View Full Version : ur url ?

27-10-2007, 11:41 AM

in the old cpanel a few months ago they used to add the actual url that the box goes to for the updates etc

in the latest cpanel it just says url and so I assume the url is stored somewhere else ?

anyway , I have looked through files using dcc but cannot find where the url is stored , so wondering if anyone knows how to find it so I can direct download files from firefox or ie7 etc ?

do they have a public website ?


27-10-2007, 01:01 PM
hello mate,
all this info is stored in an xml file located at


on seccond thoughts after checking and going to post them it looks like they have changed things, it no longer has the full url in the xlm file but a path.....

i shall keep looking if i have any joy i will report back!

27-10-2007, 06:43 PM
thanks but I have it now by pm ;)

downloaded a few gz files direct

another q

are the opencam or rqcam any good for us ?