View Full Version : setting up a triax multi lnb holder in -west of ireland??

10-10-2007, 04:28 PM
I want to put a triax multi lnb on a triax 1.1m dish but when I got the item through the post lo and behold the intructions are for Europe countries, denmark, sweden, finland, norway. And the 4 sats mentioned are 1w, 5east, 13 east, 19.2 east. These sit nicely on the lnb holder ie 2 either side,very neat. However, my idea was to get 28e, 19e, 13e and 1west. But as I am so far west what angle should I put the holder at? And am I right in assuming I will have 3 lnbs on the left side of holder for 28, 19, and 13e and 1 on the right for 1west or get 16e and have 13 on right. I want to put a quad lnb for 28east and singles for the rest. Rather than me faffing about on a ladder I thought I would post on here before I attempted anything. My Lat is 53, longitude is -8.9west.

My idea was to get 13e first and then take it from there BUT I foolishly thought I could put one lnb right in the middle of the holder ie on the lnb arm of the dish!!! I have read a few posts by echelon but the lnb holder threw me as a screw goes in the middle to keep it in place and the tilt as you move left does not look very steep and therefore I may not get 28e. What elevation do I put dish at? etc



11-10-2007, 01:01 PM
Have the Combiblock on a Triax 80cm. get 13east and 19East no problem but as soon as I lock on to 28 East I lose the other two. No matter how i tilt the bar I can't get three sats to come in.

Going to try again. Will let you know how it goes.

11-10-2007, 09:23 PM
hi we can crack this together, whats a combibloc?? I am using the 1.1m dish to compensate for signal loss. I cant start yet, abit too busy during the daym but I want to be fully up on it when I get on that ladder. Its easy if I was in denmark etc.

I am going to put 19e as close to centre as possible but as hotbird is lower I might go for hotbird in centre. It looks as if this will be trial and error as there is no guide saying how far apart from centre lnb's should be. My dish is on a roof so a bit of a bind as I need a fine day to have receiver and tv nearby. Have you read the post by echelo, he has done a smashing job but used his own gear and the angle for 28east looks beyond what this triax gismo can do, it is either 0 +1 or -1!!! . I would not be surtprised if I dont have to cut away the holder to get a higher angle.

keep us posted


12-10-2007, 07:33 PM
28E to 1W is asking a bit much as this type of system is a compromise.

I get 28E, 19E and 13E on a (homemade) multi holder with an 80cm and need to put 19E on the main focus so that I get a good signal on 28 and 13.

It is surprising how much higher the 28E LNB needs to be (as the Sat is lower in the sky) though.

13-10-2007, 10:30 AM
The Combibloc is the same product you have. It's 4 Lnbs on a curved aluminium bar and is a Triax product suited to the Triax dishes. I think we're in trouble in Ireland and I'm in Dublin probably just inside the footprint for the best signals on the more difficult sats 5 East etc. Also I'm only using an 80cm dish.

I have my 1.1 mtr as my motorised so using it would defeat the purpose of the combibloc.

The angle on 28East is the problem I can't get it to kick in so for the moment it seems we're stuck with two sats only.