View Full Version : technomate wont turn on

15-09-2007, 01:40 PM
my technomate wont turn on. i put a tps file from pc to it and it wont tur on it just has a green line across the section where the numbers usually are on the reciever.

please cna some1 help:frown:

15-09-2007, 02:18 PM
Mine occasionally gets silly like that. Switch off at back for a time. Always works for me....but I guess that you have already tried that!

15-09-2007, 02:21 PM
yeh still the same. ;-(

15-09-2007, 03:30 PM
What about loading another Darkman patch and throwing a softcam on top?

15-09-2007, 06:09 PM
remove the lnb cable and try a factory reset from a cold boot ( from switch on )

16-09-2007, 06:28 PM
it wont turn on so cant do a factory reset :-(

16-09-2007, 06:33 PM
it must turn on as you said it has green lines on it on the number display !!

16-09-2007, 07:19 PM
it wont turn on so cant do a factory reset :-(

Try switching in and out of standby with the remote.

16-09-2007, 07:43 PM
nothin happens when switching in and out of standby , thee just a green ligh t constant on the reciever

16-09-2007, 07:59 PM
so do a factory reset on the box as I said earlier

if you are getting a light on then it must be turning on so your statement in post 6 is incorrect

16-09-2007, 08:24 PM
Try putting the original software in put it on start and flick the switch on the back

17-09-2007, 08:22 PM
how do i do a factory reset. My reciever is just froze with a green light ,as if in standby (i think) my pc wont find it using the cable and loader because it wont properly turn on

17-09-2007, 09:02 PM

I assume that you have the DM Loader installed and that you have the correct cable, go here and get the latest official software version 1.70:


Follow the instructions given below:

1. Download to your pc the latest TM loader 1.8.7 or later as required depending on your stb and the bin file from darkman.
2. connect the NULL MODEM serial cable to your pc and stb.
3. Open tm loader 1.8.7 and load /browse the right file.
4. Your stb must have power/switched on from the back (standby mode)
4.Click on connect on the tm loader and power on your TM 1500
Loading starts, wait till it finishes ( writing and erasing)
5. Power off, connect scart or whatever power on

I hope that this is of some help to you.

18-09-2007, 04:31 PM
taken from the sticky thrteads at the top of the forum:-


If for some reason your receiver locks up, or you can't gain access to the main menu to change any settings,
and you need to do a factory reset, then here is a solution which may help towards fixing the problem:

How to access the diagnostics page on your TM 1000 Series:

When switching on at the mains, press & hold the power button and the channel up button on the front of the Technomate Receiver.
Wait about 10 seconds. do not use the remote control.

If you have done it incorrectly you will see on screen
Data Transfer, just click exit and try again.

Once you have access to the diagnostics you will
have full control over them, so be careful, if you
don't know what you are doing, then don't do or save anything.

Always ask for advice in the Forum if you are not sure, there are plenty of team members who will give you a helping hand.

To clear the Nvram which is the equivalent of a factory reset:
Navigate to the Nvram Clear with the arrow keys on your remote and when highlighted hit select,


do a factory reset or go to nvram clear on the "secret" menu by pressing UP+Power Button

and if you see data transfer , you can try sending the software in using one of the loaders

18-09-2007, 05:29 PM
nothin happens when i press UP+Power Button. thank you for replying

18-09-2007, 05:49 PM
nothin happens when i press UP+Power Button. thank you for replying

was that from a cold boot ?

ie:- turn it off , hold the 2 buttons in and turn it on , keep pressing those 2 buttons for up to 10 seconds after the power on

have only the scart lead connected , nothing else

18-09-2007, 05:57 PM
il try again. thanks for the replys ;-)

18-09-2007, 06:02 PM
no not working. screen remailns blank

18-09-2007, 06:24 PM
in that case get the technomate loader and v1.70 firmware from their website , set it going and try to reload your box with the factory firmware by switching it on at the back after you have set the loader running

18-09-2007, 07:18 PM
when i search for a com on the loader it cant find it. i have the reicever power on. i also have the null cable connected

18-09-2007, 08:31 PM
:confused: Assuming you do have a "real" RS232 port it may be that some other piece of software has grabbed your com port and not released it. Have you tried re-booting your computer before you run the loader. If you are using DM loader 1.87 you can set the port accordingly. You may have a problem with your adapter if you are using a USB port.

18-09-2007, 08:33 PM
try the technomate loader , and also try the darkman loader

and check your null modem cable is ok , your connections are ok and your com port is working ok on your pc

18-09-2007, 08:45 PM
yeh cables seems ok ,still unable to find port.

18-09-2007, 09:24 PM
When you go into the darkman patch try Auto detect and see if that finds your com port if you havent tried this already

19-09-2007, 08:30 AM
still no luck, hope i can get it working for the footie 2nite?
do u think i may of blown somethin inside the reciever?

