View Full Version : TVCabo Nagra 3 cards hacked. Confirmed. Thanks to jobusca for this info.

24-09-2007, 01:25 AM
Got this information from jobusca and here is news on nagravision 3 ladies and gentlemen:

'Maybe not a full hack but can confirm Cabo nagra 3 (Rom142) moscs cards exit and I confirm that. OK.

New mosc cards may not have a guarantee that they will work for more than 60 days due to a change in the way cabo now updates it's package. In fact there is no guarantee how long they will last as they have not completed the change over and there could be a revision update around the Conner for the new cards or some secret function that has not been activated yet. So not a full hack. Just a hack that at the moment gives you access to all cabo channels including Video on Demand.

Rumour has it and its 99% sure. Well 99% sure not 100% that new EMU with AU for nagra 3 on cabo. But don’t get your hopes to high as this maybe just for the current receivers that work with cabo cards.

Non official receivers that so far work with nagravision 3 original or mosc cards with new firmware.

Mirage models: sft-2000, sci-5110 and 8000 (Complex method but works).
AZbox models: S710 - GA, S710 - GB, ST710 - GA and ST710 - GB.
Mvision 9085 net and USB models. (Bought one over the weekend)

Rumour or proof?????
look at this image from dreambox:'

Thanks to jobusca for this info.;)



24-09-2007, 09:40 AM
Very good news that one m8 :D


24-09-2007, 11:39 AM
So anybody know about use of id 005644

24-09-2007, 01:08 PM
So anybody know about use of id 005644

I think this is just a false ProvID as the real ProvID is no longer contained within the ECM.

Expect a Dreambox Rom142 card solution (NOT EMU) within the next few days or at least by the weekend ;)

24-09-2007, 05:15 PM
Thanks i wondered why it was showing up in this manner along with p/keys 00re N3 .

I agree i would not expect to see this way given the changes being made.

Good news for Dreambox will watch this space.

24-09-2007, 05:21 PM
The provider ID is always there, but it's encrypted with the rest of the ECM...

24-09-2007, 06:39 PM
Oh!!!! but these are fantastic news mates :D if they are true of course. Let's wait and see what will happen. All the best,


28-09-2007, 05:59 PM

NewCS 1.31 released

Added support for Nagra "3" (Rom 142 cards).
Brand spanking new Web-console (look at httpd section in default config).
Completely rewritten tcp-console.
Added manual ecm/emm sending.
Fixed timeing on ATR (should be alot faster for slow cards!).
Increased timeout on SCI commands, should fix some Big Conax EMM's.
Default config for x86&/i686 is now /etc/newcs.xml.
Fixed uptime should be correct on win32 now!
Added "advanced" mode for tcp-console - to hide possibly scary manual ecm/emm sending.
Fixed so it increase reset-counter on manual reset.
Fixes for some Irdeto cards in SCI.
Fixes to Irdeto EMM-AU code.
Fixed should now send Issuer Ident for Viaccess again.

28-09-2007, 07:06 PM
Ok M8 - assume all thats brilliant from what YOU are saying, but what does it all mean to we 'ordinary' punters - in English please?:D

28-09-2007, 07:53 PM
beter response on DreamBox to new encryption ...en more joy to us

28-09-2007, 08:00 PM
1st step to craking nagra 3: making card readable in other recievers......PASSED

28-09-2007, 08:19 PM
Got this from another board I am Involved IN :eek:

28-09-2007, 09:05 PM
is it just me or are most of you lot just talking twaddle,

wtf are you on about

28-09-2007, 09:38 PM
@ dubious thanks for the infos it is really good progress.

28-09-2007, 09:41 PM
no, i don't think its a load of twaddle(lovely word by the way!)
i have read on other boards that nagra 3 has been hacked, as far as i'm concerned it can't e made public soon enough!!!
best of luck to them all, those who are working hard to get it for us
regards maggie

28-09-2007, 09:47 PM
dont missunderstand the progress being made is excellent BUT

do you understand any of it though maggie

28-09-2007, 10:04 PM
Great news hope we get clear channels, thanks to all who devote their time and effort for this result

29-09-2007, 10:01 AM
unfortunately most people run gbox for CS and although this is progress in the fact that newcs can read the new cabo rom 142 card and then share it,gbox still cant understand the 1802 provider id,also this id is encrypted within the ECM,so untill an update to gbox arrives(dont hold your breath)most cant gain anything by this progress.
last night i set up newcs 1.31 with cs2gbox and gbox 2.25c and although i have the new provider id in my share,i still cannot open anything on cabo.
the only answer at present is to find someone who shares using newcs but how many people do that?not bloody many,so although i do agree its a step in the right direction,its nothing to write home about yet.ian.

