View Full Version : Steep learning curve ahead

12-11-2007, 11:17 PM
After many years of sterling service my Humax 5400 suc***bed to the usual power suply failure and I have sold it to a friend who will replace the power board and use it himself.
I have just purchased by mail order a Technomate 1500+super to replace it . I will now have to learn all over again how to patch it and use it properly.
I have a Gibertini 1 metre dish that gets all sats from 58W to 53E.
To avoid asking lame questions here I have done some researchdownloaded the latest loader ,softcam, editor and darkman patch. I know I can download a channel list but I would like to customise my own by doing a blind search on each satellite.I still have the null modem lead from my Hummy.
I will probably need some help hopefully not too much.
Just a question. Is he tuner more sensitive than the Humax. I could get and a few channels on Nilesat and amos2 at night on it for example. I expect delivery of the Tm 1500 tomorrow so will let you know how i get on,
regards, Michael.

13-11-2007, 09:01 AM
cant help with that question but some help for you

1) factory reset the box when you get it and check the version number in system info
2) if its not the latest technomate v1.71 then download it and send it in
3) factory reset it again
4) now load in the darkman patch
5) now load in the latest tm softcam
6) setup the av settings , motor or usals settings and rf output channel

you are now ready to do the channel scans etc

once you channel list is sorted , back it up to your pc using the darkman loader

use the latest clarketech editor for amending your channel lists

13-11-2007, 06:28 PM
Hi Echelon,
Thanks for your advice m8. I hope to receive it tomorrow or the next day as it has been mailed.
Incidentally I bought it already patched.
I will let you know how I get on.
Is there a tutorial for novices (to this box) where I may be able to glean useful info,

13-11-2007, 06:34 PM
I have added some copy and paste tutorials to the faq thread up top this morning

its an easy box to learn , especially if you have done this before on other boxes like sammy or hummy

although its already patched you really need to know what official firmware is in it as well as which patch

v2.38 patch from 4th oct is the most stable patch , whereas v2.41 is the newest patch

13-11-2007, 08:24 PM
Theres my channel list in the section above you will be hard pressed to find a better one

14-11-2007, 12:35 AM
Thanks guys . Have saved the channel list and checked out all the other info as well. Quiet a lot to digest but I`m sure ite will be ok,

17-11-2007, 01:12 PM
Much easier than the Humax as you only need the Loader v.1.87 to load channels, patches and keys (as opposed to Humbox, Humax Uploader or equivalent, and DSR 9500for the keys). You're not left wondering whether to load a PMC table (another tool to do that), or wondering why something doesn't open when you've finished! Just try it, it's easy! As Echelon says, you need the original Tech 1.71 first. Ignore the fact it's already patched, load 1.71, then the latest patch. The earlier 1500 without the blind search is said to have a more sensitive tuner, but both versions are fine. Heven't done a comparison with a Humax tuner. Good Luck!

18-11-2007, 11:19 AM
Hi Guys,
As promised an update.
I received the box on Friday and had a play around with it on Saturday.
System information is as follows
Model TM1500+
S/W Version Darkman 2.41p (Nov 8 2007)
HW Version 1.12
Boot version 2.10 (08:10)
CH Version Oct 06
It appears that I have the correct latest darkman software on it already. Is that right ???????Also on this screen is Biss menu with a lot of keys shown.
Don understand why its Biss on all Channels. Should this change??

Anyway set it up using diseq 1.2 tuned in 20 or so satellites and scanned them. Tried usals but that did not peak the satellites -guess my dish is very slightly off.
Anyway its fine on all sats even getting 10 channels on Amos2 and 60 or so on Nilesat at night and they break up. I have a 1m Gibertini dish near manchester so dont expect to recieve Nilesat properly.
The tuner seems slightly better than the Humax as that only got Nilesat in the summer when no clouds were up.
I spun the dish to Hispasat and had a black screen on all D+. Left it and after a few minutes they all opened - it autoupdated. Then moved it to 19.2 East Astra and Premiere was black -this too autoupdated and all are clearing now. I`m over the moon about this.
I`m not clearing TPS or any other packages as yet. I guess I have to manually input keys for anything else or reflash the box. this is the next step on my learning curve.
so in conclusion I am very happy with my new toy. The menu system is much more user friendly than the Humax and ite faster with no lockups. I bought it on impusle off fleabay for £75 + p&p on the night my 5400 blew up and I`m very happy overall,
Thanks to all for your help and suggestions up to now - any more based on what Ive told you this post will be welcome,
regards, Michael.

