View Full Version : Echolink english audio

10-11-2007, 01:16 AM
has premier stop its english audio? or is the fault is on my side ? at the moment i cant change it to any other language apart frome the one broadcasting with it . or has the option been disabled completely or something ?

10-11-2007, 05:27 AM
It's on your side, and I've had to move this thread you started from "Firmware" to the discussion area.

13-11-2007, 12:18 AM
English is usually on the second soundtrack although sometimes it is blank with only German on track1. Working OK today.

13-11-2007, 02:21 AM
English is not always available so sometimes the soundtrack is blank. in fact audio option 2 is for original language so if a film is french option 2 will be in french.

fred fickle
15-11-2007, 10:46 PM
has premier stop its english audio? or is the fault is on my side ? at the moment i cant change it to any other language apart frome the one broadcasting with it . or has the option been disabled completely or something ?
It is not on your side m8 as they have turned off the english audio on some recent films where English WAS the VO, or some dope has forgot to turn it on!!

23-11-2007, 03:33 PM
It is not on your side m8 as they have turned off the english audio on some recent films where English WAS the VO, or some dope has forgot to turn it on!!
now! that will explain it. though i`m still confused to why the audio button on my remote control unit are not working, or rather not doing what they are supposed to.
i got absolutely no option when pressing the audio button. i`m very dissapointed. .... such a great films in f@%£&*** ###ing language.:mad:

is there any other way around? :rolleyes: