View Full Version : LNB off centre

19-10-2007, 12:05 PM

I have just moved into a new house here in Spain that has a 135cm offset dish pointing at Astra 28.2 for Sky, the reception for BBC1 and ITV is ok but not BBC2 so I checked to see if I could fine tune the dish and LNB a bit and noticed that the LNB has been swivelled in the holder to point at the right hand side of the dish and not the centre, if I re-possition the LNB to point to where it should point, which way will I then have to move the dish to get the signal back?



Dean sat
19-10-2007, 07:55 PM
Your dish is already pointing in the right direction and your LNB is off set correctly by the sound of it in Spain your LNB is not meant to be in the centre vertical.
For Madrid it will be off set by -24.3° for Astra 28.2east
All the best Dean.

20-10-2007, 01:13 PM
Thanks Dean but I dont mean the Skew, if you look from the rear of the Invacom LNB towards the dish then the LNB is not pointing to the centre of the dish but to the right hand side of the dish i.e the front of the LNB is to the east and the rear of the LNB is toward the west,



20-10-2007, 01:32 PM
Try pointing it to the middle and see if the signal improves. The dish should not need to be moved except for a small tweak here or there to get the best reception.

24-10-2007, 01:38 PM
Sounds like the clamp is knackered - shouldn't the lnb always face directly towards the dish, even if it's skewed or offset ?

Unless it's a toroidal dish that is...