View Full Version : Which motor for Channel Master 1.2m Dish?

08-09-2007, 10:49 PM
Hi guys, i have a dilemma.

I have an outgoing Manhatten 9800PVR receiver to a temporary Phoenix Apollo receiver, a Channel Master 1.2m with a 36V positioner. Problem is, the new receiver doesnt do 36V.

I bought a V-Box2 to convert 36V signals to Diseqc, connected to the reciver but when change channels on a differnt satellite, sometimes the dish starts moving, and sometimes it doesnt. My satellite installer spent a lot of time, re-syncing the system ,and re-checking alignments.

Anyway, I have decided to go for a Diseqc motor using Usals, as, in future, i would like to go for the Dreambox 8000HD (if it comes out). Anyone recommend something that would work with 1.2m channel master (i understand that 1.2m is the biggest size that would work but its on the "boundary". Id like to check in case i could get problems with dish weight in the future.

My existing dish is on a polar mount with a 18" ( i thing actuator). I like channel master and dont want to change the dish. Would I need any additional adaptors as well as a Diseqc motor?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

08-09-2007, 11:19 PM
first get the heavy duty version of the motor, then you`ll need to change that back plate on your CM dish to a `pole mount` one. These may be hard to find. I`ve done this before and the motor has lasted almost 4 years, don`t mount it above ground level if possible.

09-09-2007, 12:06 AM
Thanks for your reply. The dish is already setup on my kitchen extension, 5 metres from a house wall. Any ideas where i might find a pole mount back for the channel master?

09-09-2007, 07:37 AM
Why not get the v-box set up fixed?

I have used a v-box for the past few months after getting a non-36v receiver and it has worked faultlessly.

09-09-2007, 09:14 AM
dont be a fool stay on a polar mount and set the v-box up properly thats one heavy dish works perfect with apollo have one here damm good picture shame about the support though.pilsner

09-09-2007, 11:47 AM
Thanks guys. I will look again to why the postioner is not talking properly to the box. When i want to move to 28E, the receiver says moving, but the postioner (VBOX2) does nothing. Sometimes on other satellites it starts moving. The Appollo seems to be quite slow in talking to the VBox. Another problem....i have stored 1W at position 5 on Vbox2 but when we move to that location, postion always shows as 14. Have i dont something wrong or are there any settings i dont know about. It could even be the VBox2 is faulty? One thing to note, this doesnt appear to be a Jaeger V Box 2, but a Moteck version.

09-09-2007, 06:00 PM
I have the Moteck V-Box II which as I said above has worked perfectly for me.

Try to isolate the problem area. For a start, does it work properly when you use the V-Box remote control? If yes, it suggests it's the receiver that's the problem.

09-09-2007, 06:22 PM
hello buddies. a question i would like to ask.
i have three satellites recievers. 2 have built in positioners and 1 without,9 TECHNOMATE 1500CI+SUPER. can anyone tell me wich positioner is besr for my tm 1500ci+super. mamy thanxs.

09-09-2007, 07:15 PM
if for some reason you cannot get it to work correctly why not get a diseqc actuator.

13-09-2007, 10:34 PM
A Diseqc motor wont last two minutes driving a 1.2m c/m dish. Far too heavy.

Sounds like your apollo is at fault.;)

Your only options are, your current polar mount and actuator, or a jeager 1224 motor. A very nice match for your dish.

But try burnham`s suggestion 1st.

13-09-2007, 10:47 PM
I have a Technomate 9100 and a vbox running my channel master with 18" actuator. Had some fun to begin with setting the limits in the v-box2 but after that it's been ace. bud stick with the actuator and forget the diseqc as thay are **** conpaired to what you have now.

Regards Jono

13-09-2007, 11:12 PM
Anyone who uses a Diseqc on a CM 1.2 dish is crazy since the motor won't stand pressure of the high winds let alone it's weight. I have one myself get a v box like what the rest said earlier and have at least a superjack motor since you can't go wrong fast and reliable and built for heavy duty enough said.;)



14-09-2007, 05:32 PM
My jaegar h-h motor has biten the dust today after 10 years of use -its been driving a channel master 1.2 with no problems
Ive been looking around the net & could only find one uk supplier who wants £180 for the jaegar 1224 h-h
Does anyone know of any other sites that might sell these?

If i decided to opt for the actuator & jack what size would you recommend for this dish? Are they easy to set up?Any advantages over the h-h motor set up?
Currently have the Technomate 9100, Innovative box & Pace 508IP

14-09-2007, 06:45 PM
seen one on the auction site with dual axis control the only problem it's attached to a 1.8 fortec dish and a bit pricey ok if they would split

15-09-2007, 10:29 AM
Hi, thanks for your replies everyone. My installer is coming round tomorrow with a new actuator (at the moment, everytime i move to 30W, i have to re-adjust the position.) Hopefully, we will get nearer to finding out what is causing the original positioning problem mentioned at the begining of this thread.

Wish me luck, as I couldn't afford to buy even more equipment ( just bought a 1080p projector with a new Denon 3808 amp, so there is already a massive hole in my pocket!)

16-09-2007, 07:45 PM
My jaegar h-h motor has biten the dust today after 10 years of use -its been driving a channel master 1.2 with no problems
Ive been looking around the net & could only find one uk supplier who wants £180 for the jaegar 1224 h-h
Does anyone know of any other sites that might sell these?

Here's mine on a 1.2M CM, been up 4 years & never missed a beat, you get what you pay for;) I've not seen them any cheaper & that price includes postage - it aint a light package either.



17-09-2007, 12:15 PM
Hi, finally sorted out problem. It was user error (my fault!). I didnt read instructions properly. I was setting positions on the positioner but I now understand that you let the receiver do all of the work (dont use positioner remote control.)

You need to go to receiver menu, activate disecq postioner, and set each position for each satellite. Works beautifully (even though the moteck positioner is the ugliest peice of equipment that I have seen).

Thanks for all your help everyone....this is one less problem that i can worry about.