View Full Version : Totally Bewildered

07-09-2007, 04:25 PM
Hi M8s
Have had silver Echostar for a number of years 3600 Viacess silver....have motorized dish 1.2 SE England.....use the old Dragon Cam predator...so basically getting at the moment D+ and Premiere.
It seems out of date as when I tried to find Digi TV its not capable so its a change of receiver...suggestions please esp as its 36v motor controlled.
Its either Linux box or one of these CS items innovation/Nanoxxx.
cost is if Disc need Vpower £38....if CS STB need wireless internet bridge by internal electricity supply mains plug £85.00 or wireless bridge £60.
Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Have top notch Sony LCD screen full High Def.
GF 58

07-09-2007, 05:26 PM
The silver Echostar 3600 has no problems with Digi TV, I've been using mine for these channels, using both a Dragon and Diablo cam.
Can you please provide more details of the problems you're experiencing.

07-09-2007, 05:27 PM
why dont youjust use your old echoe as a sat positioner no need to buy vbox
so i have been told from a sat dealer hope that helps gf58

08-09-2007, 09:51 AM
Thx guys for response.

@Mickha.. just being a twot got me TPs mixed up wiv me PIDS now found Digi TV

@Sunderland 1955...yeah know I could use old Echo for positioner but would need aerial splitter and need the space and V box would be preferred route. It really comes down to which receiver is future proof as it can be and can get most channels to open

Any further ideas ?

08-09-2007, 11:07 AM
echo 3600 silver diablo & digitv on 1°W no problem - apart from odd freeze & reset

08-09-2007, 11:38 AM
Ghoulie now got digitv working wiv me old echo 3600 and latest predator file..also found Hustler on Sirius....main thing is wot do I upgrade my receiver to see above.

10-09-2007, 10:34 AM
not sure if u can see Hustler on Sirius - not tried myself. If you can see Digitv, I would have thought your stb is as up to date as necessary. I think the last update was v1100? - not been any since then

10-09-2007, 03:20 PM
Kingston Package M8

10-09-2007, 04:29 PM
Guys try this thread which has my file since I have a echostar 3600 myself and it should be fine at least from my personal experience anyway.:)


Any problems let me know guys.;)



10-09-2007, 05:25 PM
I think he can view Hustler, using the Predator he has loaded, I assume "see above" refers to his original first post regarding recommendations for a new receiver.