View Full Version : Premier on MR with Tit card

Coppull Buster
14-10-2007, 01:53 PM
Been off the scene for a while..

Last time I was part of the satellite scene, Premier was not hacked, but reading a few posts about what keys they are using etc, it looks as though its hacked again :D is this so ?

If so, is it possible to access the Premier channels with a matrix reloaded cam? what prog do I need to use ? I also still have a titanium card, is this of use ?

Also, does Premier still show the Formula 1 ??

Kind regards

PS. Dont flame me guys, just trying to get back into the sat scene after months away, and looking for a starting point..

14-10-2007, 03:39 PM
Prem!ere is stil v. good for F1.

The swiss SF is also opening in any Viaccess 1 system and shows the parade lap to the podium without addies.

I haven't fired up my MR for a while so you'll have to wait for others to get a sensible reply.

14-10-2007, 04:35 PM
Sorry i bring you sad news
premier is not available on matrix or titanium card:frown:

14-10-2007, 08:58 PM
Sorry i bring you sad news
premier is not available on matrix or titanium card:frown:

Regarding titanium card, I did tried to make premier to work but unfortunately card don't have enough RAM to handle all mathematic operation which are needed. I spent few days searching solution for titanium card and nothing. Even hard optimization didn't do the trick. Probably RAM is the reason why premier is not available on titanium card at this moment. I made preimer to work for me on titancard, mcu sc6464 is used. (titanuim card is using sc3232 mcu)


Coppull Buster
14-10-2007, 11:17 PM
Thanks Compass & Aston.. Although not the news I was hoping for, its all new knowledge for me.. Im going to have to devote some serious time to my satellite & get back into it..

Just a quick question to Detlef... My Echostar has Viaccess built in, is there a good file I can put onto a titanium or funcard to open the Swiss SF ? ( & what is Swiss SF ? ) I want to get this up & running before next weekend LOL

Kind regards

15-10-2007, 01:15 PM
hey aston i have a titancard so your saying its possible to get premiere to work with that? or does a lot of work have to go in to it first

15-10-2007, 02:07 PM
on a side issue , premiere has been open for some considerable time on various emus and various cams too

dragon and trex and diablo cams for starters

also ok on emus on humax , samsung , technomate etc

so dont just think about cards on this issue

15-10-2007, 02:19 PM
hey aston i have a titancard so your saying its possible to get premiere to work with that? or does a lot of work have to go in to it first

I made card to work on D+ and premiere but unfortunately card is working only on conax cam 4.0e because that cam is only working cam which I have. Beside conax cam I have xcam but with non working card reader. So I am unable to make card to work with xcam or any other cam.


15-10-2007, 02:47 PM
ok thanx for the reply