytime you wanted to change from C band to Ku band ?

Anyone know ?
