View Full Version : Humax 2000 HD Channel List

27-09-2007, 06:22 PM
This is one I have done 28East to 30 West
set to Usals


01-10-2007, 12:46 AM
Is it a Non Motor one?


04-10-2007, 08:45 AM
Set to USALS Motorised

04-10-2007, 09:40 AM

I think I have sorted my setup but using any Motor Chan List is wiped when you select, fixed dish.

04-10-2007, 09:47 AM
What you have to do is just setup as Diseqc switch and put up with it saying moving thats what I did on a 28/19/13 setup

04-10-2007, 02:30 PM
What you have to do is just setup as Diseqc switch and put up with it saying moving thats what I did on a 28/19/13 setup

How long does it say moving for as I waited a little while?

All I ended up doing was putting 19e and then keeping the P## D##t channels then rescaning 13e/28e.


16-10-2007, 09:05 PM
can someone tell me where can i get the new channel list for humax hd200.

16-10-2007, 11:24 PM
I'm not trying to be a smart ass here but if you click 'search' at the top of the page and put in the magic words 'humax 2000' you'll get a nice surprise!

tinto de verano
17-10-2007, 12:04 AM
Hi denis1501.
If this is an update of the 18 September file, is it therefore "For Astra & Hotbird"? Or have you also updated other satellites?
By the way, thanks for updating the list, especially when there are so few updates (channel list, firmware...) for the Humax HDCI2000.
tinto de verano

17-10-2007, 05:43 AM
thanks for your answer denis 1501

17-10-2007, 10:38 AM
Hi lads,
Yes, it's an update of the 18 sept file and it's mainly for Astra and Hotbird as i'm easily able to update these sats. There are Astra 2 channels in the list also but these are not updated at the moment.
I'll post a further update to the list very soon.
thanks for your kind words,

17-10-2007, 12:26 PM
List now updated and in the Public Upload section lads.

tinto de verano
17-10-2007, 08:24 PM
Another big thank you!
I'll try and upload it to the HDCI2000 by the weekend.
May I ask you which firmware version are you using?
I am still with 1.00.07 after reading bad things about the unofficial updates... but somewhere else I read something good about 1.00.11 (see below).
What do you think?
tinto de verano

"... the .11 release ... thankfully gave me the BBCi broadcasts ... And ... for the first time the detailed programme information pane. But this only showed the first 80 characters of programme info..."

17-10-2007, 09:51 PM
Hi m8,
I'm using 1.004 because it's the only version where my box doesn't get stuck in standby mode and need to be switched off/on with the button on the back!
And believe me I've tried them all!
Let me know how you get on with the channel list.

21-10-2007, 04:21 PM
Hi denis1501,

How do I Convert Apid and vpid in fomula for HD 1.01.
In Fomula Hd im as far as (Edit..Select All) then to edit I need a calculator
for (APid..1112 = 0458) is there a calculator in Formula HD to do this sum.



21-10-2007, 05:04 PM
It changes them automatically when you save the changes m8.
e.g click on channel you wish to edit.
this channels info is now displayed at the top of the page, directly under the 'channel info' button.
insert your changes and click 'save'
conversion is made for you.

tinto de verano
21-10-2007, 06:46 PM
Hi denis1501.
1) Regarding firmware issues: I have never had the "stuck in standby mode" issue with 1.00.04 nor 1.00.07 (fingers crossed).
2) Regarding firmware updates: today I took the plunge and have updated to 1.00.11. So far, no issues. Improvements... I don't know yet...
3) Channel list: I'm afraid I still haven't tried yours (thank you again, by the way). Allow me to elaborate:
3a) So far i had used channel lists from bigman and laurals, not available anymore.
3b) I had done a bit of work on the latest one (on the receiver itself, not on PC): deleting channels in sats I cannot get (the list was almost full), resorting some, adding some... BUT of course, I was missing the new Premiere sports bundesliga (and any others the Humax cannot pick up and have to be entered via PC, I don't know which ones those might be).
3c) This morning I had a look at your list and noticed it had many radio stations (no problem, I deleted them) but I also noticed there were some 2800 TV channesls (when I think I still had some 3300 in my edited/shortened list), there was also a different sat...
This is no criticism, I'm just trying to explain why I still haven't used your list when you had kindly suggested "Let me know how you get on with the channel list."
In other words, I'd like to find the time to compare both lists and maybe pick and mix (adding the Premiere sports obviously)...
Sorry for such a long explanation. The idea is to say thanks for your list and hard work, and sorry I still haven't tried it. Keep up the good work.
tinto de verano

21-10-2007, 07:56 PM
Hi denis1501,

What I am doing is editing an unused channel, I am adding Prem sport 3
Service ID..223..PMT Pid102..VPid767 and so on.
Its a calculator that tell you what number to load in just under (Channel info).


