View Full Version : HDCI2000: back to FW 07

tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 07:52 PM
Hi there.
For a long time I've been wanting to add Premiere Sports 3 and the BBCi (press the red button now) channels.
I'd preferred to have had a complete channels list, like it used to happen till around May07... much easier, definitely.
Because now I can rarely access a PC with a serial connection... I bought a USB serial converter for an old laptop with no serial port. It works perfectly well with the usual null modem cable (if you get error messages, change the COM port number depending on the USB port you're using).
So I've been able to use Formula and WDN40AK again.
The first thing I did was to make a backup of my channels list (laura's May07, actually, to which I have been adding channels and deleting channels, especially for the sats I cannot get. 4000 channels sounds like a lot at first).
Then I copied Premiere Sports 3 from denis1501 Astra and Hotbird list, (thanks mate) and added it to my list. I then downloaded it to the HDCI200. Great. It's there (Premiere Sports 3).
The next challenge : the BBCi channels.
I was under the impression that I needed firmware .11 to be able to see them.
So I upgraded the HDCI2000 to firmware .11... but the BBCi channels were still black. Doh! I rescanned... still black.
Worst of it all: there was an issue with some sats/channels losing names/associations (lost signal for Atlantic Bird 1, Astra 3 channels were listed under Atlantic Bird 2, and under Astra 3 there were many France 3 channels... a disappointing mess).
So I though, OK, I'll upgrade to firmware .13 and pray.
Unfortunately the same issues were also there.
In the end I decided to go back to firmware .07.
At least I managed to add Premiere Sports 3.
I wasted most of my saturday with this firmware upgrade/downgrade thing.
Hope this experienece is useful for some of you with an HDCI2000.
Thanks everyone (especially denis1501, Bbigfoot and satpaul...)
Ah, what about BBCi? Read all about it in another thread: HDCI2000: BBCi
tinto de verano