View Full Version : New Vantage 033 TPS fixed

10-09-2007, 08:37 PM
New Vantage 033 T*S fixed

Tx °°>StroGaGLIo<°°

11-09-2007, 05:54 PM
Waths the news in this Version or are the same ****i like them before?
I did a test now and IT ERAZED my SAT list with its own and it ERAZED also all my channels
SYSTEM info says that FW is from JANUARI 25, FW

I think you first must download ORIGINAL VERSION first, then the patched one.

OKI here is the way you shall do it.
Upload FIRST with ORIGINAL FW lets say 00.30 with WinUP 1.5
AFTER that you download PATCHED FW 00.33 with WínUP 2.6
THen you upload your Channellist with ChEditor 2.3

BUT still USALS dont work for HOTBIRD in the PATCHED FW, in the ORIGINAL FW works just FINE

No i am hear that it works just fine just ower write old patched FW for some one and others has the same problem that i get, thats strange

11-09-2007, 08:28 PM
http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/3456/eekhi2.gif >Softcam Vantage-series 200 /11-09-07<

>D+ ok(3 change)<
>Polsat Ok<
>DigiTv Ok<
>Cabo Ok<
>SRG Ok<
>Mediatech Ok<
>RAI Ok<