View Full Version : premiere info bad news

15-11-2007, 07:59 PM
just found this

As it sends premiere seems now over the EMM Provider 0401 new Bugcatcher the new code in the EEPROM of the premiere maps brings. Which is employed there exactly is so far unknown, but it aims probably at a change for the improvement of the Christmas business outside.

15-11-2007, 08:05 PM
Translation please...


15-11-2007, 08:14 PM
I agree???

15-11-2007, 08:29 PM

15-11-2007, 08:31 PM
Ah Ive got it now what you are saying is, As it sends premiere seems now over the EMM Provider 0401 new Bugcatcher the new code in the EEPROM of the premiere maps brings. Which is employed there exactly is so far unknown, but it aims probably at a change for the improvement of the Christmas business outside.

15-11-2007, 08:42 PM

Tony C.
15-11-2007, 08:46 PM
Oh I see....that was from Mr.Gook first name Gobeldy.

15-11-2007, 10:35 PM
If it is repeated many times in a loud voice, does it become intelligible? :D


15-11-2007, 11:46 PM
well i never!!!!!!!!!

16-11-2007, 05:13 PM
This may be easier to understand

ɐs ıʇ sǝnds pɹǝɯıǝɹǝ sǝǝɯs noʍ oʌǝɹ ʇɥǝ ǝɯɯ pɹoʌıdǝɹ 0401 nǝʍ buqɔɐʇɔɥǝɹ ʇɥǝ nǝʍ ɔodǝ ın ʇɥǝ ǝǝpɹoɯ oɟ ʇɥǝ pɹǝɯıǝɹǝ ɯɐps bɹınqs. ʍɥıɔɥ ıs ǝɯp1oʎǝd ʇɥǝɹǝ ǝxɐɔʇ1ʎ ıs so ɟɐɹ unʞnoʍn, buʇ ıʇ ɐıɯs pɹobɐb1ʎ ɐʇ ɐ ɔɥɐnqǝ ɟoɹ ʇɥǝ ıɯpɹoʌǝɯǝnʇ oɟ ʇɥǝ ɔɥɹısʇɯɐs busınǝss ouʇsıdǝ.


16-11-2007, 05:30 PM
This may be easier to understand

ɐs ıʇ sǝnds pɹǝɯıǝɹǝ sǝǝɯs noʍ oʌǝɹ ʇɥǝ ǝɯɯ pɹoʌıdǝɹ 0401 nǝʍ buqɔɐʇɔɥǝɹ ʇɥǝ nǝʍ ɔodǝ ın ʇɥǝ ǝǝpɹoɯ oɟ ʇɥǝ pɹǝɯıǝɹǝ ɯɐps bɹınqs. ʍɥıɔɥ ıs ǝɯp1oʎǝd ʇɥǝɹǝ ǝxɐɔʇ1ʎ ıs so ɟɐɹ unʞnoʍn, buʇ ıʇ ɐıɯs pɹobɐb1ʎ ɐʇ ɐ ɔɥɐnqǝ ɟoɹ ʇɥǝ ıɯpɹoʌǝɯǝnʇ oɟ ʇɥǝ ɔɥɹısʇɯɐs busınǝss ouʇsıdǝ.


thats a lot clearer AM556 m8

16-11-2007, 05:39 PM
We've all (including myself) had a laugh now! Steblack, although the rules say Engish only, in the cir***stances could you please post the original (I presume German), and we'll try again - the info may well be of interest!

16-11-2007, 05:44 PM
If it is repeated many times in a loud voice, does it become intelligible? :D



16-11-2007, 08:23 PM
:D If we could have the original German perhaps we can make a better translation. First attemt from this Gobbeldygook -
It seems that premier are sending a new nano over the EMM on ident 0401. So far it's purpose/effect is unknown but can be assumed to produce black screens during the Yuletide period!

we are borg
16-11-2007, 08:54 PM
@ Badger

I was happy with the first translation as i didnt know what it meant.

Now I know what it means I'm slipping into a massive red wine fuelled depression which may last whilst I become comaotosed through drink so I dont feel the effects of premiere withdrawal syndrome at xmas.

Happy fooking xmas you selfish swinehunts who rather think of profits over giving pleasure to the mass unwashed satellite community,

we are borg

16-11-2007, 08:59 PM
Lets face it lads, this has been on the cards for a while.

