View Full Version : Humax HDCI-2000 "Locking-Up" Problem!!

Tony Baker
17-10-2007, 09:35 AM

I have had this HD sat Rx for one year, using it only for the available HD Chns. However, during the past 2 weeks the response time when using the remote has been getting noticeably slower. Yesterday I decided to do a total reset and rescan etc. After it had all been finalised an Error msg suddenly came up (Which isn't in the Handbook!) saying "No channels have been saved" Please rescan!! So I switched off to do it all over again! This resulted in the Sat Rx totally locking up!! And not responding at all to the remote or to any of the manual buttons on the front. It has also stuck on the BBC-HD chn and will not budge!!

I have contacted Eurosat about this problem today who have suggested that maybe I should download the latest Software which they say might fix it?

However, the Catch:22 part about all of this is that in the previous Humax software release (Which I installed) Humax said that this new fix will improve the way the HD:2000 locks onto BBC HD! In my case it's a locked on a little too good because now it won't budge!!

So if there anyone on here who has also had this "Lock Up" problem happen with a HDCI:2000 I would be pleased to know what the answer might be??

Rgds, TB

Tony Baker
18-10-2007, 09:40 AM
Just to finalise the 1st post, the latest Humax update has now thankfully cured the loss of memory and lock up problem mentioned above. TB