View Full Version : Who's using what ?

12-11-2007, 05:36 PM
Guys having spent ages messing with dgstation boxes I have finally given up with them and have a Technomate 9100 coming tomorrow ( hopefully ).

Now from what I can see in threads posted here its best to use official soft in flash and image on a SD card.

Is this right ?

I need to use CCcam and it needs to be stable so does anyone have a idea of what would be best image to use ?

Finally how do you install this iboot thing, I have had a quick search but still non the wiser.



12-11-2007, 06:22 PM
For me Keano I have DS v3.3 in the flash and have it running gbox with only the occasional reboot, I have to be honest and say I have not tested CCcam with it.
I have tried all the other images in the flash but the reboots are just to frequent.
I have also tried images on an sd card with iboot and it is fairly easy to follow but to be honest I have not found it to be any more stable.
The good thing is that teams are working hard on it and improvements are fairly swift.
As you are ok with a dreambox you will have no problems with this one m8!

12-11-2007, 07:31 PM
im using latest original in flash ur10b2 on a mmc and ccam. all seems to be working well

12-11-2007, 08:32 PM
OK thanks guys.

Zad I will try your method first, just that I have read some bad stories about people putting non-official images on flash.

Is this iboot thing easy to do ?

I know I have to have this installed if I want to use mmc card.

What size mmc card is OK ?

Do both card slots work with CCcam and ur10b2 ?

Thanks lads;)

12-11-2007, 08:44 PM
installing iboot should be a since for you mate as long as you follow the guides.
once iboot is installed its just a case of selecting what image you want to use on boot up

i would use a 256 memory card or bigger 1gb would be the best, that way you will have plenty room for emus plugins and addons (make sure you make a good size swap file)

as far i a know some versions of ccam have problems with both card slots but i dont use them so cant comment on them im afraid

12-11-2007, 08:46 PM
I have tried most images and have found for me is UR10 beta 2 in flash. It has small problems but nothing too bad. It works well will CCcam 2.0.4 EMUs and cs.
iboot is easylly load with TM manager here :- http://satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=71814
It also has a lot of extras.

12-11-2007, 08:47 PM
What cards do you want to use with CCcam ?

iboot is very easy to use


12-11-2007, 08:52 PM
What cards do you want to use with CCcam ?

iboot is very easy to use



They all work fine with db's and IPBOX running enigma so hopefully should be same on Technomate.

Guys once again thanks, I'll let you know how I get on.

12-11-2007, 08:53 PM
Hi Keano i too have been down the relook 400s route and at the moment it's in a cupboard in Spain. i have had a 9100 box for some time now it's a bit like the dreambox in the early days the main annoying problem i have is the 16.9-4.3 switching(remember this problem on the relook ?)
Iboot is realy easy to use i have it running on hdd with few problems tried it on 512mb mmc card but found hdd better and faster since trying this i have now put my dreamboxes via flash****** on hdd.
I have UR 10 beta 2 on flash and the rest on iboot the most stable bug free image i have found so far on iboot is UKur.Any other image on flash i find causes problems with G*ox.
Why do you need both slots working ? i have 2x 28 east cards working with G*ox 2.25 autoupdate working fine , never really got any where with CCcam on 9100 apart from 1.61.
If you need any more help with iboot let me know.


12-11-2007, 09:09 PM
Keano you will find as with dreambox what seems t work for one person doesn't seem to work for another it's a matter of trial and error good luck mate.


13-11-2007, 03:39 PM
Thanks guys, I have just nipped home from work and citylink have been so it looks like a trip to trafford park, think i'll wait to later barton bridge coming back to walkden is a nightmare from now till 19.00.

I can see a late coming up:)

13-11-2007, 06:55 PM
Is it worth me loading DSteam 3.4 or should I stick with 3.2?

I don't use my TM9100 much, so if 3.4 is no better then the Technomate is going for good.

