View Full Version : hmmmmm dcc mystery

03-09-2007, 05:28 PM
Using the latest DCC on vista and gemini 4, when booting my lappy there seems to be something constantly causing cpu usage when fully booted
(45/70%) looking at processes I dcc.exe process in system32 folder using a large portion of cpu even though I havent used it overnight, I stop the process and then start dcc, transfer files etc, exit dcc, then check processes again and low and behold dcc.exe process is still running :eek:

WTF is going on there:confused:

How can a process carry on after exiting the program using it?

Or am I missing something in DCC

Also, how does dcc end up in system32 folder?

Any answers will be given serious consideration.

Failing that I may go back to the previous version, it did'nt do that!

laptop is virus, spyware and trojan free.;)

03-09-2007, 10:51 PM
Hello everyone.


The best bet is to download DCC from one of the official sites as the first version I had (2.94) also installed something into the system32 folder (an executable file and a DLL) and was showing the same behaviour as your machine. When I looked in the running tasks, DCC was there even though I had stopped it some time earlier.
Although it passed all of the virus checks I decided to remove every reference to it from my machine just as a precaution. When I ran the official version it did not place anything in the system32 folder and there was nothing running as an unwanted task either. From this I can only assume that someone has 'tampered' with the version I originally downloaded.

Regards to all,


04-09-2007, 06:10 PM
Cheers Peckish, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's found this, I'll go back to the previous version and bin this one.

04-09-2007, 06:20 PM
I don't fix something if it aint broken..

Stick with what works