View Full Version : has old faithful had its time?

27-08-2007, 03:07 PM
hi pimps, just came back from a crackin weekends campin and noticed just a number 8 on the old echostars display? tried movin channels up down and re-bootin but nothin? seems the old girl has locked up. so i powered down from the mains waited about 20 secs and re-powered. now as with all the echos ive had it makes like a clickin sound twice when it powers up the same as when the dish moves ( i think its the actuator setting itself up) well thiss went once then just kept clickin and the digital display was goin like wappy? is the old faithful tired and dead or is there summat i can do to save her? shes been absolutely brilliant over the yrs and il be sorry to see her go tbh.
any ideas plz or as any body else had this happen with theirs? echostar ad3000ip.
cheers for readin and best regards, to all, adamx.

27-08-2007, 03:32 PM
my brother had one with the same problem asked someone to have a look at it never see it again he said he lost it his quote was as it was worthless it mattered not did not want to do time I walked away

27-08-2007, 04:08 PM
er thanks for reply i think ??????? :confused:

27-08-2007, 04:16 PM
hi to all at satpimps forum

my first post here --been a member for a month or so
i know of a reliable sat box repair specialist in manchester

am i alowed to pass on their name on this forum ?

i must add i have no connection to this company other than having used them on a few occasions for repairs and found them good to deal withand not to expensive

regards c.c.

27-08-2007, 04:55 PM
new receivers are so cheap these days hardly worth the repair but most are lacking the all important 36V output but there are ways aroud this sorry I cant help with your specific fault others will know more hopefully

27-08-2007, 10:54 PM
i ave a tm 1600 too but was skivyin off the echo as actuator. its no big deal as ive got a v box as well just never been bothered to run it in . looks like il ave to crack the wrappin on me vbox after all. thanks anyway satwyn. regards, adamx.

27-08-2007, 10:57 PM
summat else ive just noticed , when i fire the old devil up its showin 10 00 on the channel display b4 it settles on the channel its locked on. does this mean anything? cheers again, adamx.

fred fickle
27-08-2007, 11:09 PM
Reload the latest software m8 and it may work for you,I have one as a spare and it some times goes a bit barmy movin the channels around different sats but still works good.

28-08-2007, 02:06 PM
will do fred cheers for that m8, rgds adamx.

07-09-2007, 01:04 PM
@ chorelycat - thats a good outfit you have recommended there for local repairs in Manchester area

07-09-2007, 02:48 PM
I`ve been running an ad3000ip for years and have had a few power supply faults, it could be that. There was a supplier of DIY repair kits (all the components needed to do the repair for about £8) but unfortunately I can`t remember the web site. Try g**gle, think thats what i did and it worked for me.
Good luck, it`s a great reciever.

07-09-2007, 02:56 PM
it was a power supply prob bass in the end mate thanks for replys guys, all sorted now. rgds, adamx.