View Full Version : digi tv au?

23-09-2007, 08:06 PM
loaded darkman patch dated 20th sept. d+, premiere, tps and cabo all au for me. noticed digi tv doesnt although it was mentioned au in the title. read thro a few threads but no one else has mentioned this. is it still au on tm 1500ci. thanks.

23-09-2007, 08:11 PM
Well it says that its AU from today and that you may have to wait 15-20 seconds. It may be that no-on ehas mentioned it cos its working fine for them or maybe its just that the patch ahas only just come out.

23-09-2007, 08:12 PM
if you read what I have written in the threads you would see that digi tv did not au and kempa82 had to add the keys to the au softcam

which part of the following copy and paste did you not understand ?

Digi TV AU ( not working so manual key entry )

and the patch is dated 20th september , not 23rd

23-09-2007, 08:15 PM
I think that means DigiTV Au isnt working :)

23-09-2007, 08:18 PM
i read sardine and pilchard paste and went to get a sandwich. missed yours and will now have a read. must admit have had a hectic weekend trying to get sorted. installed a new motor and have only got arcing from 5 west to 28 east. wind stopped play as its on the roof.lol. have done the most of job tho and will tinker when not windy. regards

23-09-2007, 08:21 PM
been extremely busy myself , but still found time to add that note regarding digi tv in the initial upload and I even included the original tm softcam and the subsequent update in the correct sections here

so if I can find the time to do my side of things , I expect seasoned vets to spend 5 minutes reading what I have written , and that way we dont need a pointless thread about it ;)

23-09-2007, 08:26 PM
Hey i aint even got a tm1500! was just tryin gto help :D

Serves me right. lol

Perhaps this thread can be closed then....;)

23-09-2007, 08:29 PM
point taken. my, you got out of bed the wrong side.lol.all sorted now. got the patch off darkmans site thats why i didnt spot the problem, but now ive had my knuckles rapped i'll go and stand in the corner. softcam now in and working. thanks

23-09-2007, 08:32 PM

glad its sorted

always worth checking my posts , especially when I post the files and add extra info to it

ps:- you dont need the box to be able to read my posts about it :)

pps:- kempa82 did post about it over on darkmans site AND he added the tm softcam to fix it ( twice I think )