View Full Version : The echelon 4 way zone 2, now 5 way

04-09-2007, 06:22 PM
after seeing echelons 4 way zone 2 set up and being bored, i copied his set up, also running an old 60cm on 30w

got bored again to day, dug out a spare old lnb, and with the use of a drill grip and cable tie as a holder my zone 2 now has,

42e 28e 19e 13e and....... 4.8e



04-09-2007, 07:17 PM
to do that you live south east, south of watford yeah ?LOL pilsner

04-09-2007, 07:41 PM
rainham, es*** ;)

and next doors fence:D

it wont take much rain for the picture to go!

04-09-2007, 08:38 PM
If you have time tomorrow I would be interested to see a more detailed photo of the central fixing..ie @ the end of the lnb arm from the dish under the 19.2E lnb?

If you did lose signal in the rain you could easily put up a small triangular? canopy over the dish..aesthetically speaking the wife might not be pleased tho!

04-09-2007, 09:43 PM
its nice to know that I have inspired others to think about the issues and to expand on what I have already found with my zone 2 dishes

if more ppl thought outside the box it would mean that they helped themselves to more satellites for not a lot of dosh !!

I had to cut some of my lnb holders to get them next to each other as they arent using slim alps but sly quads !! ;)

but if it works , thats all that counts :)

04-09-2007, 11:05 PM
This is excellent - if only I knew more about getting the right signals etc I'd love to have a go myself for the garden.

05-09-2007, 09:49 AM
with slims and by cutting holders you can get 3 at 3 degree separation such as 13, 16, and 19e.
I have that set up now, working fine.

05-09-2007, 06:55 PM
If you have time tomorrow I would be interested to see a more detailed photo of the central fixing..ie @ the end of the lnb arm from the dish under the 19.2E lnb?

If you did lose signal in the rain you could easily put up a small triangular? canopy over the dish..aesthetically speaking the wife might not be pleased tho!


05-09-2007, 07:27 PM
the L shaped extension bracket looks interesting at the end of the standard arm connecting the lnb rack to the standard arm

what is it ? angle iron or something you made up ?

seems to have a bar code sticker on it too :)

my whole arm was replaced with rectangular aluminium from an old pair of ally step ladders :)

06-09-2007, 09:52 AM
after seeing your original thread, I tried to source some 20 x 30 box section, looked everywhere at work, but could only find some heavy stuff,

so off to b&q and bought some L shape 20 x 30 alu, cut it to 14" in length and attached it to the original arm with more cable ties, so still very adjustable, removable , until I find something else better?

06-09-2007, 12:11 PM
in my case I checked various aluminium stepladders for the box section as I couldnt find any box section the right size and cheap on google or on fleabay

luckily my mum had an old pair of ally stepladders where the legs were exactly the right size box section , so I bought her a new pair of stepladders from b+q ( think it was there as by bro actually sorted it ) and cut down the old steps by about 15 inches or so , reattached the rubber feet and use some threaded bar to replace the back bar that holds the back legs apart and steady , so I now have a shorter pair of stepladders and also had 4 lnb arms to play with too :)

a bit of drilling and I had longer arms of the right section to allow attachment the same as the original arm at the rear of the zone 2 dish

but your way is also a good way to do it from what I can see in the photos and that L shaped section should do the job just as well as my method , just needs a few drill holes and maybe a zip tie or a few , and allows for focussing the dish at the correct length

the drill adapter is a good idea of using existing stuff for new purposes , and zip ties are a godsend as well when messing with these sat dishes and to hold cables etc

I notice you dont seem to have had to cut the lnb holders down so that they fit closer together on the rack

and your lnb,s dont look like the thin alps so was wondering what they were too ?

06-09-2007, 03:01 PM
thanks for posting those extra photos fil..very interesting.

07-09-2007, 12:22 PM
I notice you dont seem to have had to cut the lnb holders down so that they fit closer together on the rack

and your lnb,s dont look like the thin alps so was wondering what they were too ?

not had to cut anything, tho the holder are touching, the lnbs still have the large head on them, i'd love some alps, but too much £ss for me ,

tho with alps you could probably squease a few more on there? !

the make of the 4 white lnbs are Platinum II LNB 0.2 s source from an auction site 5 delivered new for under £20, the other being on the 30w 60cm, the 5 on the zone 2 was and old 0.6 thing from, the kitchen draw?:D

24-10-2007, 01:54 PM
I have my dish pointed at 4.8e and use alps to pick up 1w, 13e and 19e.

What I have found is that the degree gap between the lnbs will get less the further you expand around the clarke belt.

For instance, if I set my dish centrally to 13e, I have enough room to sqeeze in an alps lnb for 16e before the 19e one.But once my dish is central on 4.8e, the lnbs for 13e and 19e are touching - there is no room for 16e.

30-11-2008, 05:51 PM
@goran you need 3 slim LNBs such as Alps and also trim the sides of the LNB holder too in order to fit them so close together.
Oh and a 4 way Diseqc switch.