22-10-2007, 04:46 PM
Hi denis1501,

I see what you mean, now that i have opened satpauls Channel list.
Sorry about that.


tinto de verano
24-10-2007, 11:35 PM
Hi denis1501,
Finally taken the plunge, including buying a USB Serial converter for the old laptop.
1) I have downloaded your channel list to the HDCI2000. Unfortunately I missed /forgot some of the threads and didn't realise/remember that it was only for Astra 1, 2, and Hotbird. My fault. Still a great job. Thanks.
2) So I decided to download again "my" previous channels list (actually Laural's, with many more sats and updated from time to time by rescanning), which I had luckily backed up/uploaded to Formula before replacing it. Relief.
3) But, before downloading "my list" to the HDCI2000, I copied and pasted Premiere Sports 3 from your list. So now I have it. Thanks.
4) Apart from the Premiere channels, are there any other channels the HDCI can't detect and need to be added through Formula?
5) I need to keep going throuh your channel list to see what else I can copy an paste. Thanks.
6)Regarding my update from firmware 1.00.07 to 1.00.11:
6a) I do not seem to have the "stuck in standby" issue you mention.
6b) It looks as if I still cannot get the red button/iBBC channels. Maybe they are not trasnmitting at the moment, hence the black screen. I might try a rescan.
6c) I have noticed an issue with the names of the last 4 or 5 sats in the list (Astra 3 appears as Atlantic Bird 3, for example). I need investigate this further before I decide what to do...
Thank you very much.
tinto de verano

25-10-2007, 12:40 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

Not shure if you have a Diablo or Dragon Cam, but if you have here is
another 106 channels, 90% English, 8 Film channels.
Digitv...Intelsat 10-02..@..1w (Not Thor @ 0.8w).
Another thing is as you say some of Larales53 sats have different names.
To find Digitv in laurals list ( L53 08 May..his LAST..he sold his HD2000).
GOTO INTELSAT 707 (Its not as you think at 53w..Its 1w).
Scan in Digtv Frequenceys...12527..H..27500..3/4.
..12687..H..27500..3?4...12687..V ..27500..3/4..12723..H..27500..3/4.
Expect about 40 to 60% Signal Quality on a 80cm Dish.

@satpaul, You could take over Laurals53 List now that he"s Finished with it.
he layed it out for the Diablo and Dragon Cams.


tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 07:31 PM
Hi Bbigfoot.
1) I have both a Diablo light and a TRex.
2) DigiTV. Yeah. I had already added those. Thanks.
3) Sats with different names. Very confusing... I'm starting a new thread soon (2 actually: HDCI2000: back to FW 07 and HDCI2000: BBCi)
Thank you very much for your reply and the info on DigiTV.
tinto de verano

27-10-2007, 09:44 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

I will scan in BBCi today, then paste into laurals53 may list.
Can I just paste them any place in the list.

tdu, Have you linked up your HD2000 with a component lead,
I had to, picture to dark on LCD through HDMI socket.
Use the Component to view SD and HD @ 576p.
It does a good job of Upscaling the SD picture Quality.
Better Quality picture then though the scart socket.
Brighter HD picture then the HDMI socket but @ 576p.


tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 10:47 PM
Hi Bbigfoot.
1) I think you do not need to scan BBCi (they are in my minilist).
Just back up your channell list, if you have modified laural's original one (or use laural's if you have not modifid it). Open it in Formula and copy and paste the BBCi channels from my mini list.
I'm learning as I go, it looks as if when you paste channels in Formula they always get pasted at the top of the list. And you cannot change the numbers/order.
Once you have downloaded the list to the HDCI200, you can move all the BBCi channels wherever you want with the Edit Channels option.
2) Er... I'm afraid I still haven't bought an HD TV. I bought the HDCI2000 to be futureproofed hoping I'd soon get an HD display... That waas a year ago. Maybe Santa will give me a nice surprise soon.
tinto de verano

