View Full Version : TP and Data full!

22-10-2007, 02:32 PM
I have a technomate 5500 CIP plus and every time that I enter a new frequency it tells me that the TP and data is full. also, ichannels that I could see before then become scramble or no signal in order to watch the latest frequencies. I have deleted many channels, down to 3000 and all the radio channels all to no avail.

I was wondering if I go back to the "Original settings" from the factory for my receiver, do I lose all the satellite positions and channels? What are the consequences of that?

Thanks for any help in this matter.

23-10-2007, 09:22 AM
Last night I went satellite by satellite and deleted all the transponders that had no signal and I was very surprised by the fact that I deleted well over 100!

It was quite easy to delete these and I don't get the warning anymore.

I answered my own question with lots of research!

23-10-2007, 09:50 AM
Sorry to disappoint! I did all of that and cleared those transponders with loads of scrambled channels and my TM eventually crept back up again to 5000. In the end I gave up and went for a Clarke Tech with 10,000 capacity. I know have my radio stations back too. That message is so infuriating when all you want is one feed (temporarily) added to watch a one-off!

01-02-2008, 12:54 PM
why are you deleting channel ?is it because the receiver memory is full?
because i just bought 2 receiver CT5000 and Sky HD .i will have 4 sat on the CT.Astre1,astra2,hotbird and badr4.do you think i will have problem?the instalation is not done yet.any advice?shall i delete the channel i don't need on each sat to don't have problem or it is ok?