View Full Version : Help Me Please!!!!

12-11-2007, 03:47 PM
Hey guys.

just updated my technomate 1500ci with the latest Firmware posted by echelon here:


then put the latest softcam in the box by kempa82 here:


after i finished i put my box and and yea its opening d+ , prem etc BUT the box keeps shutting off and going back on.

what is the problem


12-11-2007, 03:54 PM
moved to the correct forum

it seems some ppl have reboot problems on some channels on this new patch , especially the newer seca ones that were added

altering some of the seca ident parameters may stop it , or go back to v2.38 patch instead


12-11-2007, 03:55 PM
Hi m8
Dont know wether the file got corrupted or what!!! try download again and update... if this dosnt work, go back to an earier version and try again if that cures your problem you will know which file it is.
regards lone

12-11-2007, 03:56 PM
but its not seca its when i goto d+ channels on astra 19. will this stop if i use d+ on 30 west ?

or if i change the seca indents what ones do i change and what do i change them to

12-11-2007, 03:59 PM
19e was the problem sat for this rebooting trouble on d+ , 30 west was always ok

another point may be that you may not have the latest v1.71 technomate firmware inside the box , in which case you should have updated that first

as for the seca idents , check the darkman site for details on what ppl have done to try to fix it

alternatively , roll back to v2.38 patch instead which is what some of their staff and admins have said

12-11-2007, 04:02 PM
the reason i went to this firmware is it has d+ auto update and when u press 0 u get other channels

12-11-2007, 04:04 PM
agreed , but it also has had its fair share of problems too ( as did patches v2.39 and v2.40 )

so if you dont like it , complain to the person who issued the patch in the first place , on his forum

we dont have the answers and we dont make the patches , so there is no help to give

what we have here is kindly reproduced from al sat and they originate all the tm patches and softcams etc

if you have problems with a patch you should roll back to the last working one

12-11-2007, 04:38 PM
I don't think it is just the 1500 series because my 6800 with the latest patch and keys is doing the same but on France 5 but not any other, If i clear t--s on France 4 then France 5 is ok. It's just when it is updating

12-11-2007, 04:42 PM
agreed , several instances of these reboots have happened on all the recent 1000 , 5000 and 6000 series patches , prompting several updates to be issued quickly

he doesnt seem to have reported his problem over on al sat or to have checked what some members over there have said about changing ident parameters etc

if you have a sony tv with a fault , you report it to sony ( or the retailer )

if you have a samsung fault , you report it to samsung ( or the retailer )

so if you have problems with a darkman patch , guess who you report it to ? ;)