28-10-2007, 01:24 PM
hi guys is there any chance 1 of ya can upload your latest file with prem 3 and bbci just for us numptys that dont no how to work formula cheers :rolleyes:

tinto de verano
28-10-2007, 04:17 PM
Hi sparky208.
Can I offer you some help with Formula?
Bear in mind I'm no expert either and I'm just trying to learn (by trial and error...).
I'm assuming you have Formula and a null modem cable.
You can easily back up your current channel list to Formula (it takes some time).
Save that file as a backup.
Save it again with a different name to experiment...
Copy and paste the BBCi channels from the list (Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf) I posted yesterday.
Save it.
Download to STB.
tinto de verano

28-10-2007, 06:41 PM
hi tinto de verano yes m8 i have it all. i did used to do it but that was about a year ago ive just forgot how to but ill give it a go now i used to use bigmans list i dont see him around much now anyway do i allso have to put in prem3 or is it allredy in there+ ive looked every place to find out how to get the info button to work on all the prems is it something to do with the pids do ya think :confused:

tinto de verano
28-10-2007, 07:26 PM
Hi sparky208.
Do a backup of your list first, just in case.
Add the BBCi channels...
No, I'm afraid that Premiere Sports 3 is not in my mini BBCi list.
I'm tryng to back up my list at the moment.
I'll try to create and upload a Premiere only channels list. Hopefully, you'll be able to copy and paste Premiere Sports 3 (and any other Premiere channel you might need from that.
It's a slow process, but satisfying, I hope.
tinto de verano

28-10-2007, 07:41 PM
cheers m8 thats good ill keep playing thanks sparky208 :D

28-10-2007, 09:44 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

Will follow your instuctions and paste in BBCi, Thanks.

@sparky208...Try this to load Prem Sport 3.
Open formula, load in your channel list pick a channel close to the Prem channels,
(In my L53 list 24 25 26 are old, No channels) Highlite the channel (Left click the line)
You will now see the pids highlited at the top of Formula.
4 on the top line, 3 on the bottom line and the name of the channel.
These are Prem Sports 3, Pids,
Top line left to right.....223..102..767..768.
Bottom line left to right......767..8192..32. Then far right type in (Premiere Sport 3)
Then click Save...you dun.
Upload you channel list to STB, you now have Prem Sport 3.
I stuck ORF 1 & 2 in the other 2 empty Channels.


28-10-2007, 09:53 PM
This really is a bad limitation for this receiver, not been able to tune into Premiere's portal channels is really a big disadvantage of this receiver, and looks like no firmware updates available either :(

tinto de verano
28-10-2007, 11:40 PM
Hello again.
Sorry. Been busy.
1) sparky208, Bbigfoot, did the addition of the BBCi channels go OK? I hope so.
2) sparky208, did you manage to add Premiere Sports 3 with Bbigfoot instructions? I hope so.
3) Bbigfoot, thanks for those instructions.
4) harshy, I agree. You might have read my other post regarding my problems upgrading to unofficial firmware .11 and then .13... only to go back to .07. I should have listened to denis1501. Yes, the Humax support for this receiver has been really disappointing. And once laurals stopped producing channel lists updates... well, nobody has added much (thanks denis1501 for the list you uploaded recently with updated Astra 1, Astra 2 and Hotbird).
5) I tried to merge my current list with denis1501 list but, so far, have failed miserably. I'll keep trying...
Thank you all.
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
29-10-2007, 01:23 AM
Hi Bbigfoot and all.
Just noticed we do not need to use an old channel to edit it with new data...
We can (go to the bottom of a list) right click and click on Add. It'll create a new line where we can add the data we want.
You probably all knew this already, but just in case.
As mentioned earlier, I'm just trying to learn how to use Formula.
Thanks again.
tinto de verano

29-10-2007, 10:39 PM
Hi tinto de verano & All,

Yes, loaded BBci additions OK, but how many do I add out of the 200 + channels.
Is it just the 7 as in your readme.
Everything pasted Ok except the transponder (12207-27500),
and the provider (BNT). Right click Transponder & Provider and loaded
(12440=27500...BS*yB) OK now.
TDV, That was a Good find (Add).