19-09-2007, 09:09 AM
it does appear to be faulty , yes

19-09-2007, 11:50 AM
i wonder if it is the cable as mentioned by other posters. Have you used it with any other sat box? I had a null cable but it certainly wouldn't work with my Technomate. (Can't remember the symptoms as a long time a go). I ordered another from a sat shop on net, (Goldwafers weren't stocking them), and all has been fine since.

19-09-2007, 05:34 PM
i think my reciever nakered now. shame because i bought a card reader for it because it was a 1000CI

19-09-2007, 08:15 PM
It's the first time you've mentioned the card reader.
Did it go wrong AFTER you fitted the card reader in other words, did you do it wrong, or have you not fitted the reader?
If you did fit the reader - unfit it and try again without it.
If it works then you are lucky and have not damaged the power supply. The supply could be missing an important out put.
Well that's my input with limited knowledge of this receiver.

20-09-2007, 05:51 PM
i fitted a few months back, working until send a file to my reciever. i think i send the wrong file which could of been for another brand reciever

20-09-2007, 06:32 PM
You didn't tell us you had loaded the wrong file !!
What other secrets do we have to guess about ??
Looks like you have got a knackered receiver now. Shame really as the latest AU file for the 1500 (not your receiver ) works brilliantly !!

20-09-2007, 06:39 PM
the only thing I can think of is a data transfer from another tm of a similar model type

other than that your flash wants reprogramming , not sure if there is a jtag for this or not ?

20-09-2007, 07:00 PM
That's nice of you to offer your receiver for the data transfer !!!!!

20-09-2007, 07:42 PM

here are the details from another forum

what I am not sure about is if this works on the 1000ci from a 1500ci+ like mine , or just another 1000ci

might need an exact same model box


box to box transfer

make sure only the transferring original (good) box is connected to tv by scart ,
then connect it directly via RS232 to the second box,
double check you have removed rf and scart leads from the second box to make absolutely sure it is not connected to the tv,

then turn on the good box and navigate to the "Data Transfer" in the "System Setting" menu.
start the process and this takes about 3-4 minutes before it halts.

It has finished if it shows a "start" (or similar) on screen.
But it has "saved" so wait a few minutes longer just in case but nothing else should happen.

then press "Exit" on remote and checked the good box as this was still connected to tv.
Everything should be fine, just as it was before you started.

now completely power off everything, disconnect the original box and reconnected the other box to the tv via the scart and test it
everything on the second box has been overwritten and you now have a clone of the original box.

20-09-2007, 08:13 PM
i dont know any1 with a technomate tho. ;-(
thakns for the info & replys

20-09-2007, 08:18 PM
Tell the Satpimps where you live. I for one will come round with my TM1500 and have a go if you are 'local'. This thread of yours has to have a happy ending! Them TMs are quite robust! Not that I use my 2 any more!

20-09-2007, 08:37 PM
Nice offer m8.
Now you will get lots of people wanting to buy your 1500s !!

23-09-2007, 01:54 PM
any1 in the north wales area willing to link up there reciever with mine?
i have just tried my technomate with a new null cable still no luck.

24-09-2007, 05:49 PM
I Finally fixed my reciever. I kept switching the power switch of reciever on and off and the loader found my set top box then put original software on. ;-)

dont know why i woudnt find it in the first place tho .

thank you every1 who replyed and helped. ;-)

24-09-2007, 06:12 PM
Great news! You must have been climbing the walls!

24-09-2007, 06:13 PM
yeh was drivin me crazy lol

is premier down?

24-09-2007, 06:14 PM
I Finally fixed my reciever. I kept switching the power switch of reciever on and off and the loader found my set top box then put original software on. ;-)

dont know why i woudnt find it in the first place tho .

thank you every1 who replyed and helped. ;-)

Good news there Matt :D


24-09-2007, 06:20 PM
glad to hear it , a forced download was always the best option for repair , no matter if a pc sent the file or another technomate receiver

glad its sorted , now stick to known working files please

and although premiere changed keys its definitely up

24-09-2007, 07:07 PM
Glad you are up and running again and no Premiere is not down -- but there again I am using a 1500 not a 1000.
Search out the latest TM files there have been some excellent developments.
Bye bye for now --- until the next time !

29-09-2007, 12:41 PM
this happened to my 2+ year old TM-1500CI+ a week ago...I tried all sorts of wonderful electronic whiz bangs I've learnt over the years. Nothing worked, so I parceled it up and sent it to Technomate in Enfield London. A very, very, nice man phoned me up and informed me the motherboard had gone "**** up"...it wasn't worth while, or couldn't be repaired. Would I like a nice shiny brand new one at a reduced price ? Yes, I would...and he sent one. The moral is "nothing last's forever" and it costs out at about £40 a year if I have to renew my TM-1500 every other year. How much is S*y ?? Just a logical thought, mate...but I hope you get it going anyway.
Wise Owl