View Full Version : Humax help

25-09-2007, 07:47 PM
I have 2 humax 5400z boxes when I opened them up the motherboards look different my earlier 5400z has what looks like a j-tag socket like whats used with the cas2 for upgrading receivers & some cams, is this what its for & why when you can do this through the 232 socket on the rear?
My more recent 5400z there is no socket on the motherboard why?
Finally which is the better of the 2 boxes & why?

voith driver
25-09-2007, 10:46 PM
hi the hogguk,
ok I can not give you the technical details, but as far as I know, the earlier 5400's had the facility to be worked on via the connection you mention, this was used to flash them to take the patches, but the latter 5400's were resined over to make it more difficult to do this, and I believe even later ones did not even have it, but i can stand to be corrected.

the serial port you mention is for updating the firmware (original) and for updating the channel settings, we now use it for other things ie loading bins.

the better box is the one that has the connection, this means that it is able to, or more likely to be able to be patched.

I hope I have not given you erroneous information but it is as i see it.

hope this helps

26-09-2007, 07:30 PM
Hi voith getting a bit confused here as I thought when you are loading new firmware say Toh9.5 this is what you are doing loading a new patch into your receiver via serial port & I have done this 2 both boxes so I can not see the point of the socket on motherboard & how they can make it more difficult if this can be done via 232 serial which both boxes have,sorry to take your time up just trying to understand this correctly & learn it right as I may be able to do the same for someone else in the future as thats what its all about.
Learned a lot about the Humax 5400 over the years & stuck with this box & now I have been able to explain & help my mate set a humax motorized system up for himself who new nothing about them & he has now done the same as me for another 1 of our mates 7 so it goes on.
Sorry to ramble on away from the subject but just trying to show your work & other mods help to others is not in vain & very much appreciated Many Thanks & respect to you for your time & help voith & keep up your good work.
cheers thehogguk.

voith driver
26-09-2007, 08:02 PM
hi hogguk,
well I will try not to dig a ruddy great hole for myself so here goes, you are maybe getting misled between patches and firmware, originally the serial port is for updating the original firmware and for channel settings, but was made to accept the further use of patching, by using a ------- can't think of the ruddy thing, you plug into the socket in question do some trickery and the normal 5400z can now take patches, it is basically turned back into a 5400.

the new boxes apparently have this socket resined over so this can not happen, without the use of this socket you can not get it to accept a patch.

now you will realise from my answers that i am not into the tech side of it all, this is just what I, myself, have understood from reading other posts, I just have a 5400z that was patched by the supplier, who could afford the ------- still can't think of it.

hope this sheds some light, and hope someone will correct me where i am wrong


although on reading this thread i have no answer why you have two 5400z one with the socket and one without, but am able to patch both, pass on that one.:redface:

26-09-2007, 11:34 PM
Hi again voith thanks for your reply, I am a little wiser about it now.
my second 5400 is for a backup.
Noticed it was 2 years newer so decided to have a look at the M-board & found there was a difference (the said socket missing) & wondered for what reason & is my older 1 more usable with this socket that's about it.
cheer's again thehogguk.