View Full Version : Latest HD stb's to hit the market

27-10-2007, 02:18 PM
Hello all. I know that there are many of you who are watching the market and wating for a decent HD receiver, I just thought I´d let you know about the latest ones to come out on the market in case you missed them.

-TechniSat DigiCorder HD S2 160GB HDD-
This one has now hit the market and is available in some shops
Price (german webbshop) €599 /£420 including 160GB harddrive

-Topfield TF 7700 HD PVR-
First HD receiver with PVR option from Topfield, likely to be in stock in some shops by next week.
Price (german webbshop) €529 /£371 without harddrive

-Vantage VT 7100 HD USB PVR-
First HD receiver from Vantage, likely to be out as soon as next week.
Price (german webbshop) €449 /£315 without harddrive

Main rival to DB8000?...should hit the market within weeks now?
Price (german webbshop) €549 /£385 without harddrive

So those are the receivers right around the corner or just out (all with ethernet, USB and PVR). I´d say the IPbox 9000 seems the most interesting one of course, it also seems to be the one delivering the most bang for your cash, The Topfield seems the most overpriced one (as usual).


Tony Baker
27-10-2007, 03:49 PM
All of these HD STB's have already been reviewed in English and come recommended by the German "DR Dish" TV/Sat Programme on Astra:1 19.2e. It seemed to me that he gave the most glowing review to the Vantage-VT:7100.

Odd thing is that Dr Dish also reviews ever Sat Mag published world wide each month but never mentions the UK's "Wot Sat Mag"!! Now I wonder why that is??

27-10-2007, 04:09 PM
Thanks for that Eugenie - still would love to stay DB but these look intereting and I really do want to be HD before the set blows up !!!! Are they all Linux/enigma based or is it to be another learning curve? Tony - could be a sly prob for wot sat!!Cheers - Brain

27-10-2007, 04:11 PM
Yer forgot the reelbox v3 lite with HD-ext working nicely (with latest images) now including HD PVR recording!.:D


27-10-2007, 04:13 PM
Yes, DrDish is a nice source for tests of new products...although, I don´t think any of these specific models have actually been tested yet by the doctor...they have metioned/done a small report on the Vantage 7100 model...not tested it, only the older 200 series have been tested. The Topfield 7700 HSCI (non PVR) have been tested, not the new PVR model.
Am I wrong?
Also thought I´d mention, and this is my personal opinion, that the DrDish tests are not very thorough...the 'tested and recommented' label really shouldn´t be taken very seriously, I think they should be more critical in their tests.
As for Wot Sat...haven´t thought about it actually. Write him/them and ask?

Only the IPBOX has Linux OS...and it might or might not run Enigma?...probably in time though, producer DGstation has their own Linux applications.

Missed that one m8, I am however a little so and so about the extention bit, probably works nicely though, I´ll still have a look and update myself on the latest Reelbox stuff.
Right, had a quick touch up on the Reelbox,and was reminded of just how expensive it is. For example, €699 for the base model + €199 for extention card + €99 for the DVB-S2 tuner...that´s around €1000 /£700 to watch HDTV, sure the receiver is quite a mediacenter but still?

Also, may I mention that the 4:2:2 decoding so many of us are looking for is not available with the Reelbox...and most probably will not be available with any of the other receivers mentioned so far.


04-11-2007, 01:45 PM
Seems the Topfield 7700 HD PVR is now out/in stock at a price of €589/£409...this includes a 160GB harddrive.

I guess this is the one Topfield fans have been wating for...and it´s probably the first really decent HDTV -PVR- receiver out?
As for the enthusiast, this unit does not offer 4:2:2, does not have any extended DVB/stream/video/audio info, does not offer real signal values...don´t think it even have selectable FEC value or FEC value return...needless to say I´ll give it a miss myself! :D (sounds like overpriced middle of the road stuff to me!).
Check out the PDF manual for more info if you´re interested (available on Topfield's site).


