View Full Version : New handling BISS keys HoT

07-09-2007, 01:48 PM
A short example how to put in BISS keys using HoT 9.4

07-09-2007, 01:56 PM
We were both working on the same project,at the same time,ceyer,my friend!
If you noticed there is a "how-to" of my own about it up in the stickies,voith driver has uploaded it,so i please him,or any other administrator to update it with the following text :

''How-to'' input and delete biss keys using the remote controll
for versions from ToH3.4_HoT9.4 and later ones.
by sat_rrstm.
We usually get a biss ch. codes in this form:
Index: 1FFA .
HEX key: 18 39 6D EC 81 A6 25 C0 (8 sets,16 digits)(this key is not active).
From version ToH3.4_HoT9.4 and later on,first we take the ch's frequency 11892
and turn in heximal form : 2E74
We need now the ch-ID in its heximal form.Ch-ID of NBA is 4 and turns to 0004
and we need the last byte only,04.
The last we need is its PMT PID which is 32 and turns to 0020 and we need only
the last byte,20.
So the first 8 digits of the biss key-line are : 2E74 0420
Out of the 8 key-sets we skip the 4th and the 8th ones,so here is what is left:
18 39 6D 81 A6 25,and here is the complete key-line : 2E74042018396D81A625.
When we have found DCW of a not-biss channel,like ***View or MCT channels,
it looks like this:B 36B2 00 FD6C6DD6430E68B92DAF6B47CCC2A432 :*** View PLUS(this
key is not active)
In this case we have to create two lines that have the first 8 digits similar.
These 8 digits are created in the same way as above with NBA TV and so for the
*** View PLUS they are : 3048 B292 .
Now we get the 32-digited key we found and split it in two 16-digited parts
(we cut it in the middle):
So the key FD6C6DD6430E68B92DAF6B47CCC2A432 becomes :
Now we add the channel's 8 digits in front of each created part and we skip
the digits in the brackets and we get the two lines we need:
3048 B292 FD6C6D430E68
3048 B292 2DAF6BCCC2A4.
Using the remote we go to : Menu --> TOH --> Parser --> Ram Editor -->OK
Press P+ or P- till you see BISS-FIXED DCW screen,or press only the 'musical note'
button (for radio ch's)
Go to an empty line : 00000000000000000000>Press OK. Insert the 20 digits-->
Press OK.We exit all menus and then press STANDBY on HUMAX to store.
If we wish to delete a biss key line,first we flash it and then we press
STANDBY button on the remote instantly 4-5 times.
If we'd like to delete 2 key lines at the same time after flashing the first one
we keep pressed almost any button,except 'recall' button,for about 4-5 seconds!


voith driver
07-09-2007, 10:26 PM
all done m8:)

07-09-2007, 11:01 PM
Thank you once again,m8!