View Full Version : power up????

23-09-2007, 01:57 PM
this is a real weirdo problem. had a bit of a blip which knocked the electric off in the house. switched everything back on at the board everything fine but no tm stb standby light. took the plug out replaced fuse and checked the other all ok. tried stb plugged straight into a wall socket and away she went no problem everything aok. plugged backinto the multi plug and on she went again for about 20 seconds then nothing ? just all lights out? what the hell is goin on ere any one help? ive currently lettin it sleep un plugged and closed down i know the stb is fine its just got the arse wi sharin the electric supply wi the other stuff plugged in. will this pass when its had a kip or is there summat i need to do to get it workin again? it was fine before the trip switch went and as always been before today. thanks for any advice , regards, adamx.

23-09-2007, 07:24 PM
right pimps. ive got to the bottom of it and found the problem and i add sorted it, for future refference if it helps any one , the technomate 1600 box is sensitive and must have a built in electronic safety trip mechanism inside. i plugged in again after the umpteenth time and still no joy so i powered up without connectin any scarts or the sat dish antenna cable. everything was ok till the f connector touched the screw antenna point on the back and all went black again. so the problem was the tiny static current in the dish cable knockin out the stb. if u come across this problem in future the way round it is this : just make sure you connect all your ariels and scarts before you connect to the mains and switch on this stops the trip occurin . mite sound silly to some but it made me miss the footy this afternoon. hope this helps .
regards, adamx.

Tumbling Dice
24-09-2007, 04:38 PM
cheers for the update M8 I always kill the power when plugging stuff in the stb ect thank fully its not that often glad to hear you got it going