View Full Version : diseq switch on motorised system

01-09-2007, 05:32 PM
Hi all

I am moving back to my flat soon and was after some info on my setup.

I have a dreambox and 1mtr motorised dish that goes at the end of the garden and can get everything from 19e to 30w. On the wall of the house is a sly dish at 28e. I know it sounds weird but due to my view of the south being blocked by various obstacles i need 2 dishes.

My question is do i just get a diseq switch and run the 2 cables into it then into the dreambox. Will a switch work correctly with a motorised dish on 1 and the sly dish on the other.

If this is right can anyone recommend one.

Hope that makes sense.


01-09-2007, 06:39 PM
I assume you have a Diseqc motor. It might work but sometimes the two Diseqc devices conflict.

Get a Global Diseqc switch and try it.

03-09-2007, 04:38 AM
I'm using a 4 way diseqc switch with my motorised dish (+ diseqc motor) and fixed dish

Using the following setup:

satellite configuration: non-standard user defined config

Motor - LNB 0
Diseqc mode: 1.2
Diseqc parameter: A/A (input 1 of diseqc switch)
Fast diseqc - ticked

Fixed dish - LNB 1
Diseqc mode: 1.2
Diseqc paprameter: A/B (input 2 of diseqc switch)
Sequence repeat - ticked
Fast diseqc - ticked

03-09-2007, 06:50 AM
Thanks for the replies guys.


Which switch are you using mate.

03-09-2007, 09:07 AM
Hello mingy

I'm using a global communications one