View Full Version : TopField 7700 HD???

06-09-2007, 09:19 AM
Hi guyz,

I am thinking of buying the TopField 7700 HD anyone used this or is there a PVR version any help would be greatly appreciated.:confused:

I currently have a TopField 5500 PVR + Conax and this is excellent with a Dragon and BlueIce. :cool:

Also in the good old days when we could all get 1 west THOR I had a Tit 1 in the card slot and I could watch Thor, with the Dragon I could watch hotbird astra hispasat and with the BluIce I could watch all the FreeX - oh they were the good old days ha-ha-ha:cool:

Regards ahmet-50:cool:

08-10-2007, 09:02 PM
I have one-- there is also PVR version available ( maybe different symbol-- you may check at topfield site). The picture is good, sound OK, cooperation with modules with a lot of issues-- with Diablo good but if you want to edit keys usually it either initializes or you need to restart receiver. Woth Predasaur-- with 2.18 firmware it just initializes, never works properly, before was OK. Doesn't work with Conax Pocket module ( important if you want to watch DigitAlb using this module) -- I mean work just couple channels. SUpport is ****ty-- they always send back to seller but what has seller to do with their firmware-- their other excuse not to do anything is that if the reason was complaint was true then other would also complain but you are just the first complaining-- good excuse to do nothing. So I wouldn't go for it-- Fergusson or Inverto seem to be better-- I personally will wait for Golden Interstar HD and then sell my Topfield

16-10-2007, 08:02 PM
:Dthanx m8,

Ur info is about the same i've heard all over and it looks as if i'll b investing in another make. Shame though as i've really njoyd my TF5500+conax pvr - no doubt my son will c the benefits of this and i will try and find another rx:D

will update u all on my choice and give an informed evaluation in due course - as always thatnx go 2 all who have helped me this time and in previous times.

Regards ahmet-50:D

16-10-2007, 08:25 PM
golden interstar is this another run of the mill h/d receiver or is it a cut above the boring h/d receivers currently on the market