View Full Version : Hypercam 0.19

27-10-2007, 09:50 AM
Hypercam 0.19 out for UR images. Works well 19e and 13e opening most providers and the added extra ( which we cant talk about ).:D

27-10-2007, 10:58 AM
Can't get it installed " install failed please check available space" .

Should this be happening on a super with 2GB card in slot?

27-10-2007, 12:46 PM
player1 m8 I should have said I have a super (9101) and as this has extra memory this maybe your problem. I did take a few seconds longer to download than the other softcams so it would be that much larger. I will goto another site to see if others are having the same problem as you.

27-10-2007, 01:03 PM
it should not matter if it is a super or not when your running iboot from a memory card.

its the memory card space that limits you to how much data you can put on not the flash, however i do believe that a 1gb card is the largest reccomended in the 9100 manual

27-10-2007, 01:03 PM
player1 m8 I should have said I have a super (9101) and as this has extra memory this maybe your problem. I did take a few seconds longer to download than the other softcams so it would be that much larger. I will goto another site to see if others are having the same problem as you.

No mate I have a super too.

27-10-2007, 01:10 PM
it should not matter if it is a super or not when your running iboot from a memory card.

its the memory card space that limits you to how much data you can put on not the flash, however i do believe that a 1gb card is the largest reccomended in the 9100 manual

Tell a lie I've just checked and its only 1GB.

Surely though it cant be full as I only have 10 beta 2 and ds3v3 on it ?

27-10-2007, 01:38 PM
I have just tried it on my non-super , tm009 in the flash and ur009b2 and ur010b2 on 1 gig sd card , 42% showing in var , and it failed due to no space

I deleted a lot of addons using addon manager , including hypercam , tried again and it downloaded from the new control panel , and worked ok on tps foot on 19e

27-10-2007, 02:55 PM
Must be a bug, I downloaded it from the UR server on to my desktop and ftp the files into the correct locations and my var was 17% before and is still 17% after ?

Its now working as a softcam aswell for all the same packages as mgcamd and cccamd plus the extra c/s


27-10-2007, 03:15 PM
Just to help others my setup :-

9101 (super)
UR 10 b2 in flash
Mgcamd 1.25a
Evocamd 2.16
CCcam 2.0.4
Hypercam 0.19

VLC plugin

Var used 33%

And a Super Trex cam loaded with 2.21 ( just because I want to keep it in use ) a bit redundent now.

As I said it's working well.

27-10-2007, 03:26 PM
I have about the same amount installed probably a few more plugins and I'm 17%

I'm not having any luck connecting with this version to get the extra channels did briefly but then it went again


27-10-2007, 04:39 PM
My used var is at 7% so I can't understand this error at all.

27-10-2007, 04:42 PM
Now this is crazy for some reason it just installed first time and I did'nt do a thing different. :confused:

27-10-2007, 05:02 PM
I can't get any hypercam to connect now very annoying :mad:

As for the not enough space in var problem I will hazard a guess to the problem, when I have backed up iboot images in
Ubuntu sometimes a folder or file will have a crazy file size like 4GB even when its only a few kb so I guess something similar is going on here


27-10-2007, 05:21 PM
I downloaded the 015 and 019 files from the ur site ;)

installed it through the control panel , even though 019 failed but 015 installed ok

then I copied across the 019 files and chmod to 755

changed the smartcam to use 019 and not 015

rebooted from a switch off

managed to open some c+ like tps foot on 19e , and found hypercam will open d+ , premiere and digi tv

be nice if we get a new tm official image for the flash , followed by a better ur010 image that works properly :) lol

I like this box but a bit annoyed at the lack of progress by tm , nearly 1 year since they updated the tm9100 section on their website !!

27-10-2007, 05:37 PM
The lake of memory message is a fault with the hypercam and later ur and uk images, if you ftp it accrose then there is no probs, 0.19 was ment to solve the prob of the mem message but has not.
the main reason is when later ur and uk were writen they were not made compatable with later than hypercam 0.15


27-10-2007, 05:38 PM
The red button for Premiere sport portal doesnt work using this cam.