tinto de verano
30-10-2007, 01:06 AM
Hi Bbigfoot.
1) 200+ channels?
As far as I know, Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf should only contain the 7 BBCi channels, the 7 as in my readme, not 200+.
2) Yes, I'm afraid I also noticed yesterday that when copying and pasting (sometimes? always? not sure), Transponder and Provider remain blank. Strange.
Luckily you also discovered that by right clicking you can select transponder and provider... Not too difficult if dealing with only 7 channels. But I wonder how to solve it if pasting 2000 channels!!
3) Glad you managed to sort it out in the end.
4) Thanks for considering the Add feature a good find. There's still so much to find out and so little time.
5) Yesterday I tried to copy and paste (newer) channels from denis1501 list into mine hoping no duplicates would be pasted, but everything got pasted/added so I soon went over the 4000 channel limit. And as you mention, with no Transponder nor Provider info!!! This tool is "amazing".
6) Hope we can all do some more experiments and find some good things. We cannot rely on Humax to do it for us I'm afraid.
Good luck to us all.
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
30-10-2007, 01:53 AM
Hello again Bbigfoot.
I think I found out how to avoid empty Transponder and Provider fields when copying and pasting fields from one list to another.
For the purpose of this exercise, let's say we want to copy and paste the 7 BBCi channels from my Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf into a new empty channels list.
As we found out, when pasting, the Transponder and Provider fields remain empty/blank. Very annoying.
Here is how to avoid it:
1) Open Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf.
2) Open a new empty file (and save it with, lets say, My Brand New List.fdf).
3) Wait, do not copy and paste the 7 BBCi channels yet.
4) In Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf, click on the Provider Info tab. Select all and copy.
5) In My Brand New List.fdf, click on the Provider Info tab and paste.
6) In Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf, click on the TS Info tab. Select all and copy.
7) In My Brand New List.fdf, click on the TS Info tab and paste.
8) In Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf, click on the Channel Info tab. Select all and copy.
9) In My Brand New List.fdf, click on the Channel Info tab and paste. Everything gets pasted now! Including Transponder and Provider!
I am assuming that when you tried to copy and paste from Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf into your existing channel list (not empty), the BBCi Transponder Info or Provider Info (or maybe both) was missing (in your existing list) and that is why those fields remained empty, maybe. Nothing seems very straightforward with Formula.
Good luck.
tinto de verano

30-10-2007, 10:07 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

My Brand New List worked for me, it also pasted Transponder & Provider.
But when I Pasted into New List I gained 2 more Channels, it
went from 244 channels to 246.


tinto de verano
31-10-2007, 08:27 PM
Hi Bbigfoot.
Glad it al worked out well.
Been very busy.
Haven't had any time to practise with Formula nor to update my list... one of these days.
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 04:16 PM
i just cant get it to work i give up me brain hurts :confused: but thanks to denis1501 tinto de verano and Bbigfoot :D is there anychance of 1 of you guys uploading your file with bbci and all the prems iam not wanting spoon fed guys i just cant get it :confused:

tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 06:18 PM
Hi sparky208.
Sorry to hear it is not working for you.
What exactly is your problem then?
As mentioned earlier I do not want to pass on my list (basically laurals may07, many channels deleted to free up space, some added, but a lot of adding and sorting still to be done...) because you might find it turns out to be worse than your list!
Here's an idea:
Is your list up to date, except for the BBCi channels and Premiere Sports 3?
You could upload it to the Public section and I'm sure some of us could try adding BBCi and Premiere Sports 3 to your list... and of course we might also benefit from it...
Does it make sense?
Let us know what you think.
Don't give up.
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 06:45 PM
hi tinto de verano its just not working out for me i cant get the pid setting to highlite haven loads of probs wth it iam useing vista mabey something to do with it i dont no m8 me head is picceld. on my box i have le53 08 may 05 file its in its origanal state nothing moved if i put it up on the Public section can you work your magic on it please and ill bye ya a pint :D wot ya think

tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 07:07 PM
Hi sparky08.
I can certainly give it a try.
And try and comment what I did in case you also want to try it once I give you back your (modified by me) list.
By the way, do you have space to add more channels?
le53 08 may 05 file was so comprehensive at the time that it had close to the 4000 channel limit!
That's why I had to start deleting channels! Otherwise there was no way to add Digi TV nor (some of) Kabel Deutschland channels...
In fact, I deleted almost every channel (except for one in case some sort of placeholder might be needed in the future) for the sats I could not get any signal or had channels I was not interested in:

Eutelsat W1
Intelsat 901
Arabsat 2A3A2D
******* 1B/Eutelsat W6
Amos 1
Telstar 12
Eutelsat W4