29-09-2007, 10:57 AM
you are mistaken , sharing with newcs - CCcam/mgcamd/evocamd/camd3 is at least
level with gbox if not more .
anyway , there should be a fixed version of gbox for this issue , i'm just not sure if you
can find it publicly yet .

05-10-2007, 11:26 PM
unfortunately most people run gbox for CS and although this is progress in the fact that newcs can read the new cabo rom 142 card and then share it,gbox still cant understand the 1802 provider id,also this id is encrypted within the ECM,so untill an update to gbox arrives(dont hold your breath)most cant gain anything by this progress.
last night i set up newcs 1.31 with cs2gbox and gbox 2.25c and although i have the new provider id in my share,i still cannot open anything on cabo.
the only answer at present is to find someone who shares using newcs but how many people do that?not bloody many,so although i do agree its a step in the right direction,its nothing to write home about yet.ian.

did you try gbox version 2.21B?? with your set up,i do have a special version it may read it without a problem ,shame i dont have cabo card to try

06-10-2007, 12:59 AM
You guys had better get used to the idea that gbox is all but dead, the author has left the scene and so no more real development is happening.

NewCS is again the first to support new changes and alot of other systems now rely on it.

NewCS with rom142 is working perfectly already with 2 well known Clients, you just need a liittle more patience for public release.

Good news is there will soon be NewCS incorporating Chameleon sharing.

Its nothing like ccamd etc etc, NewCS can peer any cards that are connected on the Chameleon network, even if the cards are behind a million firewalls.

Its based on a trust p2p network topology, no one gets IP addresses and its 100% anonymous to level 2 and below. Only Connecting peers know each others details, others just see the cards and dont know where they come from. They have no ability to find out either (execept using hops, but that doesnt tell you anything usefull)

The protocol used is not open for all, and its wrapped in SSL socket layer for security. You need to generate a .PEM (RSA private/Public key) before Newcs will talk to its peers.

Chameleon keeps a list of all cards on the network and how many of them. It also bases responses on how fast the internet links are, NOT hopcount as some traditional CS systems do. It also keeps 2 good servers in memory for fallover if needed.

| Port : 7676 |
| Server ID : F5B2 |
| Protocol Vers: 12 |
| Total Servers: 0025 |
| In / Out Data: 2.5MB / 5.8MB |
| ID | Username / IP | Connected | Since Login | Last Activity |
| 8 | somepeer.no-ip.com | xxx.xx.xx.xxx | 00d 17:21:02 | 00d 00:00:03 |
| 11 | somepeer | xxx.xx.xxx.xx | 00d 17:20:57 | 00d 00:00:03 |
| 12 | somepeer | xx.xxx.xxx.xx | 00d 07:01:07 | 00d 00:00:03 |
| 13 | somepeer | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx| 00d 17:20:49 | 00d 00:00:02 |
| 9 | somepeer.mine.nu | xx.xxx.xx.xx | 00d 14:40:19 | 00d 00:00:08 |

......its nothing to write home about yet.ian.

So you see there is much to write home about :)

18-10-2007, 11:06 AM

01-11-2007, 11:12 PM
I've heard nagravision are bringing in a new encryption that will be bad news for Technomates...but not Dreambox? Is this true?

05-11-2007, 10:04 PM
I've heard nagravision are bringing in a new encryption that will be bad news for Technomates...but not Dreambox? Is this true?

hi ,
i think if it will be bad it will be for all,,!! dreambox uses linux os based software i think TM too ,i bet they are targeting more DM then any other makes as they are in the primary plan ..regards:)

25-12-2008, 05:02 PM
But any chance for premier and d+ we want them back

05-01-2009, 03:36 AM
is it true that the tecnomate 6900 super hd cannot unblock nagravision3 even with a legit card this is no good if true as i have just bought 1

big mick
05-01-2009, 06:25 AM
original post over 15 months old :toetap05:

am i missing somthing here or what ????
(besides a few more brain cells)



05-01-2009, 09:44 AM
There is no public hack of Nagra3, if that is what you are referring to.


05-01-2009, 10:59 AM
old thread . old news

no new news at all

nagra 3 has no public hack yet

thread closed