View Full Version : What is the default password on the Humax 2000 ?

16-09-2007, 10:33 AM
I have password protected a channel on my humax and now cant think what it is ?

I am sure it was the default one which ithought was 0 0 0 0 but that does not work

Any ideas ??



24-09-2007, 02:57 AM
a good bet!

24-09-2007, 09:38 AM
Did you upload a channel list to your box??
If yes, open the file you used with the channel editor software, formula. After 'waiting for calculation' finishes click on Menu config. Now check the password under Parental Control, PIN CODE.

tinto de verano
25-09-2007, 12:06 AM
If you uploaded laurals March or May list, for example, I think the password was 0530 (which is part of the fdf file name, by the way). I seem to remember that later on he used the default 0000 (but that does not seem to work for you).

Ah, and this is from the usual manual:
2. Change Password
Change Password allows you to change the current password.
1. Select the Change Password using the button and press
the OK button.
2. Enter New Password using the NUMERIC(0-9) buttons.
3. Enter New Password again to confirm Verify Password.
Note: The default password is 0000.
(It does not say you have to enter the current password... so you could try)
Good luck.
tinto de verano

26-09-2007, 03:27 PM
Forgot i posted this

Thx for the replies, i will try tonight

Thx again


23-10-2007, 03:25 PM
This procedure will allow you access to the dealers menu.
where you can copy one receivers settings to another or
reset the password, but the last two setting are inaccessable
they are proberbly for future HDCI Receivers with Hard Drive options
First click menu then System -> System Status
System Status screen, Now just hit the following buttons in order
Red > Green > Yellow > Blue > Yellow > Green > Red
and you will get access to the following screen.

Lip-Sync Options
This option allows you to correct and differance between the video and
You can also set this on a per channel basis, just adjust the leval untill the
audio and video are in sync with each other and save, this is only aplicable
Dolby Digital broadcasts.
To access the the Lip-Sync options, Press and hold the 'Mute' button for 3