Let's see what we can do.
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 07:29 PM
hi m8 thats brill if ya can and if neaded delete Eutelsat W1
Intelsat 901
Arabsat 2A3A2D
******* 1B/Eutelsat W6
Amos 1
Telstar 12
Eutelsat W4 to make room for others i will upload the laurels file .i will try my laptop on it and see if i can get anyware topmman thanks for helping out :D

tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 07:45 PM
Hi sparky208.
1) If your list is the original le53 08 may 05 file list (with 3991 channels! I just checked it)
2) If you do not mind losing the channels I deleted from the sats I have no signal
3) Since I'm not sure I can delete all those sats in Formula on the PC (I deleted them in the actual HDCI2000 in front of the telly) and then uploaded the list to formula
I guess the easiest thing is for me is (after all, sorry for the wait, to finally) let you borrow my work in progress, not final, many things missing... current channel list.
I'm going to zip it and upload it for you (TDV list for sparky208). But, once again, it's not perfect, it's not final... it's le53 08 may 05 file with many deletions and some additions and not totally up to date... I guess I've made my point by now.
Keep a backup of your current list in case you do not like mine.
I hope this helps you get (some of the) channels you were missing.
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 07:54 PM
fantastic that would be real good m8 i just tryde to upload it from my humax but it crashed at 42% i think my htpc is over heating i nead to put the hoover on it to suck the heat out poxy thing but thanks for your help ill let ya no how i get on :D

tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 08:02 PM
Already there for you.
Let things cool down before downloading it to the HDCI2000 to avoid any crashes.
Yes, please, let me know how you get on (hopefully OK).
And let me know if you find something is missing and I'll try to add it.
Although this channel list thing takes a lot of time ...
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 08:55 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

why not upload your still developing Channel List so we can all help
with suggestions on how to improve Your list.

@sparky208...To highlite the Pids did you first cilck on the line you need to Edit.
The line should turn blue and at the same time highlite all Pids & Sids.

tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 09:13 PM
Hi Bbigfoot,
It's been there (Public Upload Center) for quite a while now for sparky208...
I've always been reluctant to made it public because it's not complete/final... but if it's the only way for sparky208 to get BBCi and Prem Sport 3... well there it is.
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 09:44 PM
Hi tinto de verano, Thanks.

Have just found this Channel List (Humax 2000 17 oct 2007)
Its quite unique in that it has Premiere and D+ mixed up.
It also has 1 to 9 Bundesliga, and PS 3, Taquilla 1 to 10.

Prem and D+ mixed up at the moment is OK but what if we loose One.
Will try and Upload with Thread as in brackets so it can give you
some more ideas.
Have not uploaded as yet on Satpimps.


fred fickle
02-11-2007, 09:44 PM
I see you guyz are doing a lot of good work with channel lists and Neo editor, what a pity a previously good satellite manufacturer like Humax should provide such lousy back up service and tell anyone who calls the helpline that "your box is old only 18months and there are NO plans to upgrade software on old boxes" what a kick in the teeth after paying good money for their satellite box with limited satellites,a measly 4000 channels and still the problems with Pr*m portal channels not to mention the regular crashes that happen.
Message to Humax get your act together or no one will buy ANY of your products.

tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 10:25 PM
Hi Bbigfoot,
I think you might be referring to denis1501 list.
I think its quite up to date for Hotbird and Astra 1, not so much (according to denis1501, I seem to remember) for Astra 2.
That is the "problem", that it only contains those 3 sats (still great work by denis1501, thanks mate).
I tried merging (the best of) denis1501 list with (the best of) mine (laurals's modifed) but would always end up with far too many chanels, duplicated, and well over the 4000 limit...
So I gave up.
Might try again, but it takes so long...
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 10:30 PM
Hi fred fickle,
Thanks for your kind words.
At least we are trying.
Yes, I guess we all agree: Humax, stragely enough, does not seem to care about/support this box anymore (did they ever?). I do not understand why.
So we have to help ourselves, we've been left alone. But we'll succeed.
One thing: continuous crashes? Fingers crossed, but I do not seem to have that issue, neither with a TRex, nor with a Diablo.
Is it very common? Which firmware are you using?
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 11:12 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

Looks like it is denis1501s channel list.
3 Sats 13, 19, 28e, total TV channels 2858
could not upload for you to look at, Invalid file (FDF File).
Thank for your good work.