13-11-2007, 07:00 PM
dsteam v3.4 has the aspect problem on 16:9 switching , as reported by nml , and has problems on hdd playback going into a loop

dsteam v3.5 is eagerly awaited by us all , as is any official technomate firmware too

I wouldnt put the dsteam v3.4 into your flash as its slow to boot , aspect problem and playback problem

its also a devil to get out and needs a full noboot serial image using a null modem cable

but its a good image , but as usual requires some improvements ( dont they all ? )

13-11-2007, 07:05 PM
Thanks echelon.

I will just leave as it is then, as 3.2 was the best image.
Did not like any of the other Betas knocking around, and just don't think the picture quality is as good as the Dreambox, so not using the 9100 anymore.

13-11-2007, 07:40 PM
I am using UKUR in flash and the latest UR10 in iboot with a 64 meg swap file, no reboots or crashes since installation and the screen size changes work ok also.

13-11-2007, 07:57 PM
I am using UKUR in flash and the latest UR10 in iboot with a 64 meg swap file, no reboots or crashes since installation and the screen size changes work ok also.

Do you use gbox on those images ?


14-11-2007, 08:28 AM
No mate, no card sharing or official cards, just mgcam and evo. The best setup i have found so far.

14-11-2007, 12:40 PM
No mate, no card sharing or official cards, just mgcam and evo. The best setup i have found so far.

I thought I would ask in case someone decided to use that combo but were also going to use gbox as gbox stopped
working on all my iboot images when I had UR010B2 in flash and I think the same happens with UKUR

Not sure if it works in the flash either with those two images


14-11-2007, 03:46 PM
Guys got mine this morning, I am still not 100% sure abouting putting a non-official image in flash.

Also why can't we just use flash****** to flash box ?

14-11-2007, 04:53 PM
Guys got mine this morning, I am still not 100% sure abouting putting a non-official image in flash.

Also why can't we just use flash****** to flash box ?

As has already been mentioned original 009 in flash and UR010B2 on iboot is a pretty good combo so try that first
and your probably find you wont need to put a third party image in the flash


14-11-2007, 05:28 PM
M8 bit of luck for me, Ive taken it out of the box and trader as put a UR image on flash.
It dates back to August.

Everything looks OK and stable I downloaded CCcam_2.0.3 from addon menu and have it connected to my special pc and now watching showsports2 without any problem.

14-11-2007, 06:04 PM
M8 bit of luck for me, Ive taken it out of the box and trader as put a UR image on flash.
It dates back to August.

Everything looks OK and stable I downloaded CCcam_2.0.3 from addon menu and have it connected to my special pc and now watching showsports2 without any problem.

Either that or a previous customer :confused:


14-11-2007, 07:11 PM
Nope box still had protective covers on it and book and remote still bagged up.

Also nothing was done to the image in box, ie setup etc.

It was like it had been flashed then boxed back up.

I am still going to have a play, going to install HDD and put multiboot on it.

14-11-2007, 07:55 PM
Nope box still had protective covers on it and book and remote still bagged up.

Also nothing was done to the image in box, ie setup etc.

It was like it had been flashed then boxed back up.

I am still going to have a play, going to install HDD and put multiboot on it.

My dealer loaded UR10 b2 while I went to the hole in the wall to pay him cash too get a great deal. Like Keano it still had the plastic film and came empty of channels. I fitted a seagate 160gb drive and as long as I load images with iboot it a well behaved machine.:D

14-11-2007, 08:55 PM
You know what this image on box is so stable and yet to cause a single problem i may not bother trying anything else.

I have put a 100gb seagate ( its all i had ) in it and it records perfect.

Only downside is nd$ card is not seen by CCcam in reader, which is strange when you consider enigma on db and dgstation box see the card, maybe its a driver issue.

What I also like is the HDD shuts off by it self when not in use, something dgstation boxes never did.

So far so good, well impressed.

