View Full Version : imei number! what do you do when its stolen?

25-10-2007, 09:57 AM
my mate just had his phone nicked yesterday however he does have a copy of the imei number however he has no idea what to do next, he has reported it with the police bnce he has no idea when or where it was nicked they said there was very little they could do but make a report of the theft.

he has tried ringing the phone, at first some one answered and when he asked where the phone was as it was his they hung up, now it looks like the sim has been swapped out as it is no longer connecting and the phone is unlocked.

what should he do?

ps its a payg phone not contract

25-10-2007, 10:04 AM
can't do anything mate without the IMEI,just put it down to one of them things

25-10-2007, 10:07 AM
Looks like he has the IMEI but doesn't know what to do with it. I'd say ring up the service provider for the PAYG sim to start with and quote the IMEI to them.

25-10-2007, 10:22 AM
yes he had the imei number (its printed on the side of the box he got the phone in)

i told him to call the provider (o2 in this case) but he is waiting for as response.

i thought there may have been a website to register a stolen imei number but can it be tracked or simply just blocked?

26-10-2007, 03:01 PM
this may help

26-10-2007, 04:55 PM
As far as I'm aware you can change imei numbers with the right s/w anyway


26-10-2007, 05:28 PM
It's possible, but illegal in the UK.

26-10-2007, 05:59 PM
IMEI can be blocked by a phone company and they also know if an IMEI has been changed.

IMEI is used to return the IMSI which is paired to a MSISDN

MSISDNs can be changed and get paired to a new IMSI

New IMSI's can then be paired back to IMEI or changed IMEI

Beleive me, its my job....

26-10-2007, 07:45 PM
IMEI can be blocked by a phone company and they also know if an IMEI has been changed.

IMEI is used to return the IMSI which is paired to a MSISDN

MSISDNs can be changed and get paired to a new IMSI

New IMSI's can then be paired back to IMEI or changed IMEI

Beleive me, its my job....

sounds a little confusing if you ask me but i have passed this info on and my mate has passed it onto o2 so with any luck the person who nabbed it will soon have a brick