View Full Version : 88cm - 1.2m feasiblity study

04-10-2007, 01:22 PM

From the pic - do you think i could fit a 1.2m here in place of my 88cm.

I might do you better pics at the weekend!?

Im wondering if it might catch on roof or something....

Would it take more than an hour for an installer to align it, if i fit it!?

Or should i get him to fit it too.!? Might be costly!?

04-10-2007, 01:31 PM
Think you would probably run into problems again, the easiest solution would be change to a
different motor as you would gain a lot of hight with one that fits the other way up

I know your not going to like that answer :)


04-10-2007, 04:51 PM
or fit a longer pole?

04-10-2007, 05:48 PM
there is some length left to play with in the pole - another motor might be the way to go - why on earth did Moteck come up with the point down desing!! it would be a last resort replacing my motor, its been very reliable!!! and a good friend!


i aint changing the pole Fil - that was grief was a capital G!

Captain Jack
09-10-2007, 01:02 PM
Hmmm... well I was thinking of doing the same thing - putting my 1.2m dish on the roof like you (same reliable Moteck motor as well). But taking into account the height needed for roof clearance and windy days, I decided it would be best to put in the garden. Also, with so much clearance needed, you're bound to have some "play" in the pole so it will wobble (unless you get a big thick one, which I see you don't want to do). So make sure you think about it carefully before putting a big dish up on an exposed roof - wind is the biggest problem

09-10-2007, 04:57 PM
Assuming the height of your dish is 88cm (I should measure it first, some dishes are quoted for a certain dimension that isn't necessarily the height), you only need 16cm (just over 6in) to play with (120-88=32. 32/2=16). If the present clearance doesn't allow this then if, as you state, there is "some pole length to play with" you might be able to get away with it:).

Suggest you move the dish to 1W before you start to raise the pole and change the dish.

09-10-2007, 06:38 PM
thanks guys!

i'll have a think - i might wait for the warmer weather now, although i think i will change the LNB sooner to an invacom twin out.

12-10-2007, 07:39 PM
ive just been reading somewhere, that Diseq motors on a 1.2m on dishes above gutter lines is not advisable due to wind, etc.

it was an oldish article.

what dya reckon?

12-10-2007, 07:42 PM
well , it definitely ruined by stab motor !

12-10-2007, 07:54 PM
I went throught to stab/diseq motors with my 88cm dish and was up and down the ladder like a window cleaner ever time there was a gale.
I became an expert in dish alignment, angles and offsets

I then switched to a 1.2 and a polar mount and vbox positioner on a similar pole/wall bracket as the op.

That was two years ago and I haven't been up the ladder since. Been through
two winters of storms and its still perfect.

I'm getting 28 east through to 30 west no bother.

Another bonus is that it moves 5 times faster than the diseq.

Dump the stab and get a real motor.

my two cents,


13-10-2007, 01:51 PM

how much would a "real" motor cost me then

14-10-2007, 10:36 PM
Price from Sponsors:

Moteck V-Box Positioner £54.95 (€ 79.68)
Jaeger 12" Actuator £29.95 (€ 43.43)
Polar Mount ( can't find on sponser site) £40 ?

14-10-2007, 11:02 PM
best advice here came from captain jack

fix it in the back garden near the ground fit an actuator onto a 1.2cm dish

this is your best bet

14-10-2007, 11:42 PM
not possible in my garden , but cheers anyway