View Full Version : Pace DS810XE Tools

21-09-2007, 01:44 PM
Hello All,

I am looking to buy one of these and would like to get some info from those who have it...mainly about software tools.

Is there a channel editor available for this box?

Does the latest firmware allow "menus" for Dragom cam?

Is it full diseqc enabled (I have 4 lnb's connected by a 4way switch)

Thanks in advance

21-09-2007, 07:02 PM
Unless you want a very,very good free to air reciever DO NOT BUY A PACE.
Its picture is fantastic even on standard definition broadcast,and it is quite easy to set up and use.It has got Diseqc which will work perfectly well with your set up.
However,it will not work correctly with any cam.I got it to work with a Dragon ,but only intermittently,and you cannot access the menu.
I get better results with a Diablo , but you can never watch anything without it locking up several times (you have to change channels and then change back to continue viewing).It will not decode the Premier HD channels at all.
You will see reports from other owners that it works OK with cams.This is because they have a different version of the software on board ,which Pace released for a couple of days and then took down.Some people say it was removed because certain recievers had problems with it ,others say it was removed under orders of "He who cannot be named" ,and his Evil Empire ( by the way his name starts with an M and ends with a DOCK).
Without Pace releasing this software again the reciever is useless other than for free to air channels, as the usb and rs232 ports have not been enabled
and you can only upgrade it over air.Which is also why there are no tools like channel editors etc.
This reciever could be a fantastic machine but NO ONE should buy one until Pace sort out the cam problems.
Regard Bertieton

21-09-2007, 07:58 PM
Over on another forum a Pace owner says he has recieved an email from them which promises new software to overcome the cam problems.They say this software should be available within the next week.
In all other respects this is a great receiver ,and if the software appears I would unreservedly recomend it.
However Pace has made this promise before.I await with baited breath.
Regards Bertieton

21-09-2007, 08:32 PM
I have a dragon and a cam :) has any1 got a free view card to work in this box,just want channel 4 and five,just need a working file with the correct caid in,thanks chaps.