tinto de verano
02-11-2007, 11:27 PM
Hi Bbigfoot.
Do not worry.
I thought it was denis1501's list.
I have it.
It's further down in the Public Upload Center (Humax 2000 updated
tinto de verano

02-11-2007, 11:37 PM
hi guys sorry for the late replie bean down the pub thanks to tinto de verano and Bbigfoot got tinto de veranos list loaded looks real good i think i no wy i couldent highlight the pids i wasent connected to the humax i was trying to edit the list without being hook up .doa or it was my puter i used the laptop to load it no probs happy days :D

tinto de verano
03-11-2007, 12:25 AM
Hi sparky208.
Glad to hear it worked OK.
Enjoy it.
And feel free to suggest additions, improvements...
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
03-11-2007, 09:52 PM
Hi Bbigfoot.
I've noticed you did manage to upload the file.
Yes, as mentioned earlier:

"...denis1501's list. I have it. It's further down in the Public Upload Center (Humax 2000 updated denis1501)... I tried merging (the best of) denis1501 list with (the best of) mine (laurals's modifed) but would always end up with far too many chanels, duplicated, and well over the 4000 limit... So I gave up.
Might try again, but it takes so long..."

tinto de verano

03-11-2007, 10:00 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

At third attempt was able to upload Channel list for your Parusal.
Its in the Thread (Humax HD List oct 2007).
Pleased you sorted sparky208s List out.


tinto de verano
03-11-2007, 10:21 PM
Hi Bbigfoot.
By the way: are you using that list?
Do you know if the Bundesliga home/info/1-9 are clearing?
tinto de verano

03-11-2007, 11:01 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

Im using the same list as You (L53 08 May) I also Have
the Diablo & T-Rex 4.1 cams, so Laurals53 List is spot on for both Cams.
I could edit In the Bundesliga channels into L53s channel list and give
them a try.
Can"t workout if Premiere Direct 1a channel in L53 list have
old VPids (Black screen on 1a).
Trying to workout if Premiere Direct 1+0,5 in 17 oct List is the same channel
as Premiere direct 1a is in L53 channel list, If Yes the Pids look as if they or
Old In L53 list. Black Screen.


tinto de verano
03-11-2007, 11:58 PM
Hi Bbigfoot.
Regarding the bundesliga channels, do not worry, thanks, I might add them (after I do some research and see what is going on... they used to be arena I think...) to my L53 modified list.
Premiere Direct 1a black in L53 list?
Thst's strange. I just did a quick check and there is sound and image (and also on all the other direct ones, except for direct 1 which right now had Ref 13... not sending). And I have not modified those at all.
tinto de verano

04-11-2007, 05:19 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

I have the 10 Direct channels working OK, it is DireKt 1 that has the Ref 13.
I was confused by Laurals Numbering, never realy look before.
I thought Direct went 1..1a up to 5..5a, so that lead my to think
Direct 1 had changed Pids,
The Numbering goes 1a...1b...2...2a...3...3a...4...4 a...5...5a.
1 to 10 would be less complicated when telling others where
the good films are in Direct.


04-11-2007, 05:51 PM
hi chaps iam still playing with the list its taken me all day just to figger out how to move my dish i aint don it for a year but its looking good is there anyway to get tv 1000 on sirus with a dragon cam :D

04-11-2007, 06:50 PM
yer tv1000 & digi is working with dragon (oops sorry i thought you ment 1 west)

tinto de verano
04-11-2007, 07:06 PM
Hi Bbigfoot,

Ok. No real problem then, good.
Yes, 1 to 10 would be less complicated. Although, I guess the naming convention used by denis1501 (1; 1+0,5; 1+1; 2; 2+0,5...) might be the most meaningful (if Im not mistaken 1+0,5 meaning the same movie/event as in 1 plus half an hour...). In fact, I might be using denis1501 when I next modify my list.

