View Full Version : HELP!!! tips/advice buying DVD Recorder

16-11-2007, 07:33 PM
hey every1

all advice and recommendations apreciated:confused:

buget not limmited
i hav nothing HD GAGETS at the moment and not realy fussed with it.
DVD Recorder will b used mainley with my DB7025 twin CABLE/SAT tuners

many thanks:)

28-11-2007, 11:46 AM
best one pioneer dvr 550hxs all diskformats divex playback analouge and digital 160 hard drive around 300 can get region free if u look around easy to use cant say more

28-11-2007, 03:20 PM
ASDA do some cheap ones -- Make sure it reads DiVX like above - I have one I bought about year ago for £60