View Full Version : Changing from 36v to Diseqc

14-10-2007, 07:40 PM
As per title I would like to change :--

I know I need some CT100 cable and a new motor. Which is the best motor to buy? I've looked at Darkmans motor as I have a Technomate 1500 but dont really know what I'm buying.

Would like to be able to see 2 channels at once so I assume I need 2 cables feeding 2 receivers and a dual lnb??

I assume a diseqc motor is quiet as my 36v is very noisy?

When changing the motor I assume this is straight forward and the dish wont need redoing?

Sorry for all the questions:)



14-10-2007, 08:00 PM
36 volt motor uses a polar mount and jack arm , whereas diseqc is totally different

your dish will need removing from the old polar mount and coupling to the new diseqc motor , and so will need complete realignment

diseqc motors are a bit noisy

yes you will need a dual or quad output lnb if feeding more than 1 receiver separately , and only one will control the motor , the other being a slave

perhaps you should keep the 36 volt motor and use a vbox ?

14-10-2007, 08:10 PM
thanks for that.

I've got 2 many boxes under my tv so another 1(vbox) wouldnt fit

I'll probably leave it as it is until the leaves come off the trees as I cant get 1 west at the mo and if memory serves me right thats the one to go for when putting a dish up

Thanks anyway:)

14-10-2007, 08:35 PM
the vbox doesnt have to be under the tv , just in between the diseqc sat box and the motor

so it could be behind the tv , in a cupboard , in the loft , in the garage , anywhere in the cable run ;)

1 west is the usual starting point for dish alignment here in the uk

16-10-2007, 10:53 PM
My V-Box is behind the TV out of sight, not resting on anything in particular, and causing no problems. Why any one would even consider changing from a reliable, fast, long-lasting 36v motor to a DiseqC is completely beyond me. DON'T DO IT! (Sorry for shouting!)

17-10-2007, 12:46 AM
Here! Here! Stay with 36v. My Echostar moves the dish and I watch telly on Technomates and a Clarke Tech. The dish and motor have been running daily for 12 years without any attention. I know that I am lucky!

17-10-2007, 07:12 AM
36v motor is a better option but why is there not a decent model on sale at a decent price most are cheap rubbish that are very noisy in use or we could have diseqc with more power I know they are limited by the lnb power but this could easily be overcome up the power and we could have a faster stronger compact unit

17-10-2007, 08:24 PM
I am about to move house and I am considering to change from a36v to diseqc because I have a newish digipower motor and three year old Alba 36v H-H motor. The 36v is great a little noisy though whereas the diseqc is very quiet but still quite quick. I realise that the 36 motors are better in strong winds and lock onto the dish. My father-in-law as a diseqc which has a 'v' bracket as part of the motor which intergrates into the obital dish and creates a strong hold, no chance of the motor slipping around the short pole that comes out of the motor. I would prefer the 36v but because I am going to a semi from a detached I am uneasy about the noise and would have to go for the disqec.