30-11-2008, 06:47 PM

Like my Triax 110 still have to put one more Alps Lnb for 9/10 east but cut not finish before dark yesterday evening.


PS: Left on top my new Gregorian dish > Delta Star 1.2 <

30-11-2008, 08:13 PM
I have my dish pointed at 4.8e and use alps to pick up 1w, 13e and 19e.

I have that set up with the addition of another lnb for 28e
(se eng 80cm dish)

Dish is on a low flat back roof with the offset lnb's lashed onto sticks which are mounted in gravel filled flower pots with a skim of concrete over the gravel to keep the stick firmly in place. (one pot does for 13e & 19e)

If I want to experiment I can just pick up a pot and move it about a bit before fine tuning.

As i mentioned before my other dish for 30w is propped up on an upturned broom in the corner of the garden and held to the trellis by three bits of wire - been there for years.

Non of this is rocket science :chinese-bow-005:

30-11-2008, 11:30 PM
@ Glen
It looks from the pics that your LNB arm is horizontal????
Surely it should angle up at the left (as pictured) otherwise you're only
picking up a small portion of the signal because the sats further east are at a lower elevaton and reflect on the dish surface at a different angle (angle of incidence = angle of reflection).

01-12-2008, 05:04 AM

Indeed but i'am still working on it hopefuly next weekend the job is finish ?


01-12-2008, 09:43 PM
Grand job Glenn, I was just getting your setup right in my head before I modify my own onto 1 arm.
What switching are you intending?
Oh and please clip those cable ties back :respect-055:

01-12-2008, 10:16 PM

I'am using the latest disqec 9 in1 swich / 8 Lnb ports an 1 for DVB-T

Take care


08-08-2009, 04:14 PM
after seeing echelons 4 way zone 2 set up and being bored, i copied his set up, also running an old 60cm on 30w

got bored again to day, dug out a spare old lnb, and with the use of a drill grip and cable tie as a holder my zone 2 now has,

42e 28e 19e 13e and....... 4.8e


can anyone tell me the name of this dish and where can I get it in europe,also I like to ask if is goog for 4 lnb 13-16-19.2-28 east?

08-08-2009, 04:33 PM
can anyone tell me the name of this dish and where can I get it in europe,also I like to ask if is goog for 4 lnb 13-16-19.2-28 east?

the dish above is a standard zone 2 sly dish by raven I believe , but the arm has been adapted

what you require is either the triax dish of at least 80cm with the trioax 4 way lnb rack and also the slimpline alps lnbs , or the gilbertini version with 4 way lnb rack and again the slimline alps lnb,s , or the WAVE FRONTIER 90CM TOROIDAL dish and slimline lnbs

08-08-2009, 05:12 PM
Thanx echelon for your answer!I am live in Slovenia and I already have the noname 80cm satellite dish,but I look for the better one,becouse in my place sometimes the wind is strong and this dish is not stable enought.You give me already some answers about the correct dish,but I also look for the small posible size of the dish,becouse I can put it in my balcony.For my location the Latitude is: 46.213°
Longitude: 14.649°
With this noname 80cm dish I can get all 4 satellites really well,but I need the better dish and if is posible with 70 cm of size.

09-08-2009, 06:58 PM
Now I have this lnb set's for 13-16-19.2 E and I have a good signal with my noname 80cm satellite dish,but I need a 70 cm satellite dish with good signal and strong arm.So far I need only this 3 satellite.Can you suggest me the good antena with this size?:blush5:

http://xs142.xs.to/xs142/09320/multiconekt_kit479.gif.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs142&d=09320&f=multiconekt_kit479.gif)

09-08-2009, 07:06 PM
the only 70cm dishes I have heard of are the raven gemini 70cm dish

I suggest you google for the words "70cm satellite dish" and see what comes up

personally I havent seen or used one myself

10-08-2009, 08:45 PM
Yes,you are right.Raven satellite dish is the only one.I will order this dish .I hope that I am not fail with my choice.I know the size is 80 cm,but looks like that signal is really good.

http://img3.immage.de/thumb_1008d72603700asp78wsm.jpg (http://immage.de/image-6,1008d72603700asp78wsm.jpg,0,0.h tml)
Astro ASP 78

- Antennenart: Außenantenne
- 38,50 dBi Gewinn
- Material: Aluminium, Stahl
- 780 mm Durchmesser
- Maße: H800 mm x B780 mm x T600 mm
- 4,80 kg Gewicht

10-08-2009, 10:27 PM
The 13E, 16E, 19E three degree spacing limit can often be achieved by turning the centre LNB upside down if it is the body that causes the problem.

Obviously, you need to add a lot more waterproofing to the connector(s) though.