27-10-2007, 05:46 PM
TPS will AU with hypercam 0.19 think I will have to re install UR to get those extra channels with hypercam don't know why its stopped

I got fed up waiting for the original 010 so stuck UR010B4 in flash but as a base image only didn't install cams, plugins, skins, keys etc

Then stuck UR010B4 on iboot to use as normal and pretty much every thing worked apart from not being able to disable DHCP it appears as disabled but its not

I went back to 009 in flash as gbox wouldn't work with any image with UR010B4 in flash

So its an option if you want to use the latest versions on iboot and your not bothered about gbox


27-10-2007, 06:33 PM
The red button for Premiere sport portal doesnt work using this cam.

It loses it randomly and comes back with a reboot. Most often after TPS access.

04-11-2007, 03:01 AM
TPS will AU with hypercam 0.19 think I will have to re install UR to get those extra channels with hypercam don't know why its stopped

I got fed up waiting for the original 010 so stuck UR010B4 in flash but as a base image only didn't install cams, plugins, skins, keys etc

Then stuck UR010B4 on iboot to use as normal and pretty much every thing worked apart from not being able to disable DHCP it appears as disabled but its not

I went back to 009 in flash as gbox wouldn't work with any image with UR010B4 in flash

So its an option if you want to use the latest versions on iboot and your not bothered about gbox


Those extra channels have stopped at least for the time being. All the cards you see are all soft viaccess or soft nagra and are apparently how hypercam deals with now being a fully fledged emulator.
Rumour has it that the UR team have dropped support for hypercam for use with those extra channels.
This would explain the lack of any other cards on hypercam but also the lack of the blue button access in the expert menu in the UKur image which is based on the latest CVS images from the UR team.
As for TPS AU well this is available with Mgcamd 1.25 and Cccam 2.04 as well, plus the support for other providers that these 2 cams give.

04-11-2007, 02:01 PM
Those extra channels have stopped at least for the time being. All the cards you see are all soft viaccess or soft nagra and are apparently how hypercam deals with now being a fully fledged emulator.
Rumour has it that the UR team have dropped support for hypercam for use with those extra channels.
This would explain the lack of any other cards on hypercam but also the lack of the blue button access in the expert menu in the UKur image which is based on the latest CVS images from the UR team.
As for TPS AU well this is available with Mgcamd 1.25 and Cccam 2.04 as well, plus the support for other providers that these 2 cams give.

I already said in my first post its a fully fledged softcam and clears exactly the same packages as mgcamd and

Thought it was obvious those where softcam entries as if you install hypercam on a normal image it automatically
adds them to local cards file where as with UR image they are added to hypercam cards because that file is
downloaded from UR

My hypercam cards had soft entries and card entries

UKUR said ages ago UR were going to stop support for hypercam but as the first poster in this thread said he was
still clearing the extra channels I thought I had a problem my end


04-11-2007, 04:02 PM
the 9100 needs to be able to use the harddrive for firmware and updates the same as the dreambox, then all will be fine.:) cannot find any way to do this at this time only on sd card which makes the channels chage very slowly.

04-11-2007, 04:06 PM
the 9100 needs to be able to use the harddrive for firmware and updates the same as the dreambox, then all will be fine.:) cannot find any way to do this at this time only on sd card which makes the channels chage very slowly.

Don't understand what you mean ?


04-11-2007, 04:12 PM
I read that v0.21 is out now with some improvements

04-11-2007, 04:15 PM
I read that v0.21 is out now with some improvements

Yeah its on downloads if you update the control panel


05-11-2007, 04:05 AM
I have downloaded and installed 0.21 and there is no improvement in terms off the extra channels, just loads of soft cards.:frown:

05-11-2007, 01:40 PM
@ tnt, on the dreambox when u install a new firmware u can tell the reciver to store all keys etc on hard drive, when this is dun there is no var space problems. i cannot find where to do this on technomate. mind u i am blind :D

05-11-2007, 01:53 PM
@ tnt, on the dreambox when u install a new firmware u can tell the reciver to store all keys etc on hard drive, when this is dun there is no var space problems. i cannot find where to do this on technomate. mind u i am blind :D

Theres plenty of space in var if you install hypercam manually the no space message is a false warning

From memory you can move var in DS images


05-11-2007, 02:55 PM
cheers tnt, may look at them or go back to Dreambox.:)

05-11-2007, 05:35 PM
had countless errors SPACE warning then it just unpacked, working well!