View Full Version : Premiere Next to Go Black! Temporarily?

18-10-2007, 08:37 PM
(Translated from German)

Nagravision 3 Coming (ROM 152)

The encryption firm Kudelski is now permanently in the next few months
Their new encryption system Nagra Vision 3 switch, and thus to the hackers

The detail in the coming months, with Premiere, Digital + and
Polsat the old smart cards exchanged.
These were among the various providers already enabled new CAIDs to
New cards to test. When CABO TV provider from Portugal is already
Happen only with the difference that there is not the cards used ROM152
, But the 142nd ROM

Whether the new card series that holds what promises Kudelski must wait
. Nagra Vision 3 will, in any case, and no long hold fast
Hacker attack possible. Kudelski leans break this but not as far from the
Windows and claimed that their cards unhackbar would, as the company already
Twice did. In this regard has apparently learned.

Meanwhile, at the old Polsat ROM110 cards with a further update
Edit (AC3 on AC5). This led to succession, the EMU failed. This
But it is short-lived, as in the past often proved.

In the scene, now slowly regain the excitement wide and one is curious,
What the new card series holds. Inveterate insiders are for sure: Even the
New card series is not all too long the screens of black EMU.

The new map series at Kudelski is a new security bloc, which even
The k ********** suppress. Apparently, we are a little bit at Irdeto
On the shoulders at and own procedures implemented.

In the next few months it will be exciting again in Nagravision's Hack ...