View Full Version : HDCI2000 motorized to fixed?

tinto de verano
15-11-2007, 01:46 AM
Hi there.
I'm planning to buy a TM6900 and use it as the primary receiver in the living room.
So far I've been using a HDCI2000 with a motorized dish (with a quad LNB, for future proofing).
The installer told me in the future I could use the HDCI2000 as a secondary reciever in another room. But I should set it to fixed antenna. The main receiver TM6900 would move the dish, select the sat... and the HDCI2000 would be able to pick channels from that same sat.
How can I change the settings in the HDCI2000 from motorized to fixed?
Do I have to do a system reset and start all over again?
How many sats can I add for a fixed dish (even if the dish is motorized and controlled by the TM6900)?
Once the HDCI2000 is properly configured as fixed antenna, can I import a channel list even if it is for a motorized dish?
Thanks a lot.
tinto de verano

15-11-2007, 06:45 AM
I don't have this setup, but.......
Thinking about it logically, as long as you select the same sat that the TM6900 is set to it shouldn't be a problem.
If the TM6900 is set to point at 1W and you are watching a prog through the TM6900 on that sat, then decide you want to watch a different prog on the same sat using the HDC1200 in the other room, at this point, the HDC1200 may still be set to a previous sat, say 19W, so, when you switch the HDC1200 on, you get 'no signal' (which would be correct, as the dish is now pointing at 1W), you now change sats through the remote as normal to point the HDC1200 at the sat that the TM6900 has turned the dish to (1W), the HDC1200 'thinks' it is moving the dish to 1W, when in reality it is already there, so 'bingo' you have a signal, and can choose the channel you want to watch on 1W.

That would be my train of thought on this anyway, if someone has this setup, then please enlighten further.


tinto de verano
15-11-2007, 09:51 PM
Hi doubleudee,
Thanks for your answer.
I guess it makes sense, yes.
My concern is that if I have the new TM6900 in the living room on, as you say, 1W... I have to shout to the person in the other room something like: "Oi! You may only choose channels from 1W, cause I'm watching something there. Don't you dare select Astra 2 and move the dish!"
I guess the TM6900 must be the master/main receiver and the HDCI2000 must somehow be configured as the secondary/slave/fixed receiver... Otherwise both will be moving the dish... Unless the first reciever to power up becomes the master... I do not know. I just rememeber the installer telling me: "if you ever do it, you'll have to set it as fixed".
Any more ideas/suggestions?
Thank you very much.
tinto de verano

15-11-2007, 10:59 PM
I have a tm9100 in one room with a tm 1500 linked to it in another room.If you loop out from the 6900 to humax as long as tm 6900 is on it will be the master and you will not be able to move the dish with the humax until your tm 6900 is on standby.This is how it works with my set up.Hopes this helps.

15-11-2007, 11:07 PM
I have an HDCI2000 on the loopthrough from another receiver. I use a positioner and both boxes are 'fixed'. I just select the channels appropriate to the dish setting.

Channel lists are not a problem. I make lists for both receivers.

tinto de verano
16-11-2007, 12:49 AM
Hi bobbydee and cascara.
Thanks for sharing your info.
I see both of you loopthrough.
Interesting that positioner thing (could you give me more info about positioner brand, model, price... so I do some research?)
I was not thinking about loopingthrough though.
My (original) idea was to have a quad LNB, which I got, with 4 separate cables (one to living room and 3 to 3 other rooms each).
Thank you very much.
tinto de verano