View Full Version : what was the point of the usb port on the hdci2000

15-09-2007, 01:48 PM
Over a year since we bought them, and the support for this box has been nothing short of woeful from humax.The channels are a nightmare to edit, but my main beef is the lack of use for the usb port. What was the point of fitting it? I stupidly thought when I bought it that we would be able to update the box, and fit an external hard drive to record hd broadcasts. Silly me. There is plenty to watch now in hd but it would be nice to be able to save it to watch at a later date. There are no dvd recorders with hdmi or component in, and none of the pvrs seem to be able to record other than with built in tuners, so we are stuck. I think the public are being hoodwinked with all the new dvd recorders with hdmi out on them, as its only upscaling sd, ie crap resolution.
Call me cinical, but I suppose we will have to wait for the current fad of selling as many hd-dvd players and blu ray players to die down, before they launch the hd recorders.

15-09-2007, 02:30 PM
Couldn't agree more. Never again will I ever buy a humax!
Picture is way too dark over HDMI, I've given up on a solution at this stage.
Only 1.004 software works properly,all other versions will give some standby problems (box won't come out of standby) at some stage.
Box won't pick up Premiere channels automatically, ridiculous.
I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of at the moment!

15-09-2007, 07:59 PM
Hi Downsouth,

If your HDMI Screen has component IN, and is a Progressive scan Screen,
and you have a Progressive scan DVDR,
and you want as close to HD recording without a HDMI connection try this.

I was only able to hook up to the DVD Recorder with the scart lead
from the Humax HDCI2000,
then use the component OUT (DVDR) (No HDMI) to TV component IN.
Enable Progessive scan on the DVDR.
You will then have the DVDR pushing up a 576p HD Picture.
Not strictly an HD Picture because the DVDR is receiving its Picture though theRGB enabled scart.
I record HD Films from the HD2000 this way, when viewing recording
it hard to tell its not Live, you cannot notice any drop of in HD quality.

@denis1501..I like you find the HDMI to dark, then I hooked up
the HDCI2000 to the LCD with a Component lead (Philips Lead ASDA £6.95).
It give you a brighter Picture (Just about as bright as the scart).
It also, when you set the HD2000 V-Format to 576p, gives you
the opportunity to Zoom up to full screen in a Premiere HD Film.
where as when you set the V=Format to 720p or 1080i you are unable to
Fill the screen.


15-09-2007, 09:35 PM
thanks for the comments chaps. I will give the dvd recorder a go.

16-09-2007, 12:30 AM
Guessing wildly, the USB port is for diagnosing faults at their authorised repairers.

There may be other options but you will have to wait until some clever s*d sorts it out.

16-09-2007, 12:03 PM
It also, when you set the HD2000 V-Format to 576p, gives you the opportunity to Zoom up to full screen in a Premiere HD Film.
where as when you set the V=Format to 720p or 1080i you are unable to
Fill the screen.
BF... This is only true for your specific screen and is not ageneral issue.