View Full Version : D+

25-09-2007, 12:11 PM
Come per Canal + france che esiste un canale dove autoaggiornarsi,
esiste per D+ Spagna un canale dove posizionarsi per autoaggiornarsi ?

25-09-2007, 12:37 PM
Please keep to English on here. There is no special channel for D+ AU, but you need something like Diablo CAM for D+ AU support.


25-09-2007, 01:02 PM
Or any of the receivers that supports emus/cams - evocamd,Mgcamd or CCcam 2.0.3. TM ones Dreamboxes and others. Cheers - Brain

25-09-2007, 01:32 PM
I am running Evocamd, Mgcamd, and CCcam (all latest versions), and none seem to support D+ AU.


25-09-2007, 02:20 PM
Drpaulus m8
there is a pluggin which I just ftp ed to mi 500s which au's whats left of kaka and d+

yours as always poleman

25-09-2007, 02:40 PM
Can confirm Benny is right - CCcam2.0.3 does no longer support D+au but am running all D+ on both Evocamd and MGcamd at this moment - 14-40. Some of Kaka still updates also at present -Lusomundo,venus etc. Cheers - Brain

25-09-2007, 02:57 PM
Does this work on 19E? I saw something for 30W, but the dish the receiver is on cannot get 30W.


25-09-2007, 03:07 PM
none of dreambox emus support AU on d+ , however there is a special ppc emm emu `serrabichos´ that decrypts the emm and converts/prints the keys to other emu formats . it can be run simultaniously with eg./ mgcamd , since mgcamd rereads changes
automaticly picture will pop up as soon as the emm process is over . serrrabichos also
quits itself when the job is done .

yes it works on 19E .

25-09-2007, 03:10 PM

see public upload for u m8

yours as always poleman

25-09-2007, 03:20 PM
i stand corrected Raul - but it does work fine at the moment - just a small glitsch last night and only on Evo and MGcam - I thoought everyone had been privy to the addon - it was made quite a noise about. First one didnt last too long but the update has been running for more than a week. Prem is au on Evocam and TPS still fine as at 14-45 on MGCamd for emus in DB - Cheers - Brain

25-09-2007, 03:26 PM
Cheers guys, files loaded to locations in readme and attributes set to 755. Will await a key change. :)