18-11-2007, 11:45 AM
that v2.41 is the latest darkman patch , so at the moment you dont know which original firmware is in there , hopefully its either v1.70 or v1.70 , but I wouldnt worry about that for now as you have the latest patch embedded

also on that screen should say cas and biss , cas for the normal keys and biss for the biss keys , dont worry about those at this stage , take it step by step and learn as you go , to turn them off type in 2004 , and 2004 turns them back on again

load in the latest kempa82 tm softcam using the dm loader and the keys tab

I dont get nilesat properly either so again dont worry about that ( bigger dish needed )

premiere is au , d+ is au , polsat is au ( I think )

digi tv on 1 west and dmc on 15w are open using the tm softcam , also arqiva on 5 east (sirius)

tps is opened by putting the box on sci-fi channel , or france 4 , or m6 music black and waiting until it auto updates after say 1 minute
do this daily to keep tps and multivision open

also remember the box has a 5000 channel limit and a 999 transponder limit , so delete the rubbish and dead channels and out of date transponders etc

18-11-2007, 12:07 PM
Hi Echelon,
I can confirm that Polsat is clear as well as D+ and Premiere. I have the cas and biss tabs on the system info screen.
I have now selected M6 music and waiting to see if owt happens and it has as I`m typing lol. Took only a minute as you say.
All TPS inc Multivision have cleared.

I have downloaded the darkman loader and the kempa82 softcam file. I will load these later today when i get time.
many thanks for your help up to now,
thanks Michael.

29-11-2007, 01:43 AM
How do you find the tuner?

29-11-2007, 06:10 PM
Making comparisons with the Humax 5400.........

I have found that a Humax key bin once it was entered into the machine turned all the required channels on

The Technomate softcam key has to be entered in the same way as the Humax but then you have to Manualy enter all the keys you require as well

29-11-2007, 08:14 PM
Making comparisons with the Humax 5400.........

I have found that a Humax key bin once it was entered into the machine turned all the required channels on

The Technomate softcam key has to be entered in the same way as the Humax but then you have to Manualy enter all the keys you require as well

The softcam keys file should work in exactly the same way in the Technomate as downloading a key.bin file does in the Humax.

What you may have experienced is a provider change of keys which occurred after the softcam file was created.

29-11-2007, 08:16 PM
Dayday, I'm quite sure you only intend to help, but what you are saying is incorrect. Once the key file has been loaded into the receiver correctly, there should be no need to load keys manually - otherwise there would be no point loading the softcam. Obviously, if any of the softcam keys are out of date, they need to be replaced. That applies equally to any receiver or cam.

29-11-2007, 08:17 PM
Beat me to it, FXMan!

30-11-2007, 02:58 PM
Maybe i am doing something wrong then Fella,s.........

A humax key bin you could load with the reciever turned on and all the channels would come on in front of your eyes

The Techno softcam is loaded with the machine in standby and when i turn it on there,s nothing

Is there something i am missing ?

30-11-2007, 03:15 PM
With the Humax you then had to switch to standby, or the keys wouldn't be stored. With the Technomate, once it says "Finish" on your monitor, they're stored. Are you using a softcam file written specifically for a Technomate? If not you may have problems. Have you checked (I know this sounds silly, but I've seen it done - often) that you're actually loading the same softcam file into the receiver that you just downloaded? Not the same one you used last time. Check which packages are currently AU in the Technomate, and give time for the AU to work. The whole procedure should be simpler than with the Humax - not least because one "loader" does the lot. Compare that with the Humax Toolbox!

30-11-2007, 05:18 PM
Try downloading the keys with the Technomate switched on if you're having problems.

30-11-2007, 06:30 PM
Try downloading the keys with the Technomate switched on if you're having problems.

Well i never............

All the years i have been programming the Humax and just lately the Techno

I was told by a million and one people to load the keys with the Techno in standby

No wonder i had to load the keys by hand afterwards and all that time it was the same procedure as the Humax

Just loaded the softcam key on to a memory stick and put it in my just aquired Techno 6900 HD

went into the menu and found the softcam and loaded it

The Techno requested i did not turn the machine of during transfer and afterwards the picture came straight on

Huge thanks FXMan..........Your a bloody superstar mate :D:D:D

30-11-2007, 06:36 PM
I have had a tm1500ci+ for about 18 months or more , and always loaded the tm softcam straight in with the box on , and if on a scrambled channel it would come on within a few seconds

any problems and I would goto standby and back on again which is a reboot , and any major problems the box would be turned off and then back on again

I never load the keys in as well , but sometimes do it by remote just to keep my experience up , usua;;y its the tm softcam sent in and job done , no standby , no nothing , simple and quick

30-11-2007, 06:51 PM
Like Echelon, I've always downloaded the keys with the machine switched on, hence the suggestion. As you said Dayday, it's exactly the same procedure as with the Humax 5400.

I've never really got to grips with inserting the keys manually and don't wish to change the tack of the thread, but if say Polsat has 4 lines of keys in the CAS set up, how do you know which keys to replace? Ie is it lines 10 & 11 or 20 & 21?

Anyway, glad I could help you out Dayday. :)

30-11-2007, 07:28 PM
My tm1500 is connected via a very long made up null lead to computer in another room and never disconnected, which enables quick and easy downloading of tmsoftcam even if viewing a channel on another satellite . Works every time. Doesnt affect the channel being viewed and clears on the other satellite at the same time.

