View Full Version : 30 west

Tumbling Dice
17-10-2007, 09:20 PM
Hi M8s

My TM1500 & Stab Motor acting strange M8s I am tracking 42 east to 43 west fantastic signal strength now I have done a factory reset to try cure problem (not done it) I can move to all the main sats no problem tracks back and forward like a dream but when I get to hispasat (VH1) good signal 80% if I get a picture it likes just goes as if the dish as moved and when I try tweak it on Hispasat it’s just not there like a dead spot type thing like I said its just 30 West that’s the problem all other sats are fine just running normal so I know it’s not a tracking problem with pulling 43 west to 42 east I have set my limits to just after 30w but I took dish to 43 west (a few hours ago) just to check tracking OK (great picture) on 43 & 45 west and Turk sat 42e if it was 10 east I would not be bothered but 30 west its one we all like to have if possible (one last thing I have always had a good signal from 30 west)

Time for a cuppa


18-10-2007, 07:57 AM
:confused: Try changing the transponder the box uses to check signal.

Tumbling Dice
18-10-2007, 03:47 PM
:confused: Try changing the transponder the box uses to check signal.

Hi Badger tried that M8 I even wrote down the strongest ones of all the sat I use like a reference for me but it still goes walk about but I got the picture back I was getting desperate so I renamed the satellite I know it probably didn’t make any difference but I can get it back by going to Algeria TV 22W then like you say pick a strong transponder and move the dish to the 30w very slow and the signal kicks in I have put a screen shot of the picture I get but like I say move away from 30 west and it won’t come back like it should do m8 .you can see my meter strength on screenshot it should be strong enough to pick it back up like all the rest but it won’t M8 but I can live with the shunt from 22 west to 30 west with the remote if it’s a receivers fault I would buy another but then if I get another and it’s just the same then back to square one (see link for screen shot from a dvd I recorded it on to then put in PC rom drive)

link here m8


time for a cuppa LOL

18-10-2007, 08:08 PM
:confused: Might be an intermittent problem due to mechanical damage to your cable or dodgy connections which only show up when the dish is in a specific position - in your case on 30W. I would certainly try re-making your connections at the dish end and check the cable for possible damage. It wouldn't break the bank to run a new one, initially temporarily, to see if it is a cable problem. I don't know who fitted your dish but if not done properly you might have suffered water ingress to the cable which only causes a problem when you try to look at 30W. HTH.;)

Just re-read your original post. Don't know the feedback mode of a stab motor ( I've got a Jaeger Silent Gold 36v which uses a reed switch! ) but if it uses a carbon track potentiometer there could well be a break in the carbon track at the position for 30W. This problem used to arise when this type of pot. was used to TV volume controls resulting in a spot where no sound could be heard. Maybe you need a new motor: I'd always recommend 36v motors via a V-Box.

Tumbling Dice
19-10-2007, 02:55 PM
Hi M8 I was thinking of water but the rain we have here in the UK last summer (floods) i think it would show up by now the motors only about 6 months old but the guy used the original cable (not good) when i think about it. I will see how it goes (over the winter) the main thing is I can get 30w with a little tinkering about for now. I dont move the dish much but like I said I want the 30 west on one of my fave lists for sure + I have been deleting sats I dont go on and a few transpoders as well I am parked on 1 west and 15 west for the nature history programs love them

thanks for the advice M8


19-10-2007, 07:25 PM
are you using diseqc or usals ?

Tumbling Dice
19-10-2007, 09:26 PM
I am on diseqc 1.2 m8 I set up the long and lat in usals must say I cant get the drift on the setup (6 months on)when I went on usals and press motor control then go to reference it moves to one west then seems to move a fraction west (off the satellite beam) on its own the motor ,so I just change to diseqc 1.2 and nudge it back to 1 west I have got a feeling I aint doing it right m8 to be honest but always willing to listen and learn ? some stuff I grasp well other things not so