Don't know if it matters but mine is the 9100 super and not the 9100.

14-11-2007, 08:56 PM
Play with iboot on a sd card first, then do a complete back-up t card before you fit the HD.
Most probs have come from people with HD in the box.
That way if all goes **** up then you can recover from sd card.


15-11-2007, 01:46 PM
Looks like i have my first problem, i tried to scan in 7.0e and while it was scanning everything has gone a funny colour.

I have re-flashed and rebooted but its made no difference.

The welcome screen is OK, its just when enigma kicks in the banner is a pale right colour and the pictures are all either blue red or yellow.

15-11-2007, 01:50 PM
check the av settings are correct

15-11-2007, 02:00 PM
As echelon says check AV settings

The "config" file on 9100 has a habit of becoming corrupt or at least they do on mine which is another reason to use iboot


15-11-2007, 03:34 PM
Cheers lads,

I checked AV settings straight away and changed them but made no difference.

I flash to official image 9 but still there and ur10 but still there, also done factory reset but still its there.

I don't think its a hardware fault because welcome screen is perfect.

What the difference between 9100 and 9101 ?

I am at work now so can't do much, but I've just been and got a 1gb sd card so when I leave here in 30mins I'll flash box with official image and try UR or DS on sd card.

Failing that then I am bugg*red what to do next:confused:

In my other post I should have said banner is red instead of enigma blue.

15-11-2007, 03:44 PM
9101 has a bigger flash memory

check the leads are all ok

I find it best to have either tm009 or UR010beta2 in the flash and run images through iboot on a 1 gig sd card

15-11-2007, 03:56 PM
Agree with you its likely not to be hardware if initial screen is ok

I've had images on iboot where files have become corrupt and I tried to replace or delete them but they wont budge so
something similar could be happening, its one thing I don't like about linux is the way its attributes work

Your have to go down the noboot route if flashing the other ways doesn't work


15-11-2007, 04:54 PM
Don't know WTF is going on, but just got home put box on and pictures OK now.

Looks like it needed a 2 hour break, it better not want a 2 hour break when footy is on:).

Only thing now is path is not found for cpanel.xml.

Its all good fun

15-11-2007, 05:01 PM
Do you mean cpanel is missing if so heres the latest stick it in /var/etc/ you probably know where it goes anyway


15-11-2007, 05:53 PM
Cheers m8, was just going to ask for that.

OK update from me, SD card is up and running and I have DS 3.4 team on it and it works OK apart from screen keeps going crazy when zapping between channels.
One minute its 16:9 then its 4:3 then its something in between.

I have put settings on 4:3 pan and scan, this for now looks to the best idea.

Once again cheers guys could not have done it with out your help;)

So think its time for a donation from me.


Where's the donation icon gone ?

15-11-2007, 06:02 PM
that is one of the major bugs in the dsteam image , and in many others too

you may find it works betther with ur010b2 in the flash , as will ur010b2 on the sdcard , or that newer tgs file , but none of the images is bug free , they all have some problems

what we really want is a brand new fixed flash file from technomate and then some bug free images from ur , dsteam and the others for the mmc cards using iboot

15-11-2007, 07:26 PM
Hi Keano glad you are sorted as a fellow member who has had the experience of dreambox and dgs-Relook i think i can sum it up by saying the Tm can be as rewarding as dreambox but as frustrating as Dgs.
As ech said none of the images are bug free (very similar to Relook) but aagain as he said try 10.2 in flash and then play with iboot i have had the best results this way.
I noticed in one of your earlier posts you mentioned Flash****** sadly not compatible mate.
Don't want to tempt you on yet another new box, but have you seen the info on he TM 6800 hd series might have to sell a couple of boxes first though


15-11-2007, 08:57 PM
Yeah m8 seen the HD box but I am waiting ( hoping ) for a HD linux box before Christmas.
Might be Christmas 2010 but hey whats another couple of years to wait:)