19-11-2009, 12:01 PM
iam thinking of having a go at this cant get my 800 to work with a motor
iam currently pointed at 1 west with a 90cm dish if i make an extension arm would i be able to pick up 13 19 & 28 in in n/west near wigan

19-11-2009, 12:17 PM
iam thinking of having a go at this cant get my 800 to work with a motor
iam currently pointed at 1 west with a 90cm dish if i make an extension arm would i be able to pick up 13 19 & 28 in in n/west near wigan

its unlikely to work if you are pointing at 1w , as thats a bit far away from the others and you are expecting around a 30 degree spread whereas most dishes can "see" about 24 degrees at best which is 5e to 28e approx , or 13e to 42e approx

you can use 13e , 19e and 28e by having 19e as the focus of the dish , but to achieve 1w as well you would probably need one of those special dishes with a double collector ( Force Toroidal Multibeam Satellite Antenna , or maybe its a force frontier , not sure )

19-11-2009, 03:21 PM
Here it is, the miracle!!!! :D :D :D

I'm sorry Goran but the miracle will never work to many lnb's on a small dish, here my Triax 1.10 with 6 lnb receive 8 satellites.

19-11-2009, 04:13 PM
How do you stop the dish mounted on the pallets from blowing over in the wind Goran? Have you bolted them to the roof? ;)

19-11-2009, 05:53 PM
I'm sorry Glenn but you are NOT reading!!! IT IS WORKING!!!

The point is: where are you [this is for ex-YU area] and how it is done, plus what with...

Enjoy learning from the pros! :D


It is impossible to let 8 LNB's on this small Triax dish (78cm) works.

This Dutchman speaks from years of experience in/by placing these dishes and you ?


03-09-2012, 12:43 PM
the L shaped extension bracket looks interesting at the end of the standard arm connecting the lnb rack to the standard arm

what is it ? angle iron or something you made up ?

seems to have a bar code sticker on it too :)

my whole arm was replaced with rectangular aluminium from an old pair of ally step ladders :)

hey echelon.

I've a spare arm from another 60cm dish I can carve at. I'd have to secure it with a bracket or something so i'd just have a wonder around B&Q with the arm to see what might do the trick.

cheers for the tips on my other post. I was wondering...

When you got the three birds on your 59cm dish, how much did you extend the lnb arm? (i.e how much longer-ish do was the replacement step ladder arm) Sorry I know it was a long time ago, I'm just wondering if its worth having a play with :)


03-09-2012, 01:22 PM
hey echelon.

I've a spare arm from another 60cm dish I can carve at. I'd have to secure it with a bracket or something so i'd just have a wonder around B&Q with the arm to see what might do the trick.

cheers for the tips on my other post. I was wondering...

When you got the three birds on your 59cm dish, how much did you extend the lnb arm? (i.e how much longer-ish do was the replacement step ladder arm) Sorry I know it was a long time ago, I'm just wondering if its worth having a play with :)


those details are in the thread I posted at the time, that warranted this thread as a response (post 1 hints at the other thread)

find the other thread and you find those details too ;)

its also mentioned in posts #11 and #12 so you havent read through this thread properly either !!

alternatively, double what you have and then have an amount poking through the back of the dish (variable)
suitably placed fixing holes along the side would allow in and out adjustments until you get the right focal point, like I did
I have a feeling its was a similar length to a zone 1 arm added to a zone 2 arm, give or take an inch or two ;)

you could possibly use some pared hardwood offcut to marry the 2 arms together and black japanned fixing screws to hold them
if necessary use metal brackets like you get from car spares shops, like angle iron only it has no angle, a bit like old meccano

its improvisation city when doing this job, which is why you think outside the box

03-09-2012, 02:49 PM
just checked the arms in my garage and the zone 2 is 13 inches and zone 1 is 9 inches , making 22 inches added together

the modified stepladder arm is 20 inches long, so I wasnt far out on my last post

as you can see its 7 inches longer than the normal zone 2 arm and 11 inches longer than a zone 1 arm, this makes a massive difference in what can be achieved

other members on here used angle iron types of bracketing or similar methods to extend the original zone 2 arm to the required length, but best to use aluminium for this if the correct size box section cannot be obtained

I had 4 pieces of box section after cutting down the stepladder and still use the same stepladder now in 2012, albeit its not as high as it once was ;)

so 20 inches on a zone 2 is what you are aiming for, or change to an 80cm or 88cm dish like I did eventually (bought one secondhand with slimline lnb,s)

I also have an old 80cm lenson heath dish and bracket in the garage that would be suitable for such a project, and as its a side arm wall fixing like a zone 2 its not really suitable for motorisation (it doesnt have any elevation adjustment bracketing at all as its done on the side arm) which is why I changed from it to a triax td110 many, MANY moons ago

I also found 2 zone 1 dishes in the garage and will be getting back a modified zone 2 (with monoblock) at the weekend when that dish is changed to a motorised one (elsewhere not here)

04-09-2012, 08:19 PM
just to clarify - my original deliberations are here


and here


08-09-2012, 12:22 PM
the 1 st picture on this thread has a 2" extention, and worked well.

have moved since then, and the dish is only 3 way, at the moment, as couldn't get 42e and keep a decent signal on the others,

Also before it was at standing height so easy to tweek, now its on a chimney, so a lot harder to tweek whilst looking at a TV screen