Hi sparky208,
So I take it you have a fixed dish... single LNB? How many sats can you get? And the list (for motorized dish) is then working OK for a fixed dish?
Not sure, but I think tv 1000 on sirus is not clearing. There might be something on digi (Intelsat 707 aka Intelsat 10-02/Thor 2/3 = 1W).

tinto de verano

04-11-2007, 08:08 PM
hi chaps i have a motorisd dish so fare i have pulled in astra 123 hotbird and sirus thats all i can get i nead to move the dish i spoted tv1000 on sirus i havent sean them for a long time it was my favorate that and the ticket channels :D

tinto de verano
04-11-2007, 09:19 PM
Hi sparky208.
Sorry, my mistake.
When you said "...its taken me all day just to figger out how to move my dish i aint don it for a year ...", I somehow assumed you meant move it manually. Don't know why, sorry.
By the way, I can get a signal (SE UK) on these sats: Hotbird, Astra 1, Eutelsat W2, Eutelsat W3, Sirius, Intelsat 707, Telecom 2D, Intelsat 605, Astra 2, Arabsat 2B, ******* 1C, Pas 1R, Thor, Atlanta Bird 1, Astra 3, Hellasat 2, Atlantic Bird 3. Not on the others in the list, I seem to remember.
Yes, moving the dish to locate the sats for the first time requieres a lot of patience and... that's enough, I'll try again tomorrow sort of attitude...
Oh, by the way, 2 pieces of advice I found long ago:
(...) The answer is not to re-calculate the sats after finding one as it just confuses all the other points. You have to search for the sats manually and then store each one (remeber do not re-calculate)
(...) do not use the all transponders when searching as you lose signal strength & quality, find the transponder with the strongest signal and the little hummy glides through the channels sweet as a dove and switches back to all - automatically.
Good luck, and loads of patience.
tinto de verano

04-11-2007, 09:37 PM
hi m8 thanks for that i also remember some1 saying about removing the dragon cam before moving the dish around and searching ill keep playing topman for helping out :D

tinto de verano
04-11-2007, 09:59 PM
Hi sparky208.
Glad to be useful.
I guess that's the idea of any forum, and specially this one.
I've always found help here, so I'm glad to pass on what I have learnt or read here (or in other sources).
And I do not remember reading anything about removing the cam before trying to locate sats. I've never removed my TRex nor my Diablo.
Good luck. And remember, patience, it's very frustrating, specially when one day, after moving W & E for ages you finally get a signal on Nilesat 101-102... and after seeing the channels you can find you discover you have saved Nilesat in the same position as Hotbird!!!! It happened to me. Then I read I'm not supposed to get a signal for Nilesat... patience.
tinto de verano.

04-11-2007, 10:11 PM
Hi sparky208,

No chance of any of the 10 or so TV1000 channels with Viasat on sirus 5e
all changed to (Videoguard), and a few to (Conax and Videoguard).
We first cracked TV1000 and it had Filmnet too, about 10 years back
when it was D2Max.
The Box then cost £99 and only cracked Viasat and if I remember
it only had 3 or 4 Movie channels.It was the best for 10 years.



04-11-2007, 10:38 PM
hi Bbigfoot yes m8 thats what i had a d2mac i used to pay a guy down the the tottemham court rd £10 a time every time my card went down then i got wise and got a pic programer that was me hooked i nearly shat when it worked grate fun :D

11-11-2007, 09:34 PM
Hi sparky208,

Yes remember now, it used to be the 1st of the month (Key change) fork out
for new Keys.

Hi tinto de verano,

How"s your list coming along.
About Pasting in (Formula), if you need to sort channels, just (Click Copy)
then click the channel below where you would like to paste it.
It will then be Pasted above that channel.
For Exaple, 28e was All over the place, I Have started 28e like this..
...BBC NEWS 24.
...S*y News.
...BBC HD.
...BBC I (Your region..SE..NW..London).
...BBC 2.
...ITV 1. (Your region)
...ITV 2.
...ITV 3.
...ITV 4.
...BBC 3.
...BBC 4.
...Film 4.
...Movies4Men, and so On.
Just Delete the first channel, then you"l only have the moved channel.
I found it take"s forever to Delete a channel in (Formula) using (Delete)
best to use (Cut).that takes a split second to delete.

Have Pasted Bundeslige..Home..INFO..1 to 9, under Premiere Spot 3.
Today had EPG on Home..Bun 1..Bun 2, but Black screen.
1 & 2 where showing Lega 2 Matches as far as was led be the EPG.

Have noticed when you Paste from one list into (L53 May), if the
Transponder is (22000) the Transponder and Provider also Paste IN.
To Paste from one list to another in Formula, open one list after the other.

Would like to find a way to look at one Satellite"s Channel list in Formula
but not able to find out if possible.
PET123 has that Function.