16-11-2007, 10:06 PM
I'm trying to recall the last time Premiere had a play with their auto update code, in an attempt to stop us getting hold of the new keys( if only briefly) . I'm not recalling anything on that respect, I fact I can only recall them toying MECM on and off swich.

I quite supprised Premiere have not tryed more than one of the many coutermeasues that kudelski have clamed their system has. They only appear to be concerned with the endgame that is swaping out customers smartcards.

17-11-2007, 04:48 PM
Thanks all for one of the best LOL I have had for ages. As for the translation ( thanks badger ) and the meaning we will have to wait.

17-11-2007, 11:15 PM
Well made interesting reading I think lol, but wont be surprised if we have problems over the festive period.

23-11-2007, 02:59 PM
Premiere AU not working today!!!

23-11-2007, 03:13 PM
I add again lattest key but PW is DOWN!


EDIT: Also PW Star not working...
EDIT 2: at this time in PW Star only Cartoon Network and NASA working...other channels is down...(14:25 uk time)
EDIT 3: Cartoon Network is down...only NASA working (14:27 uk time)

23-11-2007, 03:40 PM
Premiere AU not working today!!!

..are you using ss2/v-plug?With new v-plug 2.0 version (TPS AU fixed) Premiere AU does not work for me neither,but with older versions Premiere AU is OK...

23-11-2007, 03:43 PM
No m8, at this time i have old he@d receiver (i wait new t-rex cam) and au is down how i say...


23-11-2007, 03:49 PM
Working again with this key (by ceyer)... ;)

23-11-2007, 03:54 PM
...true...Alt DVB probably updated when AU was still on....just checked with Prog DVb and AU doesnt work...however,all OK with manual update...

23-11-2007, 04:59 PM
That's good news, then!

23-11-2007, 05:09 PM
hi guys
are you all on a different timescale to me? Premrunning seamlessly here on DB 7000 and Cccam2.0.4 - watching ice hockey, films , rakes progress- what more do you want - perhaps its yet to arrive here in the west country. lol - cheers brain

23-11-2007, 05:40 PM
Several possibilities there, e.g.
1. Some AU software still OK
2.Current keys acquired by software before AU stopped working
3.Key file including current keys (maybe used before) added at some stage.
no doubt other possibilities too!

23-11-2007, 05:57 PM
I think what he is clearly trying to say is as follows...

The pink monkey must never swallow the typewriter while the yellow rabbit is singing.

Its simple really.

23-11-2007, 06:07 PM
Premiere is back Using Key [ 01] E7 ????????????????????????53 ? This is not New :D Wait And see iff they go back to [00] Key? They Did the same weeks Ago;)

23-11-2007, 06:15 PM
Premi not working with DIDEM or its some new soft for it ?

23-11-2007, 06:55 PM
Several possibilities there, e.g.
1. Some AU software still OK
2.Current keys acquired by software before AU stopped working
3.Key file including current keys (maybe used before) added at some stage.
no doubt other possibilities too!

...apparently current key was also active on october,30 for a short time,so the third possibility is probably a right one...

23-11-2007, 07:02 PM
Maybe applies to Brain too????

23-11-2007, 07:53 PM
Maybe theyve just run out of keys - lol - or the s**t is about to hit the fan Cheers - brain

23-11-2007, 08:03 PM
You never know! Anyway, fine for now, AU isn't essential!

23-11-2007, 08:32 PM
AU isn't essential!

maybeee not but it sure saved me finger devices the extra work load and now me missis will have to use hers so out cometh the instruction manuall again oh hier dunkoff mein funkenstiner keyzen bastezenz:mad:

23-11-2007, 08:53 PM
Point taken, Aircooled - but only really a problem if they start changing keys several times a day!

24-11-2007, 07:52 AM
I'm using WZ_Predator362_Extended_BISS_1811 07.dra and Premiere is AU

24-11-2007, 11:29 AM
Correct Correct

erm lol.

26-11-2007, 08:04 PM
AU doesn't work anymore. I needed to put keys manually today

26-11-2007, 08:29 PM
Sounds as though AU may not have ben working as you thought, bearing in mind they were re-using a previous key. Maybe not long before we get new AU software? (Just guessing, let's not get into a long discussion about that - time will tell!)