View Full Version : HDCI2000: BBCi

tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 08:12 PM
Hello again.
You might have read in another thread how I wasted most of my saturday upgrading and downgrading the HDCI2000 firmware....
I'm using .07 again.
The uppgrade process, I thought, was needed to be able to receive the BBCi channels (press the red button now).
It turns out we can receive the BBCi channels even with .07. Wish I'd known earlier. But it's not very straightforward:

If you scan astra 2 28*2 east 12441 v 27500, the HDCI 2000 can find and save the BBCi channels as:
Unfortunately, no sound, no picture.
But there is hope:
You need to edit those channels in Formula and enter the PIDS manually (bits and pieces I've gathered from various threads... flysat... put all together here):
video PID audio PID SID Code
DEV-STRM-0 (BBCi 1) 2305 2306 Eng 6880
DEV-STRM-1 (BBCi 2) 2321 2322 Eng 6881
DEV-STRM-2 (BBCi 3) 2325 2326 Eng 6882
DEV-STRM-3 (BBCi 4) 2329 2330 Eng 6883
DEV-STRM-4 (BBCi 5) 2333 2334 Eng 6884
DEV-STRM-5 (BBCi 6) 2337 2338 Eng 6885
DEV-STRM-6 (BBCi 7) 2345 2346 Eng 6886

I did backup my channel list from the HDCI2000 to Formula, edited those channels, saved it downloaded it to the HDCI 2000... and they work! Watching Paul McCartney now!

I'll see if I can manage to upload a channels list containing only those BBCi channels in case anybody wants to copy and paste into their current channel list (always make a backup).


tinto de verano

27-10-2007, 08:24 PM
yip that would be nice hows about uploading the hole thing +the bbci i mean 2 files :D

tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 08:50 PM
Hi sparky208.
Have a look at the Public Upload Center.
There' should be a zip called Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.zip.
It contains the BBCi channels ONLY, to copy and paste to your existing channels list.
As for the whole complete channels list... Not there (yet), I'm afraid. It's (very slow) work in progress... I need to add more channels, remove others, sort them... and write something explaining what it contains and what NOT...
Hope you enjoy this little one for the time being.
tinto de verano

27-10-2007, 08:57 PM
topman tinto de verano ill have a play with it 1 other thing how do i get the info button on prem w .... to give me info some work most dont :rolleyes:

tinto de verano
27-10-2007, 09:26 PM
Good question.
I'm afraid I do not have the answer.
I'll see if I can find it.
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
30-10-2007, 01:15 AM
Hi there.
Please notice that, as pointed out by Bbigfoot in another thread, and as also annoyingly found out by me last night... when copying and pasting, you might get the Transponlder and Provider fields blank!!!
I still do not understand why.
Luckily, you can right click and add the missing data bye selecting it from an options list.
Good luck with adding the BBCi channels.
tinto de verano