View Full Version : Invalid Frequency

25-09-2007, 08:13 PM
Hi to all, when I try to add a feed (TP) my Technomate 1500ci keeps coming up with the message INVALID FREQUENCY TRY AGAIN, is there any way to get round this? Thanks in advance for any help.:confused:

25-09-2007, 11:38 PM
what frequency are you trying to input? -- on which sat
or is this happening with any new t.p. that you are trying to input ?
regards c.c.

26-09-2007, 11:15 AM
Hi, just trying to add channels in advance search, I have motorised dish,it just wont let me do it.

26-09-2007, 01:24 PM
Make sure that the SR you are entering is correct.

26-09-2007, 06:47 PM
it should only give you the "invalid frequency message " if the frequency is below 10.700 --- or above 12.750
what frequency etc , are you trying to input? then i can test it on mine for you
regards c.c.

27-09-2007, 01:18 AM
Hi, one frequency I tried is 11-526 ,H , 27-500 , 3/4 its the TSI channels on Hotbird, maybe I have 2 many TP s and this is the box telling me its full. I may have to delete some or do a factory reset? I remember something like this on the Techno 5500, when I tried to search for a feed it would give the message T P full.

27-09-2007, 07:49 AM
the tm1000 series has a limit of 999 transponders and 5000 channels

my advice is delete a lot of the garbage channels , and delete some unwanted transponders too

then try again as those channels will go in ok on a standard technomate

you can check your channel lists by using all and checking tv , then radio channels
add the 2 numbers together and you will see how many are stored

the recommended limits are 3500 tv channels and 1500 radio channels

and you should be using the numbers with no other characters

so for tsi its the srg channels on 11526h 27500 and 12398h 27500

just checked them and all working fine here

27-09-2007, 01:02 PM
solved it, I had too many unused frequencys in the Tps at each position, so now I have deleted those to free up space for other ones. I hope this will help others who may have this problem in the future.;)