View Full Version : Dragon and Echostar AD3000 problem

19-10-2007, 09:47 AM
Hi all
Any ideas why my dragon cam decodes D+ fine on my Hyundai reciever but not on my Echostar AD3000?
It decodes Premiere ok, but D=+ says scrambled channel.
Strange because it all works fine in my Hyundai.
Many thanks

19-10-2007, 09:52 AM
There have been reports of it taking a very long time in the dear old Echostar, and some rescanning and/or moving from channel to channel might help trigger it. Might help - cheers - brain

19-10-2007, 09:53 AM
No problem with that combination. My dragon clears quickly using Canal +. :)

19-10-2007, 11:11 AM
d+ not clearing here ether with dragon cam but tps working again

20-10-2007, 10:33 PM
Many thanks all for the suggestions.
Think i will give up on it for now as it Still isnt working.
Perhaps the Echostar is just a little too old to cope.

20-10-2007, 10:47 PM
Echostar has always ben a shade slow and the dragon does heat up it was very stressed with s** italia crack too. D+ no longer updates as of yesterday and tps had a blip thurs - fri but running now. Does that help? cheers Brain

20-10-2007, 11:52 PM
Many thanks all for the suggestions.
Think i will give up on it for now as it Still isnt working.
Perhaps the Echostar is just a little too old to cope.

try leavin on the national geograpical channel on d+ it always works for me. it s like a portal channel to open the d+ package. hope this helps.

21-10-2007, 01:16 PM
Thanks Adam will give it a try tonight.

21-10-2007, 01:36 PM
D+ Does not AU at the moment - insert keys manually. Cheers - Brain

22-10-2007, 11:23 AM
Hi Brain
I do insert the keys manually as I need to, to get Taquilla to work on my Hyundai.
What the aim originally was: To have the Echostar upstairs and use my Hyundai downstairs, but for some reason the Echostar doesnt clear Taquilla but clears Premier, Downstairs is fine with the Hyundai.
Many thanks

22-10-2007, 11:35 AM
HI Thanks for reply - is the signal strength good if you are splitting the sat signal or have I missed something - some boxes - Dreambox included need a stronger signal to clear encrypted channels - Prem and D+ do vary - and in another thread I wrote that the old Echostar does have problems with Dragon and some encryptions - especially in the good old days of S** It**** hack. Try also a rescan or changing channels and switching off/on to see if this triggers it - but the signal strength sounds a poss. My DB needs at least 59/60% to cut in on encrypted channels while the TM 5500 needs around 38-40%. Otherwise Im a bit stuck. Good luck - Brain

24-10-2007, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the help Brain
I have seperate dishes for the receivers and the Echostar does run from a smaller dish so it could be that. Best thing i can do is remove the lead from the smaller dish and connect to the LNB on the larger dish to illiminate that possibility. The dishes are quite close so it might reach.
Many thanks again Brain