View Full Version : various sats fta request

06-09-2007, 09:29 AM
after just fitting a replacement scaffold pole and a new Moteck SG2100 Diseqc Motor‏, and a new Inverto Twin 0.2 Universal LNB to my existing triax 1.1m dish , I am now looking to check various sats on it to assure myself it is tracking the arc correctly from 45e to 45w using USALS with reference set at 1w

obviously I can get the main ones at 42e , 39e , 36e , 33e , 28e , 23e , 19e , 16e , 13e , 10e , 7e , 5e , 1w , 4w , 5w , 8w , 12.5w , 15w , 22w , 30w , 43w , 45w etc

so if anyone can give me a transponder with working fta feeds or working fta channels for the following sats I would be most grateful
( yes I have checked lyng sat and king of sat before posting this request )

my location is northwest england using a triax v1.1 dish and 0.2 twin lnb on a tm1500 if thats any help and is why I need details for sat channels available at my location

here are the 3 sats I cannot get anything useful on:-

1) 45e

2) 26e

3) 7w

if anyone needs an fta for the sats mentioned earlier in the post I would be happy to give the details of fta channels you can view on each one

thank you

06-09-2007, 01:52 PM
26e AD Sports 11804 H 27500. 1 MTR Dish Level 84% Quality 72% Near Glasgow. Hope this helps.

06-09-2007, 07:17 PM
thanks m8

got some on that transponder and due to the time of day got some on these too

11746v 27500
11785v 27500
11862v 27500 ( like bbc world )

bbc world said to retune to 12073h 27500 so got a few on there too

still looking for 45e and 7w as well

06-09-2007, 08:13 PM
Hi echelon
For 7west I get 24/7 on 11861V, 27500, City7 TV, during good weather.
For 45east I get a good signal and quality level from the transponder 11591V, 30000. But of course no pic as it is a HD transmission.
If you want to try for 58west then Cubavision on 11612H, 3670 is a fairly strong signal here.
Hope that I have been of some help.

06-09-2007, 08:47 PM
thanks for those

got a channel called DSNG SERVICE 1 on that 58w transponder so I assume that is the right one for cubavision

not getting anything apart from some sig strength and sig quality on 7w

on 45e I was already getting good strength and good quality so it may be there are no standard fta channels to get on there

so thanks so far for all the help

06-09-2007, 10:27 PM
As you have found DSNG on 58west you should get pictures of Aastha on 11476H, 26740.
7west, I suspect that you are a bit too far north to pick anything up with your 1.1m dish. At the time of posting the vertical transponders are showing similar strength and quality here. Some stars visible but some lowish cloud along the slant path. No chance of seeing any of the Horizontal transponders though.
45east, I have not seen any FTA from this bird for about a year now. TellyTrack and a mosaic was FTA sometimes on a european beam.
You could try for 11044V, 44950 (if your receiver goes that high) on 53east. I'm waiting for the trees to shed their leaves to get that satellite again.
regards Norm.

PS. I have noticed, on my set up, that 7west comes in stronger if I nudge the dish a few tenth of a degree towards the east ie about 6.7 degrees west. But that might mean that I am slightly off track, worth trying though, you never know your luck.

06-09-2007, 11:10 PM
couldnt get aastha on 58 west

that city7 on 7 west is breaking up but got it better this evening after dark, still badly pixellating though despite nudging the dish a bit with the remote

tried 53 east and nothing on that transponder but got 11096v 6400 utr and hth ok

so seems as if I am tracking the arc ok from 52 east to 58 west :)

07-09-2007, 12:06 AM
got aastha on 58w now on these details below ( from k o sat )

11477.00 H - Txp:1 - Beam:Conus/Europe DVB-S (QPSK) - 26463 3/4

also getting better pictures on 7 west after adjusting the sat in usals to 7.2

and getting 26e better after making it 25.2 in usals

so overall getting there on most sats now , and the arc is apparently good as stated earlier

52e to 58w

07-09-2007, 09:50 AM
I think you you can be satisfied that you are tracking the arc fairly closely, well done.
Sorry that I gave you the wrong SR for Aastha on 58west, i obviously cannot read my own writing:frown:.
regards Norm.

07-09-2007, 12:29 PM
if anyone needs an fta for the sats mentioned earlier in the post I would be happy to give the details of fta channels you can view on each one

A sticky with all the sats positions with a fta freq, would be handy for thos setting up / re adjusting there dish.

Like me , i really need to get up the ladder and do some fine tunning / adjusting, could probaly do with wipping my manhattans channel list and starting again.

07-09-2007, 10:59 PM
For what it's worth here is my list of strong fta transponders and the name of a channel on various sats across the arc which I receive.
Smart 0.2db lnb, 1m dish, TM1000 receiver, located close to the east coast ports of Harwich and Felixstowe.

42east, 11762V, 2155, SU TV
40east, 11096H, 4000, TV UZBEKISTAN
39east, 12524V, 30000, SKAI
36east, 12532H, 4340, AZTV-
33east, 12741V, 14550, FOLKLOR TV
26east, 11938V, 27500, YEMEM TV
23.5east, 11515H, 27500, TEST BY
19.2east, 11538V, 22000, RUSSIA TODAY
16east, 11046H, 10555, NATIONAL 24
13east, 10971H, 27500, RUSSIA TODAY
10east, 11143H, 2442, ANB
7east, 11345H, 27500, EXTRA3
5east12697V, 14685, ETNO TV
1west, 11325H, 24500, BBC WORLD
4west, 10723H, 27500, K1
5west, 11591V, 20000, FRANCE 2
7west, 11862V, 27500, CITY7 TV
8west, 12565V, 27500, ATLAS
12.5west, 11386H, 27500, CCTV 4
15west, 12608H, 19279, TZUCHI
22west, 12735H, 16635, A3
24.5west, 11675H, 27500, CHANNEL S.
30west, 12012V, 27500, BBC WORLD
43west, 12650H, 30800, EWTN 1
45west, 11510H, 26694, CCTV 4
58west, 11477H, 26463, AASTHA CH2


PS. All I need to do now is to remember how to copy my above . list into my do***ents for future reference. Ah, the vagaries of getting old, something to do with senility.