Do you think we will be able to get BBC Multi screen (Press Red Button)
on HD2000.


tinto de verano
14-11-2007, 02:10 AM
Hi Bbigfoot.
Sorry for not answering earlier. Been very busy. Still...
1) Well, the list is very, ery slowly progressing: I've been updating Hispasat, Hotbird, and Astra 1 so far. I've gone to Flysat, to Hispasat and scanned for every single frequency listed (in an attempt to try and keep some "provider order"). The same for Hotbird and Astra 1... And I'll try the same for a few more sats(Astra 2, 3, Intelsat 707...). But, due to the 4000 channel limit I've been a bit conservative and have not saved new channels that were not clearing, nor phone lines, nor some channels I have no interest in... The new ones get added at the end and I (have to) try to group them together by provider... so slow...
2) Thanks for your advice with pasting and sorting in Formula. I'll try that. Somehow, Formula seems to have a mind of its own... and does what I'm not expecting it to do... like always pasting at the top of the list... probably my fault... need to practice and learn... but it also takes time...
3) Bundesliga. I think I've added/updated the list after my frequency by frequency scanning, but need to check if anything is opening at all.
4) Would like to find a way to look at one Satellite"s Channel list in Formula. Me too. It's a shame it (apparently) cannot be done. It would be great: I could. let's say update and sort out Astra 1, you could do Astra 2, sparky08 Hotbird... and we could share and save loads of time... But it looks as if it's not possible. Is Formula the only editor that works with HDCI2000?
5) BBC Multi screen (Press Red Button). I haven't got a clue about how to get that. There are a couple of channels that show a split screen (6 BBC screens I think) but I do not know of any key combination to select one of them.
tinto de verano

14-11-2007, 05:14 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

Just found this List by an Italian, am thinking of making this my Base list,
and move from (L53 may 07). Its so neat to look at, have not tryed it yet.
It has, 65 Premiere channels (No Sport 3 yet, but thats easy to Add).
146 D+ channels (2 C+ Deporte 3 channels, the only difference between the 2 is,
PMT 040C...PMT 040B).
It has 120 digitv channels @1w.
It tells you where Satellites 13e.. 19.2e start and so on,
it also has your, 7 DV-STROM-O on 28e, But No BBC that I can See,
must be there if DV-STROM are there.
Will try and Upload in Thread (HD2000 List Aug 07).
Will Paste in Sport 3. under Sport 2 First.

tdt, have added Prem Sport 3,
To paste so to have consecutive numbers, 1.2.Paste.3.4.
Paste on 3, the Paste is then (No 3)
You will then have
To Paste.
Right Click, copy, in the first List. Left click on the second list (Blue line) where
you would like to paste it, goto the top of Formula and click (Paste).


16-11-2007, 12:06 AM
Hi tinto de verano,

I uploaded the Italians List with Prem Sport 3 added, but after loading into
HD2000 no Sport 3.
Somehow an Astra channel will end up on Hotbird ?,

tdt, Found out another way keep some Provider Order, its a little bit quicker
then Copy & Paste.
Drag & Drop, left click, hold down, drag and drop. The dragged channel will
assume the number of the channel you droped it onto.


tinto de verano
16-11-2007, 01:08 AM
Hi Bbigfoot,
Sorry, late again.
Let's see,
1) Regarding "Just found this List by an Italian...":
1a) If it's an August list... it won't be very up to date, I'm afraid. In fact it has the old channels/names (Canal+ Deporte). Which also L53 may 07 had for Hispasat.
1b) Out of date might be compensated by how neat it is though. I've downloaded it and had a quick glance, but need to study it in detail. As you say, it might be a good base list.
1c) Only that, after alll the time I've spent modifying laurals last list, I'm not too kin on starting all over again.
1d) Thanks for the advice on pasting.
2) Regarding "I uploaded the Italians List with Prem Sport 3 added":
2a) Strange, no Sport 3 if you added it correctly, which I'm sure you must have done. That's a shame.
2b) "Somehow an Astra channel will end up on Hotbird ?". That might be due to the fact that the Italian guy made his list fo firmware 11, I think. Remember I also had sat channel names issues when I tried to update from 07 to 11, 13, and back to 07?
2c) A big thank you for the info on "Provider order". Need to try that, but first I need to upload my channel list, after all the rescans and sorting still to be done to the PC...
tinto de verano