View Full Version : hard drive won t record ..

24-08-2007, 06:11 PM
hi ... i have just fitted a maxtor hd for the tm 9100 .. and it comes up working in the hardrive set up... but when i try to record using the red button it justs dosent record ... it says dosen t reconize file system ... i don t know if i have fitted wrong .. connected long lead and short lead yellow black and white lead aswell... their seems to be one port left on hd... it also seems to only fit on bracket .....with the circuit board facing down ... i sort of don t know wheir i have gone wrong ....:confused:

24-08-2007, 06:23 PM
First the drive has to be set to master so look at Menu > Information > About and make sure it says master

Have you formated the drive in Ext3 using the TM9100 ?


24-08-2007, 06:50 PM
thanks for reply m8 it does says master and i am trying to format on ext 3 ... i have come across the menu formatting disc .... reboot please wait ..:)do i reboot now or just wait thanks ... cheers lee

24-08-2007, 07:00 PM
yeah mate its failed to format on ext 3 i wonder if i should do the dreaded factory rest ...:eek:

25-08-2007, 01:12 AM
If I were you I would take the drive backout and check it with windows.
Also have you read the guide on using your PC HD for recording using CIFS.
Having done this myself I can tell you that it is more reliable than having the drive in the unit due to the heat caused by the drive especially if it is a new HD running at 7200rpm as the unit does appear not to like these because they run to hot for the most part.


25-08-2007, 01:30 AM
Every time a new beta image comes out on TM9100, I have to reformat my HDD to enable it to record.

Never had to do that with my Dreambox in the many years that I have had it. :eek:

The 9100 is a joke receiver.:D

25-08-2007, 01:56 AM
Every time a new beta image comes out on TM9100, I have to reformat my HDD to enable it to record.
Strange I have never had to do this. I am running 4 images from flash and all of them will read and write to the HD. The only one I had problems with was DS3.2 until I figured out that they had turned off the HD by default in the expert setup.


25-08-2007, 06:52 AM
thanks folks .. i am gonna start from scratch again .. and do a bit of reading up .. see what happens thank you :)

11-09-2007, 12:07 AM
it not red button its the one below the play sombody forgot to put ink in the pen.pilsner

11-09-2007, 02:14 PM
I had problems with DS3.3 in iboot with 009 in flash. I have gone back to UR 10 beta 2 in flash. Waiting for Technomate 010 image, anytime now? hehe

11-09-2007, 05:19 PM
ds 3.3 is mint love it still learning back at school with this box wish id bought dream box 3yrs ago.pilsner

15-09-2007, 09:02 PM
No you dont have to format hdd everytime you have install a new image.I have 3 tm 9100 and have never had to format a drive when i have installed a new image.Fecking sick of people calling tm crap.My box never freezes and i can watch everything EVERYTHING

15-09-2007, 09:05 PM
People should learn how to use tm 9100 before posting things like have to format my 9100 with every new image installed