View Full Version : adding channels

06-10-2007, 10:03 AM
can anyone tell me how to save channels from differeny sats on my technomate. i have channels from astra but can't save channels from hotbird as well, when i try i loose my asta channels. I know about the blind search but I'm looking for a quicker way.
any ideas please.

06-10-2007, 02:17 PM
try using the channel editer in the files here,
or even easier there is a full channel list posted as well


07-10-2007, 10:26 PM
Seem to remember i had a problem when i first got the TM, unlike my Hummy that saves the channels from different sats in one list, the TM saves them for each sat separately, if you press the sat button on your remote to bring up a list of the sats, you can choose say Astra and load the channels you want and press save, then press sat button again and find say Hotbird and load the channels from this sat, you can then repeat this for other sats, once you have done this its just a matter of pressing the sat button to bring up which one you want to veiw. Hope this is of some use to you,good luck.

regards bill