30-11-2007, 07:30 PM
10 & 11 are used if its an 00 key

20 & 21 are used if its an 01 key

the key is 32 characters in total so you split it into 2 and insert into the 2 appropriate lines

30-11-2007, 07:51 PM
Cheers Echelon, I knew I was being thick!

30-11-2007, 07:57 PM
How do you find the tuner?

My Technomate is the TMS 1500+ which is said to have a more sensitive tuner than my Humax 5400. I find it very similar to be honest just clearing the V channels of Nilesat when its clear outside at night. Getting a dozen channels from Amos 2 also but only under the conditions mentioned above.
I have a 1metre Gibertini dish and a MTI 0.2 LNB.

Overall I would say the box is a vast improvement on the humax as one would expect - e Hummy is 10 years old.
The user manual leaves a lot un explained but I managed to suss it out. The menus are more logically laid out and easier to use.
I have 3 computers in the house but only one the oldest pc has a 9 pin socket for my null modem lead. my new Dell and my lapptop dont have it so I have to disconnect it and take it upstairs to reflash it.
I need a null modem to Usb lead if there is such a thing so I can leave the lead connected to the box just connect to my laptop when necessary.
Can this be done?,
Thanks to all for your help and encouragement,
regards, Michael.

30-11-2007, 08:00 PM
you can buy cheap usb2serial adapters , load in suitable drivers on the pc or lappy and connect a standard null modem cable from the tm1500 to this usb adapter , then use the darkman loader as normal

I have never got this working myself , but plenty of ppl have managed it and use these adapters on various boxes including the technomates and humaxes etc

01-12-2007, 08:00 PM
Thanks for the info Echelon. I will order one of these.
Many thanks, Michael.

08-12-2007, 12:45 PM
I have also just taken delivery yesterday of a Technomate 1500 ci+ after my Humax finally expired. Having never used a Technomate before I have found this thread most informative and within less than an hour of taking it it out of its box I was watching Premiere. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for the info. I'm looking forward to learning a lot more about this machine.


08-12-2007, 12:57 PM
Plenty to watch now! Watch out for a new patch (DigiTV AU) very soon!

08-12-2007, 03:08 PM
Digitv still clears mate!

08-12-2007, 04:12 PM
Yes but not AU.

08-12-2007, 08:04 PM
you can buy cheap usb2serial adapters , load in suitable drivers on the pc or lappy and connect a standard null modem cable from the tm1500 to this usb adapter , then use the darkman loader as normal

I have never got this working myself , but plenty of ppl have managed it and use these adapters on various boxes including the technomates and humaxes etc

I bought one of these off fleabay. It came with a little driver disc. You have to load the driver first then plug in the adaptor. It works a treat for me . I can now connect my Technomate to the laptop -just loaded the latest softcam file. Only slight snag is I was hoping to leave the null modem lead connected to the STB box permanently and just pull it out and connect to my laptop when necessary but I cant . The null modem lead fouls the TV scart - they cant be connected at the same time. Why did the Tecnomate designers put the rs232 port so close to tv scart socket ???, Not a major problem I know but annoying, regards, Mike. PS good to see this thread was of some value to others in the same boat as me.

08-12-2007, 08:14 PM
its a good point , and the same problem happened to my brother`s tm1500ci too

so I made up a little 9 way 9 pin dsub male to female lead about 4 inches long using crimp connectors and a piece of 9 way ribbon cable , and he leaves that plugged in all the time and connects the null modem cable to it instead

I believe the 9 way joystick extension leads as used on old atari and amiga,s also work

and as you only need pins 2 , 3 and 5 you can make that lead up if you wanted to from very few parts

another option is a scart lead that is rear entry and not side entry ( yes I know ;) ) or these flat ribbon cable scarts which should mean the scart lead doesnt foul the serial port

10-12-2007, 11:25 PM
Hi Echelon,
Yes I have one of the ribbon scarts but its standard length. I have a special long gold plated scart to reach my Sony LCd tv its 2 meters long. So I will have to make up something as you suggest. Or I could just swap over the scart rear entry with side entry one I have . A quick look reveals it just a matter of changing the outer case no rewiring is necessary. Will sort it soon when I get time - having to work 7 days week in work to get jobs out before xmas, Thanks for your input, regards Michael.

21-12-2007, 10:08 PM
Just sorted the problem of the TV scart fouling the rs232 null modem lead. As always the best ideas are the simplest. It was just a matter of removing the housing from the scart reversing it and refitting it lol. The lead needs to be coming in to the angled side of the scart rather than the square end. In fact looking at my collection af scarts some are assembled that way -others are reversed. Now I can connect both TV scart and null modem lead permanently. Cant believe I didnt think of this sooner,:redface:
regards, Mike.