04-11-2007, 02:07 PM
Don't you mean the 7710 as this one has a 250GB HDD and is found on flee bay for £429.95?

04-11-2007, 02:16 PM
No m8, I´m talking about the 7700 HD PVR, the 7710 is a (slightly) different model. Check it out at Topfield.co.kr
Maybe the 7710 model is also being released now then? I just cannot figure out what the differens is between the two?


04-11-2007, 02:19 PM
Hi m8

Yes the 7710 is out already, I will check the company website.

04-11-2007, 02:23 PM
So what is the difference between the 7000 and 7710? is it just the HDD?

04-11-2007, 02:26 PM
No, the HDD size is optional, from 160-750GB, I think different companies sell these units with different HDD sizes in their offers so to speak. I´ll have a closer look on the official site to see if I can spot the difference...one of the receivers must have a slight addition of some sort, other then that they are the same.


04-11-2007, 02:29 PM
750GB wow, now thats what i call a PVR!

Cheers m8

04-11-2007, 02:34 PM
Yeah, I used a 40GB last time I used a PVR unit! Anyway, I simply cannot spot the difference between the 7700 and 7710, the product information seems the same for both these units! Anyone who knows? :confused:

By the way, Josh, you are at 1000 posts at the moment, don´t f*ck it up by posting before you´ve enjoyed it for a few minutes! LOL


04-11-2007, 02:38 PM
Yeah, I used a 40GB last time I used a PVR unit! Anyway, I simply cannot spot the difference between the 7700 and 7710, the product information seems the same for both these units! Anyone who knows? :confused:

By the way, Josh, you are at 1000 posts at the moment, don´t f*ck it up by posting before you´ve enjoyed it for a few minutes! LOL


Damn I have just done another post elsewhere on the board. Mind you its only taken me 4 years to get to this milestone

04-11-2007, 07:55 PM
Here is the answer given by a Topfield official to an e-mailer (found on the topfield-europe forum).

'TF7710HDPVR had nothing different from TF7700HDPVR except menu languages available'


04-11-2007, 09:37 PM
I mentioned that Armas was working hard on a HD Triple dragon receiver...seems there has been a turn for the worse on that front!...the following was posted on the official TD board;

"HDTV Triple Dragon Projekt

Mit bedauern muss ich bekannt geben, das der Projekt HDTV Triple Dragon kommt nicht zu stände. Ist mir nicht gelungen in Polen einen Bank zu finden, der uns ermöglicht hatte, das Projekt zu ende zu führen. Auch suche nach privat Investoren hat keinen Erfolg gebracht. Leider müssen wir in dreiviertel des Weges aufgeben auf Grund der Geld mangels.

Hier mit, möchte ich mich entschuldigen, bei allen, die auf der neue Box gewartet haben.

Mit Respekt und bedauern,

Jacek Burton
Armas Poland"

It basically says that the project/developement cannot be finished due to failure to gain finance. They cannot get any banks or private groups to further finance the project. The project/developement which was aprox three quarters done will now end. He (Jacek) goes on to apologize for any dissapointment this may bring to the people who have been waiting for this receiver.

Sad news.


28-02-2008, 08:31 PM
A mate of mine has a Topfield 7100 HD for about four weeks now. He is so fed up with the poor remote control that he is going to get rid of the set. He is awaiting for delivery of a Technomate 6900. And he only kept the Fortec Passion for three days before he got the Topfield. The Topfield has great pictures ( I prefer mine from the iCord) and a great choice when you enter the menu. I think the menu on the iCord is poor but that is what they mean by ;Easy Digital: TMULL

28-02-2008, 10:51 PM
What about the new DARKBOX 2008.


29-02-2008, 12:28 AM
There is a Comag/SilverCrest receiver kicking about over here but I had hoped it might come out as a loss-leader at my local L!dl but no such luck yet.

Called the HD-S CI100 it sells for €135 (~£100) but it hasn't got a Hard Disk; so I guess that we will see the prices of the competitor's basic models drop in the coming year.