View Full Version : DiSEqC Input, HDCI2000

tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 10:01 AM
Hi there.
I decided to restore the default settings in my HDCI2000 due to some issues with firmware/channel lists...
I thought I had noted down every setting...
Now, the Installation ****** comes up and asks me DiSEqC Input (DiSEqC A, B, C, D, Tone Burst A, Tone Burst B).
What do these options mean?
Whichg should I chosoe for a motorised dish with quad LNB?
Urgent, please.
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 11:15 AM
Hi there.
I managed to talk to the guy who installed it a year ago...
This needs to be set to Disabled... find a setting for motor before searching for channels...
Hopefully, I've managed that.
Now I'll download a channel list and... fingers crossed.
tinto de verano